global compiler directives

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Free Pascal supports compiler directives in the source file: Basically the same directives as in Turbo Pascal, Delphi and Mac OS pascal compilers. Some are recognized for compatibility only, and have no effect.

Gobal Compiler Directives

$APPTYPE determines the program type.
$CALLING determines the calling convention of internal and external procedures and functions.
$code page determines which code page is used by the program.
$D oder $DEBUGINFO insert GNU debugging informationen into generated code.
$DESCRIPTION currently igonored by compiler.
$E emulate coprocessor.
$G currently igonored by compiler (reserved for generation of 80286 code).
$INCLUDEPATH determines path for include files.
$INTERFACES determines software interface for compiler
$LOCALSYMBOLS currently igonored by compiler.
$LIBRARYPATH determines path to library files.
$MEMORY determines size of memory to use.
$MODE determines compatibility mode of compiler.
$MODESWITCH enables selection of certain functinos.
$N currently igonored by compiler.
$O currently igonored by compiler.
$OBJECTPATH defines path to object files
$P or $OPENSTRINGS determines parameters of procedures and functions to be ShortStrings
$PASCALMAINNAME determines name of entry point.
$PIC enables PIC code generation.
$PROFILE enables generation of profile code
$S creates code to check for stack overflow.
$SMARTLINK determines smart linking
$THREADING currently igonored by compiler.
$UNITPATH determines search path for units
$VERSION defines version number of DLL
$WEAKPACKAGEUNIT currently igonored by compiler
$X or $EXTENDEDSYNTAX enables calling of functinos like procedures
$Y or $REFERENCEINFO creates Delphi-compatible browser info.