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Gold is a free parsing system compatible with FreePascal that you can use to develop your own programming languages, scripting languages and interpreters. It uses [ LALR] parsing, and a mix of [–Naur_form BNF] notation, character sets and regular expressions for terminals to define language grammars. Code and grammar are separated, so grammar is not tied to implementation language. This means that the same grammar can be loaded into engines made in different programming languages.
Gold is a free parsing system compatible with FreePascal that you can use to develop your own programming languages, scripting languages, interpreters, parsers and expression analyzers. It uses [ LALR] parsing, and a mix of [–Naur_form BNF] notation, character sets and regular expressions for terminals to define language grammars. Code and grammar are separated, so grammar is not tied to implementation language. This means that the same grammar can be loaded into engines made in different programming languages.

There is a [ feature comparison table] of several parsers on Gold site, with special attention to [ Gold vs Yacc] comparison.
There is a subjective [ feature comparison table] of several parsers on Gold site, with special attention to [ Gold vs Yacc] comparison.

=== Gold Parser Builder ===
=== Gold Parser Builder ===
[ GOLD Parser Builder] can be used to create, modify and test languages in Windows IDE which can also run on Wine. Command line tools are also available.
[ GOLD Parser Builder] can be used to create, modify and test languages in Windows IDE (which runs on Wine). Command line tools are also available.

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* Importing/exporting YACC/Bison format. Exporting XML and HTML format.
* Importing/exporting YACC/Bison format. Exporting XML and HTML format.
* Interactive inspection of the compiled DFA and LALR tables.
* Interactive inspection of the compiled DFA and LALR tables.
Importing YACC/BISON can be very picky, so you will probably have to convert linux line endings and delete most of the not needed code leaving just BNF rules. Nothing will be imported from lex file, so you will have to manually examine lex file to see if there are some terminals that you should add by hand.

=== Gold Engines ===
=== Gold Engines ===

Revision as of 09:36, 12 September 2018

Gold is a free parsing system compatible with FreePascal that you can use to develop your own programming languages, scripting languages, interpreters, parsers and expression analyzers. It uses LALR parsing, and a mix of BNF notation, character sets and regular expressions for terminals to define language grammars. Code and grammar are separated, so grammar is not tied to implementation language. This means that the same grammar can be loaded into engines made in different programming languages.

There is a subjective feature comparison table of several parsers on Gold site, with special attention to Gold vs Yacc comparison.

Gold Parser Builder

GOLD Parser Builder can be used to create, modify and test languages in Windows IDE (which runs on Wine). Command line tools are also available.


  • Grammar editor with syntax highlighting.
  • Grammar-generating wizard.
  • Test window to step through parsing of a sample source.
  • Templating system that can generate lexers/parsers or skeleton programs for various languages (including Delphi and FreePascal).
  • Importing/exporting YACC/Bison format. Exporting XML and HTML format.
  • Interactive inspection of the compiled DFA and LALR tables.

Importing YACC/BISON can be very picky, so you will probably have to convert linux line endings and delete most of the not needed code leaving just BNF rules. Nothing will be imported from lex file, so you will have to manually examine lex file to see if there are some terminals that you should add by hand.

Gold Engines


Although Goldie is not originaly made for use with Pascal, it has many command line tools which can be useful to manipulate CGT files (Gold compiled grammar). You can show CGT file in human readable format, compile grammar to CGT file without Gold Parser Builder executable, and parse source according to some CGT file to save the resulting tokens and parsed tree to JSON file.


We will load pascal grammar into Gold Parser Builder 5.2, compile grammar to produce CGT file, load that CGT file into Lazarus Gold Engine (version compatible with Gold 5.20), and parse our pascal sample source code.

Calculator example

Calculator Grammar
Calculator Source Code

Pascal example

Pascal Grammar

Pascal grammar is big, so you will need to expand it with the shown linked button on the right.

! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Standard Pascal Grammar
! modified by Avra (Zeljko Avramovic) for compatibility with latest version of Gold
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Name"                    =   'Pascal' 
"Version"                 =   '1973'
"Author"                  =   'Niklaus Wirth' 
"About"                   =   'PASCAL was developed by NIKLAUS WIRTH of the ETH Technical Institute of Zuerich in 1970-1971.(published in 1973)'

"Case Sensitive"          =   False
"Start Symbol"            =   <Program>
Comment Start             =   '{'
Comment End               =   '}'
Comment Line              =   '//'

{Hex Digit}               =   {Digit} + [ABCDEF]

{Id Head}                 =   {Letter} + [_]
{Id Tail}                 =   {Id Head} + {Digit}

{String Ch}               =   {Printable} - ['']
{Char Ch}                 =   {Printable} - ['']

DecLiteral                =   [123456789]{digit}*
HexLiteral                =   '$'{Hex Digit}+
FloatLiteral              =   {Digit}*'.'{Digit}+

StringLiteral             =   ''( {String Ch} | '\'{Printable} )* ''
CharLiteral               =   '' ( {Char Ch} | '\'{Printable} )''

id                        =   {Id Head}{Id Tail}*

<constant>                ::= DecLiteral
                          |   StringLiteral
                          |   FloatLiteral
                          |   HexLiteral
                          |   CharLiteral

!=========================================== Program

<Program>                 ::= <ProgramHeader> <Declarations> <CompoundStatement> '.'

<ProgramHeader>           ::= PROGRAM id ';'
                          |   PROGRAM id '(' <IdList> ')' ';'

<Declarations>            ::= <ConstantDefinitions> <TypeDefinitions> <VariableDeclarations> <ProcedureDeclarations>

<ConstantDefinitions>     ::= CONST <ConstantDefinitionList>

<ConstantDefinitionList>  ::= <ConstantDef>
                          |   <ConstantDef> <ConstantDefinitionList>

<ConstantDef>             ::= id '=' <constant> ';'

<TypeDefinitions>         ::= TYPE <TypeDefinitionList>

<TypeDefinitionList>      ::= <TypeDef>
                          |   <TypeDef> <TypeDefinitionList>

<TypeDef>                 ::= id '=' <TypeSpecifier> ';'

<VariableDeclarations>    ::= VAR <VariableDeclarationList>

<VariableDeclarationList> ::= <VariableDec>
                          |   <VariableDec> <VariableDeclarationList>

<VariableDec>             ::= <IdList> ':' <TypeSpecifier> ';'

<ProcedureDeclarations>   ::= <ProcedureDec> <ProcedureDeclarations>

<ProcedureDec>            ::= <ProcedureHeader> FORWARD ';'
                          | <ProcedureHeader> <Declarations> <CompoundStatement> ';'
                          | <FunctionHeader> FORWARD ';'
                          | <FunctionHeader> <Declarations> <CompoundStatement> ';'

<ProcedureHeader>         ::= PROCEDURE id <Arguments> ';'

<FunctionHeader>          ::= FUNCTION id <Arguments> ':' <TypeSpecifier> ';'

<Arguments>               ::= '(' <ArgumentList> ')'

<ArgumentList>            ::= <Arg>
                          |   <Arg> ';' <ArgumentList>

<Arg>                     ::= <IdList> ':' <TypeSpecifier>
                          |   VAR <IdList> ':' <TypeSpecifier>

<CompoundStatement>       ::= BEGIN <StatementList> END

<StatementList>           ::= <Statement>
                          |   <Statement> ';' <StatementList>

<Statement>               ::= <CompoundStatement>
                          |   <AssignmentStatement>
                          |   <ProcedureCall>
                          |   <ForStatement>
                          |   <WhileStatement>
                          |   <IfStatement>
                          |   <CaseStatement>
                          |   <RepeatStatement>

<AssignmentStatement>     ::= <Variable> ':=' <Expression>
!                         |   <Variable> ':=' <FunctionCall>

<ProcedureCall>           ::= id <Actuals>

<ForStatement>            ::= FOR id ':=' <Expression> TO <Expression> DO <Statement>
                          |   FOR id ':=' <Expression> DOWNTO <Expression> DO <Statement>

<WhileStatement>          ::= WHILE <Expression> DO <Statement>

<IfStatement>             ::= IF <Expression> THEN <Statement> ELSE <Statement>

<RepeatStatement>         ::= REPEAT <StatementList> UNTIL <Expression>

<CaseStatement>           ::= CASE <Expression> OF <CaseList> END

<CaseList>                ::= <Case>
                          |   <Case> ';' <CaseList>

<Case>                    ::= <ConstantList> ':' <Statement>

<ConstantList>            ::= <constant>
                          |   <constant> ',' <ConstantList>

<Expression>              ::= <SimpleExpression>
                          |   <SimpleExpression> '=' <SimpleExpression>
                          |   <SimpleExpression> '<>' <SimpleExpression>
                          |   <SimpleExpression> '<' <SimpleExpression>
                          |   <SimpleExpression> '<=' <SimpleExpression>
                          |   <SimpleExpression> '>' <SimpleExpression>
                          |   <SimpleExpression> '>=' <SimpleExpression>
                          |   <FunctionCall>

<SimpleExpression>        ::= <Term>
                          |   <SimpleExpression> '+' <Term>
                          |   <SimpleExpression> '-' <Term>
                          |   <SimpleExpression> OR <Term>

<Term>                    ::= <Factor>
                          |   <Term> '*' <Factor>
                          |   <Term> '/' <Factor>
                          |   <Term> 'DIV' <Factor>
                          |   <Term> 'MOD' <Factor>
                          |   <Term> 'AND' <Factor>

<Factor>                  ::= '(' <Expression> ')'
                          |   '+' <Factor>
                          |   '-' <Factor>
                          |   NOT <Factor>
                          |   <constant>
                          |   <Variable>

<FunctionCall>            ::= id <Actuals>

<Actuals>                 ::= '(' <ExpressionList> ')' 

<ExpressionList>          ::= <Expression>
                          |   <Expression> ',' <ExpressionList>

<Variable>                ::= id
                          |   <Variable> '.' id
                          |   <Variable> '^'
                          |   <Variable> '[' <ExpressionList> ']'

<TypeSpecifier>           ::= id
                          |   '^' <TypeSpecifier>
                          |   '(' <IdList> ')'
                          |   <constant> '..' <constant>
                          |   ARRAY '[' <DimensionList> ']' OF <TypeSpecifier>
                          |   RECORD <FieldList> END
                          |   FILE OF <TypeSpecifier>

<DimensionList>           ::= <Dimension>
                          |   <Dimension> ',' <DimensionList>

<Dimension>               ::= <constant> '..' <constant>
                          |   id

<FieldList>              ::= <Field>
                         |   <Field> ';' <FieldList>

<Field>                  ::= <IdList> ':' <TypeSpecifier>

<IdList>                 ::= id
                         |   id ',' <IdList>
Pascal Source Code
program test; // simple pascal code for testing parser

  PI = 3.1415;

  a, b, c: real;

procedure hello(s: string; b, c: real);

function square(a: real): real;
  result := a * a;

function half(a: real): real;
  result := a / 2;

function twopi: real;
  result := pi * 2;

  a := PI;
  b := a * 10;
  c := square(half(twopi()));
  hello('Hello World!', b, c);

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