global compiler directives

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Free Pascal supports compiler directives in the source file. Basically the same directives as in Turbo Pascal, Delphi and Apple Pascal (Mac OS) pascal compilers are supported. Some are recognized for compatibility only, and have no effect.

Gobal Compiler Directives

$APPTYPE determines the program type.
$CALLING determines the calling convention of internal and external procedures and functions.
$code page determines which code page is used by the program.
$D oder $DEBUGINFO insert GNU debugging informationen into generated code.
$DESCRIPTION currently igonored by compiler.
$E emulate coprocessor.
$G currently igonored by compiler (reserved for generation of 80286 code).
$INCLUDEPATH determines path for include files.
$INTERFACES determines software interface for compiler
$LOCALSYMBOLS currently igonored by compiler.
$LIBRARYPATH determines path to library files.
$MEMORY determines size of memory to use.
$MODE determines compatibility mode of compiler.
$MODESWITCH enables selection of certain functinos.
$N currently igonored by compiler.
$O currently igonored by compiler.
$OBJECTPATH defines path to object files
$P or $OPENSTRINGS determines parameters of procedures and functions to be ShortStrings
$PASCALMAINNAME determines name of entry point.
$PIC enables PIC code generation.
$PROFILE enables generation of profile code
$S creates code to check for stack overflow.
$SMARTLINK determines smart linking
$THREADING currently igonored by compiler.
$UNITPATH determines search path for units
$VERSION defines version number of DLL
$WEAKPACKAGEUNIT currently igonored by compiler
$X or $EXTENDEDSYNTAX enables calling of functinos like procedures
$Y or $REFERENCEINFO creates Delphi-compatible browser info.

Global directives for Novell NetWare only

$COPYRIGHT inserts copyright information
$SCREENNAME determines screen name for application
$THREADNAME defines name of thread

Global directives for Palm OS and Garnet OS only

$APPID id defines four-character AppID
$APPName determines name of application.