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FPVectorial offers support to read, modify and write vectorial images.

It's counterpart library is fcl-image, which works with raster images. FPVectorial comes with a unit which allows to draw a vectorial image to a TFPCustomCanvas, but no routines are provided to convert raster images to vectorial images.


Downloading the latest code from FPC:

svn checkout http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/fpc/trunk/packages/fpvectorial fpvectorial

Downloading the fpvviewer project:

svn co https://lazarus-ccr.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/lazarus-ccr/applications/fpvviewer fpvviewer

Current file list

FPVectorial is located in Free Pascal 2.3.1+ in the directory fpc/packages/fpvectorial/src

The central unit is fpvectorial.

Readers for various image formats

  • pdfvectorialreader - Read support for PDF files, supports compression, only reads the first page
  • avisocncgcodereader - Read support for the G-Code from the Aviso CNC machine
  • cdrvectorialreader - Initial work of a reader support for Corel Draw CDR files
  • dxfvectorialreader - Read support for DXF, the Drawing eXchange Format utilized by the AutoCAD
  • svgvectorialreader - Read support for SVG, in initial stage and optimized for reading SVG generated by fpvectorial at the moment.

Writers for various image formats

  • avisocncgcodewriter - Write support for the G-Code from the Aviso CNC machine
  • svgvectorialwriter - Write support for SVG. The most advanced writer at the moment. Supports lines, curves and text. Supports pen color and width.

Other units

  • fpvtocanvas - Converts a vectorial document to a TFPCustomCanvas descendent (like TCanvas). Essentially converts the vectorial image to a raster image
  • fpvutils - Utility functions which don't belong to fpvectorial.pas or that would bring unwanted dependencies to it. Color conversion functions.
  • pdfvrlexico, pdfvrsemantico, pdfvrsintatico, avisozlib - Other units from the PDF reader, don't use directly



The PDF format is developed by Adobe (tm) and it is fully documented. Inside, PDF is simply text, so it is rather easy to parse, but parts of this text are usually can be compressed.

Link to the PDF Reference: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/pdf/pdf_reference.html


Corel does not release public documentation for it's CorelDraw file format. Any information about this format depends on reverse engineering and guessing. The format is binary and consists of a tree of chunks.

See also fpvectorial#fpcorelexplorer


Scalable Vectorial Graphics (SVG) is a standard from W3C for vectorial graphics. It is the native format of Inkscape and stores it's data as a single, uncompressed XML file with the extension ".svg".

Link to the specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/

A very serious shortcoming in SVG is that it does not allow real world units to be specified in the drawing routines, only pixel values accepted, which makes it impossible to have a document with real world units. This can be worked around by simply hardcoding to a fixed DPI resolution, which is 90 DPI for Inkscape. Read more here:

Following Inkscape and the Opera Browser, FPVectorial also hardcodes to 90 DPI.


The Drawing eXchange Format from Autodesk AutoCAD. This format is documented, but the quality of the documentation is rather low, lacking adequate explanations.

The format itself is rather simple, composed by text. Each unit is composed of two lines, the first one being a number describing the type of data and then another line with the value itself, which might be text or a number.

The most common problem in other DXF reading libraries is that they don't support the actual DXF writen by newer versions of AutoCAD. This is not the case with fpvectorial, which was tested with AutoCAD 2000 and also the previous simpler formats.

Link to the documentation:

The software fpvviewer can be utilized to show the internal structure of a DXF file. This software can be found in the lazarus-ccr svn in applications/fpvviewer. More info here: fpvectorial#fpvviewer

Types of data in FPVectorial

FPVectorial holds lists of three types of objects: paths, text and entities.

Essentially paths are sequences of points, through which run lines and bezier curves. A path can be a line, a bezier, a polyline, a polybezier or any combination of these elements. The main characteristic of paths is that they can be utilized to guide a milling machine, also known as CNC machine, into physically executing the drawing. Before being able to execute a drawing which contains either text or entities in a CNC machine, these items need to be converted to paths.

Text, just like the name says are strings drawn with fonts.

Entities are things like circles, arcs, ellipses, rotated ellipses, etc.

Usage examples

Format conversion

This example loads a PDF, converts it to G-Code and writes the G-Code to a TStrings descendent

<delphi> uses

 fpvectorial, pdfvectorialreader, avisocncgcodewriter;


 Vec: TvVectorialDocument;


 if dialogoAbrir.Execute() then
   Vec := TvVectorialDocument.Create;
     Vec.ReadFromFile(dialogoAbrir.FileName, vfPDF);
     Vec.WriteToStrings(synCodigo.Lines, vfGCodeAvisoCNCPrototipoV5);

end; </delphi>

Drawing paths, bezier lines and text

This example shows how to render various elements.

<delphi> { Author: Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

License: Public Domain } program fpvwritetest;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}


 fpvectorial, svgvectorialwriter;


 cFormat = vfSVG;
 cExtension = '.svg';


 Vec: TvVectorialDocument;


 Vec := TvVectorialDocument.Create;
   // All documents are 10cm x 10cm
   Vec.Width := 100;
   Vec.Height := 100;
   // ...
   // multi_test_1     Combines various elements
   Vec.StartPath(0, 20);
   Vec.AddLineToPath(30, 30);
   Vec.StartPath(0, 0);
   Vec.AddLineToPath(100, 0);
   Vec.AddLineToPath(100, 100);
   Vec.AddLineToPath(0, 100);
   Vec.AddLineToPath(0, 0);
   Vec.StartPath(0, 0);
   Vec.AddLineToPath(10, 10);
   Vec.AddBezierToPath(10, 20, 20, 20, 20, 10);
   Vec.AddLineToPath(30, 0);
   Vec.AddText(10, 10, 0, '10,10 Some text in english.');
   Vec.AddText(20, 20, 0, '20, 20 Mówić, cześć, Włosku, Parabéns.');
   Vec.AddText(30, 30, 0, '30, 30 森林,是一个高密');
   Vec.WriteToFile('multi_test_1' + cExtension, cFormat);

end. </delphi>

And here is the output of this example when rendered by the Opera Browser:

Fpvectorial svg output.PNG

More examples

Please see in the FPC repository: http://svn.freepascal.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/trunk/packages/fpvectorial/examples/


The Free Pascal Vectorial Viewer is a sample application which implements a simple CAD viewer using fpvectorial.

Besides being able to visualize vectorial drawings, this software can also help in exploring the internal structure of DXF file:


It's source code can be found in the Lazarus-CCR in the directory application/fpvviewer

Link to download the Lazarus-CCR from subversion:

svn co https://lazarus-ccr.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/lazarus-ccr lazarus-ccr


An application was developed for helping studying the CDR file format. At the moment this application can identify the version of CorelDraw files. It is located in fpctrunk/packages/fpvectorial/examples/fpcorelexplorer.lpi


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