Lazarus 5.0 release notes
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Lazarus 5.0 is not yet released. This page is under construction!
LCL Changes
- Added property "Menu: TMainMenu"
- Display the contents of a main menu on the Toolbar
- Added TColorDialogOptions for non-Windows widgetsets.
- New property AlphaChannel (for widgetsets that supoort this)
- Custom-painting was refactored to provide more flexibility. The so-far ignored painting stages tvsPreErase and tvsPostErase were activated for the OnAdvancedCustomDrawItem event. See TTreeView#Painting_of_the_TreeView
- The HideSelection property has been changed to behave like in Delphi.
- Old behaviour: The property was ignored. An unfocused treeview did show the selection even when HideSelection=true.
- New behaviour: Now the selection of an unfocused tree is really hidden when HideSelection=true.
- A "compatibility" property HideSelectionMode was introduced to switch between old and new behaviour. However, this property was marked as deprecated and will be removed in v5.99.
IDE Changes
- Find/rename identifier dialog:
- added option Find overrides too to find all overrides of a method and their references.
- now supports ampersands, e.g. &type
- can now rename units and programs
- supports dotted unit names, e.g. rename Tools to My.Utils and vice versa.
- File Save as now updates all references even dotted unitnames.
Source Editor
- Added support for word-wrap
- Word-wrap can now be used with Folding. (some config in code required)
- New series type, TStateSeries, for displaying the state of machines etc. Also usable for a simple Gantt chart.
Changes affecting compatibility
LCL incompatibility
LazControls incompatibility
- The "Item" property of class TTreeFilterBranch has been changed
- Old: property Items: TStringList
- New: property Items: TStrings
TTreeFilterBranch = class
property Items: TStrings ...;
- TStringList exposed properties that - if changed - would have affected the correct operations of TTreeFilterBranch.
- If any code relied on properties not present in TStrings, then it should use a TStringlist of its own, and assign the results, once completely prepared.
- It is not possible to cast the "Items" property as "TStringList(FilterBranch.Items)". The underlying implementation does not use a Stringlist. Such a type-cast will crash.