Cocoa Internals/Memo

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TMemo widgetset is implemented over NSTextView


By default NSTextView is designed to be constantly word-wrapped. Disabling word-wrapping could be quite complicated from a start due to odd-default values chosen by Apple, as well as complex (yet flexible) Text Layout system.

  • NSTextView is a "cocoa" control, however it's not drawing the text by it's own it's also using:
  • NSTextContainer. Both NSTextContainer and NSTextView settings influence on how the text is rendered in the end.

The example shows, of creating NSTextView that automatically resizes itself horizontally. However NSTextView doesn't provide its own scrollbars, thus no scrollbars would be seen.

procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
  txt : NSTextView;
  txt := NSTextView.alloc.initWithFrame(NSMakeRect(10,ClientHeight-10-50,50,50));


  // making the maximum size - maximum!
  // 10000000 is a "magic constant" could be found in Apple documents
  txt.setMaxSize( NSMakeSize(10000000, 10000000));
  // preventing textContainer from following the width of NSTextView
  // making TextContainer large enough.
  txt.textContainer.setContainerSize ( NSMakeSize( 10000000, 1024));
  // making NSTextView to resize automatically to the text boundries (max width)


The next step is actually to embed NSTextView into ScrollView (as a documentView).

See Also