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The fpSpreadsheet library offers a convenient way to generate and read spreadsheet documents in various formats. The library is written in a very flexible manner, capable of being extended to support any number of formats easily.

API Dokumentation

API Referenz

Eine Referenz im CHM-Format befindet sich hier:



Zwei Arten von Formeln werden von FPSpreadsheet unterstützt: String-Formeln und RPN-Formeln. String formulas are written in strings just like in the office application, zum Beispiel "ROUND(A1+B1)", während RPN-Formeln in Umgekehrter Polnischer Notation (Reverse Polish Notation) geschrieben werden, zum Beispiel: A1, B1, Add, 0, ROUND


Ein Beispiel für die Verwendung eingebauter Routinen:


 // Schreibt die Formel E1 = ABS(A1)
 SetLength(MyRPNFormula, 2);
 MyRPNFormula[0].ElementKind := fekCell;
 MyRPNFormula[0].Col := 0;
 MyRPNFormula[0].Row := 0;
 MyRPNFormula[1].ElementKind := fekABS;
 MyWorksheet.WriteRPNFormula(0, 4, MyRPNFormula);
 // Schreibt die Formel F1 = ROUND(A1, 0)
 SetLength(MyRPNFormula, 3);
 MyRPNFormula[0].ElementKind := fekCell;
 MyRPNFormula[0].Col := 0;
 MyRPNFormula[0].Row := 0;
 MyRPNFormula[1].ElementKind := fekNum;
 MyRPNFormula[1].DoubleValue := 0.0;
 MyRPNFormula[2].ElementKind := fekROUND;
 MyWorksheet.WriteRPNFormula(0, 5, MyRPNFormula);


Eingebaute Routinen

ABS - Returns the absolute value of a given number. Takes 1 argument. Example: ABS(-1) = 1

ROUND - Rounds a number to a given number of decimal places. Takes 2 arguments, first the number to be rounded and then the number of decimal places to be rounded to. This second argument is zero by default and may be negative.


FPSpreadsheet comes with the following packages to facilitate it's usage with:


Adds all necessary files to use fpspreadsheet in your Lazarus projects. After adding this package as a requirement to your project you can add "fpspreadsheet" to the uses clause of the units which use it.


Adds a set of visual components which expands the capabilities of FPSpreadsheet to also include editing and displaying data on screen inside LCL applications.

Die folgenden LCL Komponenten werden mit diesem Package installiert:


To create a project which uses the fpspreadsheet library, add the fpspreadsheet_pkg package to it's Lazarus project, or add the base directory of fpspreadsheet to you compiler options if using another IDE.

Excel 5 Beispiel

<delphi> { excel5demo.dpr

Demonstrates how to write an Excel 5.x file using the fpspreadsheet library

You can change the output format by changing the OUTPUT_FORMAT constant

AUTHORS: Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho } program excel5demo;

{$mode delphi}{$H+}


 Classes, SysUtils, fpspreadsheet, fpsallformats, fpspreadsheet_pkg;

const OUTPUT_FORMAT = sfExcel5;


 MyWorkbook: TsWorkbook;
 MyWorksheet: TsWorksheet;
 MyFormula: TsRPNFormula;
 MyDir: string;


 // Initialization
 MyDir := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
 // Create the spreadsheet
 MyWorkbook := TsWorkbook.Create;
 MyWorksheet := MyWorkbook.AddWorksheet('My Worksheet');
 // Write some number cells
 MyWorksheet.WriteNumber(0, 0, 1.0);
 MyWorksheet.WriteNumber(0, 1, 2.0);
 MyWorksheet.WriteNumber(0, 2, 3.0);
 MyWorksheet.WriteNumber(0, 3, 4.0);
 // Write the formula E1 = A1 + B1
 // or, in RPN: A1, B1, +
 SetLength(MyFormula, 3);
 MyFormula[0].ElementKind:=fekCell; {A1}
 MyFormula[0].Col := 0;
 MyFormula[0].Row := 0;
 MyFormula[1].ElementKind:=fekCell; {B1}
 MyFormula[1].Col := 1;
 MyFormula[1].Row := 0;
 MyFormula[2].ElementKind:=fekAdd;;  {+}
 MyWorksheet.WriteRPNFormula(0, 4, MyFormula);
 // Creates a new worksheet
 MyWorksheet := MyWorkbook.AddWorksheet('My Worksheet 2');
 // Write some string cells
 MyWorksheet.WriteUTF8Text(0, 0, 'First');
 MyWorksheet.WriteUTF8Text(0, 1, 'Second');
 MyWorksheet.WriteUTF8Text(0, 2, 'Third');
 MyWorksheet.WriteUTF8Text(0, 3, 'Fourth');
 // Save the spreadsheet to a file
 MyWorkbook.WriteToFile(MyDir + 'test' + STR_EXCEL_EXTENSION, OUTPUT_FORMAT);

end. </delphi>

Iterating through all Worksheets

<delphi> var

 MyWorkbook: TsWorkbook;
 MyWorksheet: TsWorksheet;
 i: Integer;


 // Here load MyWorkbook from a file or build it

 for i := 0 to MyWorkbook.GetWorksheetCount() - 1 do
   MyWorksheet := MyWorkbook.GetWorksheetByIndex(i);
   // Do something with MyWorksheet


Converting a database to a spreadsheet

Note that this is only meta-code, not tested.

<delphi> program db5xls;

{$mode delphi}{$H+}


 Classes, SysUtils, 
 // add database units
 fpspreadsheet, fpsallformats, fpspreadsheet_pkg;

const OUTPUT_FORMAT = sfExcel5;


 MyWorkbook: TsWorkbook;
 MyWorksheet: TsWorksheet;
 MyDatabase: TSdfDataset;
 MyDir: string;
 i, j: Integer;


 // Initialization
 MyDir := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));

 // Open the database
 MyDatabase := TSdfDataset.Create;
 MyDatabase.Filename := 'test.dat';
 // Add table description here
 MyDatabase.Active := True;
 // Create the spreadsheet
 MyWorkbook := TsWorkbook.Create;
 MyWorksheet := MyWorkbook.AddWorksheet('My Worksheet');

 // Write the field names
 for i := 0 to MyDatabase.Fields.Count - 1 do
   MyWorksheet.WriteUTF8Text(0, i, MyDatabase.Field[i].FieldName);
 // Write all cells to the worksheet
 j := 0;
 while not MyDatabase.EOF do
   for i := 0 to MyDatabase.Fields.Count - 1 do
     MyWorksheet.WriteUTF8Text(j + 1, i, MyDatabase.Field[i].AsString);
 // Close the database
 MyDatabase.Active := False;
 // Save the spreadsheet to a file
 MyWorkbook.WriteToFile(MyDir + 'test' + STR_EXCEL_EXTENSION, OUTPUT_FORMAT);

end. </delphi>

Converting between two spreadsheet formats

Note that this is only meta-code, not tested.

<delphi> program ods2xls;

{$mode delphi}{$H+}


 Classes, SysUtils, 
 fpspreadsheet, fpsallformats, fpspreadsheet_pkg;


 INPUT_FORMAT = sfOpenDocument;
 OUTPUT_FORMAT = sfExcel8;


 MyWorkbook: TsWorkbook;
 MyDir: string;


 // Initialization
 MyDir := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));

 // Convert the spreadsheet
 MyWorkbook := TsWorkbook.Create;
   MyWorkbook.ReadFromFile(MyDir + 'test.ods', INPUT_FORMAT);
   MyWorkbook.WriteToFile(MyDir + 'test.xls', OUTPUT_FORMAT);

end. </delphi>

Verwendung von Formatierungsoptionen

Die Formatierung wird unabhängig vom Text gesetzt wie im folgenden Beispiel:


 // Erzeugt einen fett geschriebenen Text
 MyWorksheet.WriteUTF8Text(0, 0, 'First');
 MyWorksheet.WriteUsedFormatting(0, 0, [uffBold]);




Sie können FPSpreadsheet mit dem folgenden Befehl herunterladen unter Verwendung von Subversion:

svn co https://lazarus-ccr.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/lazarus-ccr/components/fpspreadsheet fpspreadsheet

Aktueller Fortschritt

Progress by supported format:

Format Supports multiple sheets? Supports Unicode? Reader Progress Writer Progress Text Number String Formula RPN Formula
Excel 2.x No No** Working Working Working Working Not implemented Working
Excel 3.0 No No** Not implemented Not implemented Not implemented Not implemented Not implemented Not implemented
Excel 4.0 No No** Not implemented Not implemented Not implemented Not implemented Not implemented Not implemented
Excel 5.0 (Excel 5.0 and 95) Yes No** Working* Working Working Working Not implemented Working
Excel 8.0 (Excel 97, 2000, XP and 2003) Yes Yes Working* Working Working Working Not implemented Not implemented
Microsoft OOXML Yes Yes Not implemented Not implemented Not implemented Not implemented Not implemented Not implemented
OpenDocument Yes Yes Working Working Working Working Not implemented Not implemented

(*) Some cell could be returned blank due missing or non ready implemented number and text formats.
(**) In formats which don't support Unicode the data is stored by default as ISO 8859-1 (Latin 1). You can change the encoding in TsWorkbook.Encoding. Note that FPSpreadsheet offers UTF-8 read and write routines, but the data might be converted to ISO when reading or writing to the disk. Be careful that characters which don't fit selected encoding will be lost in those operations. The remarks here are only valid for formats which don't support Unicode.

Progress of the formatting options

Some formatting options were added, but they aren't yet implemented for all formats:

Format Text rotation Bold
Excel 2.x Not implemented Not implemented
Excel 3.0 Not implemented Not implemented
Excel 4.0 Not implemented Not implemented
Excel 5.0 (Excel 5.0 and 95) - -
Excel 8.0 (Excel 97, 2000, XP and 2003) Working Working
Microsoft OOXML Not implemented Not implemented
OpenDocument Working Working


Jan 2009

  • Implemented a cross-platform support for OLE file. Now Excel 5.0 files can be created in any operating system.
  • Adds read support for Excel 2.1

Feb 2008

  • Initial commit to lazarus-ccr with write support for Excel 2.1, Excel 5.0 (Windows only) and experimental OOXML and OpenDocument


LGPL with static linking exception. Dies ist die selbe Lizenz wie sie von der Lazarus Component Library verwendet wird.

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