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ZMSQL is an open source and free, TBufDataset SQL enhanced in-memory database for FreePascal (FPC), operating with semicolon-separated values flat text tables as a persistence store.

This means you can use files to store your data but get the speed of in-memory processing. Completely written in Pascal, it has no dependencies on external libraries.

ZMSQL package consists of three components: 1. TZMConnection - describes "database" as folder containing CSV files, and some common properties for all datasets. 2. TZMQueryDataset - an in-memory dataset (TBufDataset descendent) capable of loading/saving from CSV files, loading/executing SQL queries (via integrated JanSQL database engine) and loading data from any other datasets. ZMQueryDatasets also have integrated properties for easy setting master/detail filtration. 3. TZMReferentialKey - component that describes relation between master and slave dataset for referential integrity (insert, update, delete).

ZMSQL offers:

  • Loading from and saving to flat text tables
  • Use of SQL to query the data
  • Copy data and schema from other datasets
  • Option to predefine fielddefs or create it on-the fly
  • Master/detail filtering
  • Referential integrity
  • Parameterized queries

The download contains the source code, some demo applications illustrating the features of the component as well as a readme.


Zlatko Matic; includes code from Jan Verhoeven and Martin Waldenburg. Contact Zlatko Matić by e-mail: or


Modified LGPL and MPL 1.1 license: static and dynamic linking both allowed, even in commercial applications. Please see the individual licenses in the source files for details.

Contains: ZMSQL units, including zmbufdataset.pas, zmconnection.pas, zmquerydataset.pas, zmreferentialkey.pas: FPC modified LPGL

JanSQL units, including JanSQL.pas, janSQLExpression2.pas, janSQLStrings.pas, janSQLTokenizer.pas by Jan Verhoeven: Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (MPL)

mwStringHashList.pas by Martin Waldenburg: Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (MPL)


The latest stable release can be found on

Published and Public properties and methods of TZMQueryDataset

    { Public declarations }
    procedure QueryExecute; //Executes SQL query defined in SQL property, on .csv files that are placed in folder defined in ZMConnection property. Resultset of select query is loaded into the the zmquerydataset (self).
    procedure PrepareQuery; //Prepares parameterized queries for execution: replaces parameters with parameter values for parameterized queries.
    procedure EmptyDataSet; //Deletes all records from dataset.
    procedure ClearDataSet; //Deletes records, fields and fielddefs.
    procedure CopyFromDataset (pDataset:TDataSet); //Copies schema and data from any TDataset.
    function SortDataset (const pFieldName:String):Boolean; //Ascending/Descending sorting of memory dataset.
    procedure LoadFromTable; //Loads data (or data and schema) from a .csv file (TableName.csv), set in property TableName, from path specified in ZMConnection property.
    procedure SaveToTable;overload; //Saves data and schema to a .csv file (TableName.csv), set in Tablename property, in path specified in ZMConnection property.
    procedure SaveToTable(pDecimaSeparator:Char);overload; //Saves data and schema to a .csv file (TableName.csv), set in Tablename property, in path specified in ZMConnection property.
    procedure CreateDynamicFieldsFromFieldDefs; // Creates fields from predefined fielddefs. To be used in design-time or run-time for memory dataset creation according to predefined fielddefs.
    procedure CreatePersistentFieldsFromFieldDefs; // Creates PERSISTENT fields from predefined fielddefs. To be used in design-time only.
    procedure MemoryDataSetOpen; //Executes CreateDynamicFieldsFromFieldDefs and set dataset to Active.
    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
    destructor  Destroy; override;
    //Properties needed for master/detail and referential integrity
    property MasterDataSetTo:TList read FMasterDataSetTo write SetMasterDataSetTo; // Defines master/detail relationship for purpose of master/detail filtration
    property MasterReferentialKeys:TList read FMasterReferentialKeys write SetMasterReferentialKeys;//Defines master/detail relationship for purpose of referential integrity
    property SlaveReferentialKeys:TList read FSlaveReferentialKeys write SetSlaveReferentialKeys; //Defines master/detail relationship for purpose of referential integrity
    property DisableMasterDetailFiltration:Boolean read FDisableMasterDetailFiltration write SetDisableMasterDetailFiltration; //Master/detail filrtation should be temporarily desabled during bulk inserts or updates...
    property OldRecord:TZMBufDataSet {TBufDataSet} read FOldRecord; //Last delete/insert/edit is preserved in this property.
    { Published declarations }
    property ZMConnection:TZMConnection read FZMConnection write SetConnection; //Defines "database" folder path where .csv tables are placed. Instantiates JanSQL database engine.
    property SQL:TStrings read FSQL write SetSQL; //Unprepared SQL query text.
    property QueryExecuted:Boolean read FQueryExecuted write SetQueryExecuted;  //"True" executes QueryExecute and loads resultset into dataset.
    property TableName:String read FTableName write SetTableName; //Name of .csv file (without extension) from which is data loaded by LoadFromTable and to which is data and schema saved by SaveToTable.
    property TableLoaded:Boolean read FTableLoaded write SetTableLoaded; //"True" executes LoadFromTable and loads resultset into dataset.
    property TableSaved:Boolean read FTableSaved write SetTableSaved; //"True" executes SaveToTable and saves dataset to .csv file defined in TableName property, placed in folder specified by ZMConnection property.
    property DynamicFieldsCreated:Boolean read FDynamicFieldsCreated write SetDynamicFieldsCreated; //"True" executes CreateDynamicFieldsFromFieldDefs, which creates fields from predefined fielddefs.
    property PeristentFieldsCreated:Boolean read FPersistentFieldsCreated write SetPersistentFieldsCreated; //"True" executes CreatePersistentFieldsFromFieldDefs, which creates PERSISTENT fields from predefined fielddefs.
    property MemoryDataSetOpened:Boolean read FMemoryDataSetOpened write SetMemoryDataSetOpened; //"True" executes CreateDynamicFieldsFromFieldDefs and activates dataset for editing.
    property PersistentSave:Boolean read FPersistentSave write SetPersistentSave; //If "True", insert/delete/edit will immediately be written to underlying .csv file. If "False", then dataset is only in-memory.
    property Parameters: TParams read FParameters write SetParameters; //Parameters for parameterized SQL text.
    //Master/detail filtration
    property MasterFields: TStrings read FMasterFields write SetMasterFields; //Fields in masterdatasource, (separated by ";") to be used for master/detail filtration.
    property MasterSource: TDataSource read FMasterSource  write SetMasterSource;//Master datasource for master/detail filtration.

JanSQL SQL language

janSQL database engine supports only a subset of standard SQL but the supported statements are sufficient for single-user desktop application.

table updates janSQL loads tables automatically into memory when needed by a query. Any changes to tables (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) are performed in memory. Tables are saved to disk when you use the COMMIT statement. The only exceptions to this are the CREATE TABLE statement, where the new table is saved to disk immediately and the DROP TABLE statement, where the table is immediately deleted from both memory and disk.

Indexes janSQL does not use indexes. You will find that for single-user desktop applications running in memory there is no urgent need for indexes.

Case sensitivity janSQL is case-insensitive for its keywords: you can use both SELECT and select.

Non-standard janSQL has several non-standard SQL statements for manipulation of recordsets. • ASSIGN TO • SAVE TABLE • RELEASE TABLE

Compound Queries In MightyQuery, you can execute multiple queries in a batch. Query expressions in a compound query must be separated by semi-colon. By using the non-standard ASSIGN TO statement you can store the result of a select query as a named variable that can be used in subsequent queries. This resembles SQL stored procedures in other database systems.

SQL syntax

A) Data Definition Language

CONNECT TO Connects to a database. In janSQL a database is a folder. Tables are stored in this folder as delimited text files with the .txt extension. Syntax: CONNECT TO 'absolute-folder-path'


	connect to 'G:'  

Notes This is always the first statement that you use with janSQL. All other SQL statements require that the engine knows which folder to use.

CREATE TABLE Creates a new table in the current catalog. Syntax:

	CREATE TABLE tablename (field1,[fieldN])


	CREATE TABLE users (userid,username,accountname, accountpassword)

Notes janSQL does not use fieldtypes. Everything is stored as text. Internally janSQL treats all data as variants. This means that in your SQL queries you can use fields pretty much the way you want to.

DROP TABLE Drops a table from the database. Syntax: DROP TABLE tablename Syntax: DROP TABLE users Notes Use with care, because it deletes a file from hard disk..

ALTER TABLE Allows you to alter the structure of a table. Syntax:


ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN columnname You can only add or drop one column at the time.

B) Data Manipulation Language

SELECT FROM Allows you to select data from one or two tables. Syntax: SELECT fieldlist FROM tablename

 	SELECT fieldlist FROM tablename WHERE condition
 	SELECT fieldlist FROM tablename1 [alias1], tablenameN [aliasN]
	SELECT fieldlist FROM tablename1 [alias1], tablenameN [aliasN] WHERE condition

fieldlist can be * for selecting all fields or field1[,fieldN] field: fieldname [AS fieldalias] condition: see the WHERE topic.

Notes When you join two or more tables you must use fully qualified field names: tablename.fieldname in the WHERE clause. Both tablenames and fieldnames can be aliased.

	SELECT u.userid as mio, u.username as ma, p.productname as muu
 	FROM users u,products p
 	WHERE u.productid=p.productid

Using a table alias can save you typing.

 	select products.productname as product,count(users.userid) as quantity
 	from users,products
 	where users.productid=products.productid
 	group by product
 	having quantity>10
 	order by product desc

The example above shows you that in the WHERE clause you refer to source tables (e.g. products.productid) where as in the GROUP BY, HAVING and ORDER BY clause, you refer to the result table. Always use an aliased field name when using an aggregate function:

 	count(users.userid) as quantity

WHERE The WHERE clause can be used together with the SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE clauses. Syntax:

 	WHERE condition

condition The condition is an expression that must evaluate to a boolean true or false. The following operators are allowed:

Arithmetic: + - * / ( )

Logic: and, or

comparison: < <= = > >=

string constants: e.g. 'Jan Verhoeven'

numeric constans: e.g. 12.45

fieldnames e.g. userid, users.userid

IMPORTANT NOTE: Sometimes JanSQL engine can't process WHERE clause if there are several conditions and joins. In that case application will freeze. Therefore, try to simplify WHERE clause of the main expression by filtering one of the joined tables prior the main expression. Split the main query into few steps. This means you have to split the main expression into, for example, two expressions and assign the first one to a variable (ASSIGN TO) that you will use instead of the original table.

IN e.g.

  	userid IN (300,401,402)
  	username IN ('Verhoeven','Smith')

LIKE e.g.

	 username Like '%Verhoeven'

You can use the % character as a placeholder to match any series of characters:

	 '%Verhoeven' will match Verhoeven at the end of username
 	'Verhoeven%' will match Verhoeven at the beginning of username
	 '%Verhoeven%' will match Verhoeven anywhere in username

Sub queries

You can use a subquery after the IN clause. Only non-correlated sub queries are allowed at the moment. A sub query must select a single field from a table. A sub query is executed at parsing time and returns a comma seperated list of values that replaces the query text in the IN clause. A sub query must be enclosed by brackets. Example: select * from users where productid in (select product id from products where productname like 'Ico%')

Notes When using a SELECT with a join between 2 tables you must use fully qualified names (tablename.fieldname) in every part of the query. In all other cases (UPDATE, INSERT) you must use the short form fieldname without the tablename.

GROUP BY Allows you to group data according grouping fields. Syntax:

 	group by fieldlist

fieldlist is a comma seperated list of one or more fields that you want to grouping to be applied. Example:

 	select count(userid), username, productid
 	from users
 	group by productid
 	order by productid

Aggregate functions You can apply the count, sum, avg, max, min, stddev function to an input field. When you use these functions without a GROUP BY clause, the resultset will contain only one row.

HAVING Allows you to filter a recordset resulting from a GROUP BY clause. Syntax:

	HAVING expression 


 	select count(userid), username, productid
	from users
 	group by productid
	having userid>10
 	order by productid

Notes Experienced SQL users will notice that janSQL uses a non-standard syntax in the HAVING clause. Instead of the standard having count(userid)>10, in janSQL you just use the name of the base table field, in this case userid.

You should be aware of the difference between the WHERE clause and the HAVING clause. The WHERE clause is applied to table(s) in the FROM clause. The HAVING is applied after filtering with where and grouping with group by have been applied. The same applies to the ORDER BY clause which is also applied to the final result set.

ORDER BY Allows you to sort the resulting recordsets. Syntax:

  	ORDER BY orderlist


  	select * from users order by #userid asc, productid desc  

orderlist is a comma seperated list of one or more order by components: component1[,componentN] ordercomponent: [#]fieldname [ASC|DESC]

By placing the optional # before a fieldname it will be treated as a numeric field in the sort. Remember that in janSQL all data is stored as text. After the fieldname you can optionally put ASC for an ascending sort, or DESC for a descending sort. When you omit the sort direction the default ascending sort order is used.

ASSIGN TO Allows you to assign the result of a SELECT statement to a named recordset that can be referred to in subsequent statements. This is a non-standard SQL statement. ASSIGN TO is like a variable assignment. You can create very complex compound queries with ASSIGN TO. Syntax:

 	ASSIGN TO tablename selectstatement


 	ASSIGN TO mis SELECT userid, username FROM users

If tablename allready exists in the catalog then an error occurs. When tablename does not exist in the catalog but was allready assigned to then the existing recordset is overwritten.

Notes Make sure that you use output field alias names when you ASSIGN TO using a SELECT with joined tables.

When you execute the ASSIGN TO the given name will be assigned to the new recordset and the recordset itself will not be released until you use RELEASE TABLE.

RELEASE TABLE Allows you to release any open table from memory, including intermediate tables created with ASIGN TO. This is a non-standard SQL statement. Syntax:

 	RELEASE TABLE tablename



SAVE TABLE Allows you to save any open table, including intermediate tables, to a file. This is a non-standard SQL statement. Syntax:

	SAVE TABLE tablename

When tablename is not open, an error occurs. When you save an intermediate table (created with ASSIGN TO), the intermediate table becomes a persistant table that is also saved with the COMMIT statement. Example: ASSIGN TO mis SELECT * FROM users


Notes Once you have saved an intermediate table with TABLE SAVE you can not ASSIGN TO anymore.

INSERT INTO Allows you to insert data in a table, either row by row or from a recordset resulting from a SELECT. Syntax:

	 INSERT INTO tablename [(column1[,column])] VALUES (field1[,fieldN])
	 INSERT INTO tablename selectstatement


 	 INSERT INTO users VALUES (600,'user-600');
	 INSERT INTO users (userid,username) VALUES (601,'user-601');
	 INSERT INTO users SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid>400

Notes When you insert records using a sub select you must make sure that the output fields of the sub select match the fieldnames of tablename. Only values of matching field will be inserted.

UPDATE Allows you to update existing data. Syntax:

 	UPDATE tablename SET updatelist [WHERE condition]

updatelist: field1=value1[,fieldN=valueN]

condition: see WHERE for the optional condition

DELETE FROM Allows you to delete data. Syntax:

 	DELETE FROM tablename WHERE condition

condition: see WHERE clause for the condition.

C) Functions

In janSQL you can use functions wherever you can use an expression to be calculated (Calculated output fields, WHERE clause, HAVING clause).

Use extra brackets around function parameters when you have a function with more than one parameter:

 SELECT trunc((userid/7),2) as foo FROM users

and not:

 SELECT trunc(userid/7,2) as foo FROM users


fix(expression,precision) Returns the string presentation of (numeric) expression with precision number of decimals.

 select fix((userid/7), 2) as bobo from users order by bobo

You can also use TRUNC i.s.o. FIX.

asnumber(expression) Returns (number or string) expression as number. If expression is not a valid floating point number then the function returns 0.

FORMAT function Formats a integer or floating point value to a string in a way specified by a format string. Syntax:



 	update users set userid=format(userid,'%.8d')

Format strings have the following form: [literalstring]"%" [width] ["." prec] type

• An optional literal string that is copied to the output • An optional width specifier, [width] • An optional precision specifier, ["." prec] • The conversion type character, type

The following table summarizes the possible values for type:

d Decimal. The argument must be an integer value. The value is converted to a string of decimal digits. If the format string contains a precision specifier, it indicates that the resulting string must contain at least the specified number of digits; if the value has less digits, the resulting string is left-padded with zeros.

u Unsigned decimal. Similar to 'd' but no sign is output.

e Scientific. The argument must be a floating-point value. The value is converted to a string of the form "-d.ddd...E+ddd". The resulting string starts with a minus sign if the number is negative. One digit always precedes the decimal point.The total number of digits in the resulting string (including the one before the decimal point) is given by the precision specifier in the format string—a default precision of 15 is assumed if no precision specifier is present. The "E" exponent character in the resulting string is always followed by a plus or minus sign and at least three digits.

f Fixed. The argument must be a floating-point value. The value is converted to a string of the form "-ddd.ddd...". The resulting string starts with a minus sign if the number is negative.The number of digits after the decimal point is given by the precision specifier in the format string—a default of 2 decimal digits is assumed if no precision specifier is present.

g General. The argument must be a floating-point value. The value is converted to the shortest possible decimal string using fixed or scientific format. The number of significant digits in the resulting string is given by the precision specifier in the format string—a default precision of 15 is assumed if no precision specifier is present.Trailing zeros are removed from the resulting string, and a decimal point appears only if necessary. The resulting string uses fixed point format if the number of digits to the left of the decimal point in the value is less than or equal to the specified precision, and if the value is greater than or equal to 0.00001. Otherwise the resulting string uses scientific format.

n Number. The argument must be a floating-point value. The value is converted to a string of the form "-d,ddd,ddd.ddd...". The "n" format corresponds to the "f" format, except that the resulting string contains thousand separators.

m Money. The argument must be a floating-point value. The value is converted to a string that represents a currency amount. The conversion is controlled by the CurrencyString, CurrencyFormat, NegCurrFormat, ThousandSeparator, DecimalSeparator, and CurrencyDecimals global variables, all of which are initialized from the Currency Format in the International section of the Windows Control Panel. If the format string contains a precision specifier, it overrides the value given by the CurrencyDecimals global variable.

s String. The argument must be a string value. The string is inserted in place of the format specifier. The precision specifier, if present in the format string, specifies the maximum length of the resulting string. If the argument is a string that is longer than this maximum, the string is truncated.

x Hexadecimal. The argument must be an integer value. The value is converted to a string of hexadecimal digits. If the format string contains a precision specifier, it indicates that the resulting string must contain at least the specified number of digits; if the value has fewer digits, the resulting string is left-padded with zeros.

Date functions 

Several date functions make working with date strings easier.

YEAR Extracts the integer year part of a yyyy-mm-dd date string.

MONTH Extracts the integer month part of a yyyy-mm-dd date string.

DAY Extracts the integer day part of a yyyy-mm-dd date string.

WEEKNUMBER Returns the integer weeknumber of a yyyy-mm-dd date string.

EASTER Returns the easter yyyy-mm-dd date string of a given integer year.

DATEADD Adds a given number of time intervals to a given data and returns the resulting data as a yyyy-mm-dd data string. Syntax:


Interval can be: 'd' (day), 'm' (month), 'y' (year), 'w' (week), 'q' (quarter). Number must be an integer number. datestring must be in the yyyy-mm-dd format.

String Functions 

janSQL comes with a range of functions that work on strings.

soundex(expression) Calculates the soundex value of (string) expression. Only usefull with english terms.

lower(expression) Converts (string) expression to lower case.

upper(expression) Converts (string) expression to upper case.

trim(expression) Trims (string) expression from leading and trailing spaces.

left(expression,count) Returns the first count characters of expression

right(expression,count) Returns the last count characters of expression

mid(expression,from,count) Returns count characters of expression starting at from.

length(expression) Returns the length of (string) expression. Can be used to e.g. select fields that exceed a given length.

replace(source,oldpattern,newpattern Replaces oldpattern with new pattern in the source string. Is case-insensitive.

	UPDATE users SET username=replace(username,'user-','foo-')

substr_after(source,substring) Returns the part of source that comes after substring. If substring is not found an empty string is returned.

substr_before(source,substring) Returns the part of source that comes before substring. If substring is not found an empty string is returned.

Numeric Functions 

Numeric functions work on strings as if they were numbers. Although janSQL is based on strings you can still enter values like 1234, which can be treated like numbers.

sqr(expression) Calculates the square of (numeric) expression.

sqrt(expression) Calculates the square root of (numeric) expression.

sin(expression) Calculates the sin of (numeric) expression.

cos(expression) Calculates the cos of (numeric) expression.

ceil(expression) Returns the lowest integer greater than or equal to (numeric) expression.

floor(expression) Returns the the highest integer less than or equal to (numeric) expression.

Dependencies / System Requirements

  • None

Status: Alpha

Open issues/improvement ideas

Below is a list of open issues (or bugs, if you want) and improvement ideas. If you have any patches/fixes for the code (not limited to these issues), please let use know via the ZMSQL thread on the forum: [1] Of course, ZMSQL is part of the Lazarus CCR repository, so you can post bug reports/patches on Mantis using the CCR category.

1. TBufDataset bug Currently TBufDataSet (ancestor of TZMQueryDataSet) has a bug ( is solved!) that causes Refresh method to delete all records

2. Slow query execution in JanSQL Extremely slow query execution when more than one table joined in query when there is an additional where clause in the query. It can be overcome with the "ASSIGN TO variable" non-standard expression First execute query on a table with where clasue, assign resultset to a variable and then use the variable in a second query (instead of the table).

Thus, instead of: "SELECT ordrs.ordr AS order, ordrs.ordr_type AS order type,ordrs.prdct AS product,ordrs.prdct_dscr AS product description,ordrs.prdct_targ_qty AS order quantity,ordrs.prdct_targ_qty_unt AS order unit,rqrmts.cmpnt AS component,rqrmts.cmpnt_dscr AS component description,rqrmts.cmpnt_rqrd AS required quantity of component FROM ordrs,rqrmts WHERE ordrs.ordr=rqrmts.ordr AND ordrs.prdct=10010356;", use this non-standard SQL expression: "ASSIGN TO temp_ordrs SELECT * from ordrs WHERE prdct=10010356; SELECT temp_ordrs.ordr AS order, temp_ordrs.ordr_type AS order type,temp_ordrs.prdct AS product,temp_ordrs.prdct_dscr AS product description,temp_ordrs.prdct_targ_qty AS order quantity,temp_ordrs.prdct_targ_qty_unt AS order unit,rqrmts.cmpnt AS component,rqrmts.cmpnt_dscr AS component description,rqrmts.cmpnt_rqrd AS required quantity of component FROM temp_ordrs,rqrmts WHERE temp_ordrs.ordr=rqrmts.ordr;"

3. JanSQL has problems with typecasts. It can be tricky to guess how to cast values. Use 'ASNUMBER(some_value) AS something' whenever you do something with numerical values.

4. Parameter support is currently quite limited. Basically, named parameters must be used and they are replaced by its values as literal strings. You must enclose parameter identifiers in SQL string by quotes!

5. Multiline support Investigate setting the sdfdata.AllowMultiline property to true when required to allow CSV data that contains line breaks. See Not sure whether JanSQL database engine is able to handle this? The parameters set for SdfDataset in zmsql corresponds to the csv format that JanSQL uses

6. Missing outer (lef and right) joins in SQL queries Absence of outer joins in sql queries siriously limits sql capabilities. It can be partially overcomed by using non-standard 'ASSIGN TO variable' statement, which means that you can create subqueries to be used in further sql statement. However, improving janSQL engine to be able to execute left and righ outer joins should be solved till beta.


  • Unpack
  • Compile

The Demo Applications


  • Open the applications in TestProject and TestProject1
  • compile
  • run

See Also

Change Log

For more details, see zmquerydataset.pas

Current version 0.1.14: 01 January 2014
ZMSQL version 0.1.14, 01.01.2014: by Zlatko Matić

  • Internal optimizations.
  • Based on TZMBufDataset instead TBufDataset, because problems with current TBufDataset version.
  • ZMQueryDataset now loads from and saves to files with .csv extension, instead of .txt extension.
  • Added ManageFields method, which decides what to do with Fields and FieldDefs.
  • Reworked InspectFields procedure, better deduction of FieldDefs and Fields status.
  • Enabled automatic creation of persistent fields objects from predefined fielddefs.
  • New published properties: DynamicFieldsCreated, PeristentFieldsCreated, MemoryDataSetOpened,
  • New public methods: CreateDynamicFieldsFromFieldDefs, CreatePersistentFieldsFromFieldDefs;
  • Added "$DEFINE ZMBufDataset" compiler directive.

ZMSQL version 0.1.13, 13.01.2013: by Zlatko Matić

  • Few bug fixes.
  • TZMbufdataset replaced with current TBufDataset as ancestor. Tested with current FPC 2.7.1 in CodeTyphon v. 3.10.

If this does not work for your FPC version, then replace TBufDataSet with TZMBufDataset as ancestor. The TZMBufDataset will stay present latent inside the package, just in case that further development od TBufDataSet goes in direction incompatible with zmsql.

  • Added procedure InternalRefresh;override;

TBufDataSet's InternalRefresh does troubles, so it is overriden to do nothing. It seems that all functionalities which ZMQueryDataset needs are implemented inside TDataSet's Refresh method and that InternalRefresh is not needed at all.

ZMSQL version 0.1.12, 12.02.2012

  • Critical bug in DoBeforeDelete solved: The bug was causing referential deletion of all records, even those not related.
  • Few enhancements regarding persistent save functionality.

ZMSQL version 0.1.11, 05.02.2012

  • DoAfterScroll call added to DoFilterRecord,in order to referesh detail dataset after filtering master dataset.
  • FormatSettings.QuoteStrings:=[qsAlways] added in SaveToCSV method, so that strings are saved enclosed in double guotes.
  • FloatDisplayFormat property added to ZMConnection. If set, it will be applied to all connected zmquerydatasets and override TFloatField's settings defined in zmquerydatasets.
  • SetFloatDisplayFormat method added. This method takes formatting from FloatDisplayFormat property of ZMConnection, if set. Call to SetFloatDisplayFormat added in FieldsFromScratch and FieldsFromFieldDefs.
  • Since in Jansql DecimalSeparator:=SysUtils.DefaultFormatSettings.DecimalSeparator has been added, so that jansql takes-over system decimal separator, the same is added to SaveToCSV method. It means that now zmquerydataset executes queries, loads data from CSV and saves dataset to csv using system settings for decimal separator. System settings can be, however, overriden by changing values of ZMConnection's properties DecimalSeparator and FloatDisplayFormat.
  • ZMFieldsFromFieldDefs renamed to FieldsFromFieldDefs; ZMFieldsFromScratch renamed to FieldsFromScratch.

ZMSQL version 0.1.10, 20 January 2012

  • procedure CopyFromDataset rewritten in way that now it uses ZMFieldsFromScratch and ZMFieldFromFieldDefs methods for dynamical fields creation.

In case of previously defined fielddefs, they will be used, otherwise, fielddefs from a dataset will be copied to ZMQueryDataset.

  • FSourceData expanded to sdOtherDataset. FOtherDatasetImport added.

ZMSQL version 0.1.9, 15 January 2012

  • Bug fixes in DoFilterRecord and SetMasterSource procedures, to enable custom filtration working correctly.
  • In procedure TZMQueryDataSet.ZMFieldsFromScratch added formula for setting MaxIndexes count.

The formula is: MaxIndexesCount:=(2*(self.FieldDefs.Count)+3).This default value includes ascending and descending index on every column, two default TBufDataset indexes and one spare index. The formula is used in cases when LoadFromCSV or QueryExecute is called without prior FiedlDefs definition. You can still set MaxIndexesCount to any value before calling CreateDataset. Note that in zmsql you can use function SortDataset (const pFieldName:String):Boolean that creates indexes on the fly.

  • Bug fix in EmptyDataset method, so that it delete all records in case of active filter.

ZMSQL version 0.1.8, 08 January 2012

  • Since there was no visible improvement in BufDataSet regarding "Refresh bug" for a very long time, and it seems that TBufDataset is not maintained successfully any more, I have decided to base zmsql on last stable TBufDataset version that performed Refresh method correctly,which appears to be present in fpc 2.2.4.

Therefore, new zmbufdataset.pas and zmbufdatasetparser.pp units are now actually downgraded to fpc 2.2.4. This choise will not change anymore and this is starting point for further independent development of zmbufdataset unit as direct ancestor of zmquerydataset. However, we can always come back to TBufDataset as direct ancestor of zmquerydataset (while preserving zmbufdataset as an alternative) if following criteria is met:

 1. DoFilterRecord method is virtual and protected.
 2. Refresh method works correctly 

Until then, zmbufdataset remains direct ancestor of zmquerydataset and will fork from TBufDataset development.

  • Reconnecting of ZMConnection is added in QueryExecute and LoadFromCSV methods, each time data is loaded by query or import from csv.

This prevents peculiar inconsistences observed during query execution in some circumstances. This odd behavior of jansql has to be throughly investigated...

  • In previous versions regular filtering was broken by DoFilterRecord everriding. It is solved now by adding:"if not Acceptable then exit;" after "inherited DoFilterRecord(Acceptable);". this way normal filtering functionality with Filter and Filtered properties is preserved.

ZMSQL version 0.1.7, 01 January 2012

  • FDoReferentialUpdate:Boolean field added to signalize dsEdit state in DoBeforePost, which is then used in DoAfterPost as signal to perform referential update. This solved bug that caused referential update of all records in case of insert.
  • Added public read-only property OldRecord. This can be useful during run-time.

ZMSQL version 0.1.6, 28 December 2011

  • Referential update logic moved from DoBeforePost to DoAfterPost procedure, in order to solve problems with multilevel referential integrity.
  • UpdateFOldRecord triggering moved from DoAfterScroll and DoAfterPost to DoBeforeInsert, DoBeforeDelete and DoBeforeEdit.
  • Inspecting and matching of referential conditions for referential update changed from custom filtering to iteration and inspection for referential conditions for every record of SlaveDataset.
  • Bugs in PrepareQuery and DoFilterRecord, as well as few other small bugs are solved.
  • ZMBufDataSet updated with recent bufdataset changes.
  • ZMBufDataSetParser added to package.
  • Bug in Disconnect procedure solved.

Change commit: 4 September 2011

  • Added some things to JanSQL tokenizer and expression evaluator. Still needs implementation of those expressions (outer joins, select distinct etc.)

Version 0.1.5: 12 August 2011

  • Two small demo projects are included in the zip. First one demonstrates referential integrity, master/detail filtration, parameterized queries and difference between using predefined FieldDefs and FieldDefs created on the fly. The second one demostrates loading and saving to CSV table.
  • Improvements: ZMSQL now enables decimal separator to be chosen (new property in TZMConnection) for ftFloat field type. It does not influence default CSV save format, but only data representation.
    • Caution: Changing value of a ZMConnection.DecimalSeparator will change SysUtils.DefaultFormatSettings as well, so this will influence on the whole application!
  • If you leave ZMConnection.DecimalalSeparator empty, default format settings are going to be used
  • Added overloaded procedure, procedure SaveToCSV (pDecimalSeparator);overload; so that you can save a dataset with custom decimal separator. The regular SaveToCSV uses dot as decimal separator, because JanSQL database engine uses that format.

Version 0.1.4: 8 August 2011

  • Successfully implements REFERENTIAL INTEGRITY!
  • A simple test project is provided inside the package folder and demostrates new features from zmsql 0.1.3 and 0.1.4:
    • queries with joined tables
    • master/detail filtration/synchronization
    • referential integrity (insert/update/delete)
    • parameterized queries

Version 0.1.3: 2 August 2011

  • This version brings master/detail synchronization.
  • The test project now also demonstrates master/detail synchronization and parameterized queries.

Version 0.1.2: 28 July 2011

  • This version brings initial support for parameterized queries (it borrows TParams collection from SQLDB).
  • Currently, this support is very basic, parameters must be passed by name (ParamByName) and their values are passed as string literals to SQL string before query execution.
  • There is a Test project included in the package, where you can see how parameters are used.

Version 0.1.1: 26 July 2011

  • QueryExecute method fixed. SqlText TStrings property must be transformed to String prior to passing it JanSQL engine and spaces must be inserted between Sqltext lines.

Version 0.1.0: 13 July 2011