Uploads by Mattias2
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This special page shows all uploaded files.
Date | Name | Thumbnail | Size | Description | Versions |
07:50, 1 August 2023 | CompilerOptionsConfigAndTarget2023.png (file) | 77 KB | 2 | ||
14:43, 18 July 2019 | ProjectGroupsEditor2.png (file) | 52 KB | Project Groups Editor in Lazarus 2.1 | 1 | |
14:08, 3 June 2018 | pas2jsdsgn globaloptions.png (file) | 58 KB | Options added by IDE package pas2jsdsgn | 3 | |
07:36, 2 April 2017 | SetDefaultPkDependency1.png (file) | 40 KB | Set default package dependency in Project Inspector | 1 | |
12:21, 17 January 2017 | BuildModesAddedDebugAndRelease1.png (file) | 13 KB | Added build modes "Debug" and "Release" | 1 | |
12:18, 17 January 2017 | BuildModeSelectorInIDEToolBar1.png (file) | 9 KB | Build Mode selector button in the IDE tool bar. | 1 | |
12:15, 17 January 2017 | BuildModeReleasePageDebugging.png (file) | 89 KB | "Debugging" compiler options in build mode "Release" | 1 | |
12:11, 17 January 2017 | BuildModeDebugPageDebugging.png (file) | 93 KB | The "Debugging" compiler options in build mode "Debug" | 1 | |
11:49, 17 January 2017 | EditProjectBuildModes.png (file) | 23 KB | Edit Build Modes of project: Select any Compiler Options page in the Project Options to see the Build Modes selector at the top. | 1 | |
11:44, 17 January 2017 | ListOfBuildModes1.png (file) | 23 KB | List of Build Modes of project | 1 | |
11:33, 9 November 2016 | SetLCLWidgetTypeIn1 7.png (file) | 80 KB | The LCLWidgetType only appears when the project uses the package LCL. | 1 | |
13:50, 25 November 2015 | LazarusEditorFPCMessageHelp.png (file) | 58 KB | Lazarus editor for adding special help for an FPC message. | 1 | |
13:17, 25 November 2015 | MessagesWindowOptionMsgColors.png (file) | 16 KB | IDE Messages options: Define a text color for each type of message. | 1 | |
13:16, 25 November 2015 | MessagesWindowOptions1.png (file) | 64 KB | Options of the IDE Messages window. | 1 | |
13:00, 25 November 2015 | IDEMessagesWindowFind1.png (file) | 14 KB | IDE Window Messages, Find highlighting | 1 | |
15:29, 23 November 2015 | ProjectGroupsEditor1.png (file) | 49 KB | Project Groups Editor, showing project, build modes, package and Pascal file | 1 | |
13:46, 12 November 2015 | OutputDirectoryOFAllPackagesIntoProjectDirectory.png (file) | 17 KB | Compile all packages of project into sub directories of project. | 1 | |
15:43, 18 October 2015 | AdditionsAndOverridesOptionForSinglePkg1.png (file) | 11 KB | Appending an option -vm4104 only to package lazreport via Additions and Overrides. | 1 | |
16:34, 20 March 2015 | addflagtoallprojectsandpackages1.png (file) | 22 KB | Pass -dSomeFlag to all projects and packages, including the IDE. | 1 | |
11:09, 10 February 2014 | AddsAndOverridesAllPkgOutDir1.png (file) | 24 KB | Compiler Options, Additions and Overrides, Override output directory of all packages | 1 | |
11:08, 10 February 2014 | AddsAndOverridesOutDir2.png (file) | 15 KB | Compiler Options, Additions and Overrides, Override for output directory | 1 | |
11:06, 10 February 2014 | AddsAndOverridesOutDir1.png (file) | 25 KB | Compiler Options, Additions and Overrides, overriding the Output Directory | 1 | |
10:40, 25 June 2013 | UnitDependencies1.png (file) | 65 KB | IDE Window Unit Dependencies | 1 | |
23:02, 10 June 2013 | addflagtoprojectsandpackages3.png (file) | 15 KB | How to add a flag to project and all packages: Step 3 | 1 | |
23:01, 10 June 2013 | addflagtoprojectsandpackages2.png (file) | 15 KB | How to add a flag to project and all packages: Step 2 | 1 | |
23:01, 10 June 2013 | addflagtoprojectsandpackages1.png (file) | 21 KB | How to add a flag to project and all packages: Step 1 - go to Additions and Options | 1 | |
22:14, 6 June 2013 | SetLCLWidgetTypeInVersion1 1.png (file) | 67 KB | Changing the LCLWidgetType in Lazarus 1.1 | 1 | |
21:10, 6 June 2013 | CompilerAdditionsAndOverrides1.png (file) | 66 KB | 2 | ||
21:20, 9 April 2013 | cleanuppackagedependencies1.png (file) | 25 KB | IDE dialog showing unneeded package dependencies. | 1 | |
00:56, 22 March 2013 | unitdependencies1.png (file) | 17 KB | Unit dependencies of package LazUtils | 1 | |
00:17, 22 March 2013 | packagegraph1.png (file) | 29 KB | Package Graph | 1 | |
19:27, 5 February 2012 | AdditionalHelpForMessages.png (file) | 44 KB | Editor for additional help for messages | 1 | |
13:54, 5 January 2012 | Identifierdictionary1.png (file) | 33 KB | Identifier Dictionary | 2 | |
19:39, 2 December 2011 | Anchored right nil resize3.png (file) | 3 KB | Control anchored right to nil, resized, parent enlarged | 2 | |
19:27, 2 December 2011 | Anchored right parent resize2.png (file) | 3 KB | Control anchored right to Parent, changed Width | 1 | |
19:27, 2 December 2011 | Anchored right parent resize1.png (file) | 3 KB | Control anchored right to Parent | 1 | |
19:26, 2 December 2011 | Anchored right nil resize2.png (file) | 3 KB | Control anchored right, AnchorSide.Control=nil, changed Width | 1 | |
19:25, 2 December 2011 | Anchored right nil resize1.png (file) | 3 KB | Control anchored akRight AnchorSide[akRight].Control=nil | 1 | |
16:20, 14 June 2011 | CleanUpProjectFiles1.png (file) | 50 KB | Clean up project files | 1 | |
18:36, 27 May 2011 | Cody declare var1.png (file) | 36 KB | Cody: Declare Variable | 1 | |
20:06, 24 May 2011 | Build mode release macro1.png (file) | 69 KB | Build mode release using a macro | 1 | |
13:28, 23 May 2011 | Cody ppu files2.png (file) | 78 KB | Cody: PPU List | 1 | |
13:15, 23 May 2011 | Cody ppu linked files1.png (file) | 46 KB | Cody: PPU list showing linked files | 1 | |
08:06, 16 May 2011 | Parameterhints2.png (file) | 10 KB | Parameter hints after completing FillRect | 1 | |
08:04, 16 May 2011 | Parameterhints1.png (file) | 9 KB | Parameter hints for TCanvas.FillRect | 1 | |
15:38, 6 May 2011 | Cody add assign method1.png (file) | 41 KB | Cody, add Assign method dialog | 1 | |
19:41, 4 May 2011 | Cody ppu files.png (file) | 77 KB | Cody PPU files of project dialog | 1 | |
23:51, 30 September 2010 | Compileroptions buildmacro example2.png (file) | 64 KB | Example for using a build macro to automatically choose different search paths depending on target OS | 1 | |
23:22, 30 September 2010 | Compileroptions buildmacro example1.png (file) | 58 KB | A build macro to add a boolean property. | 1 | |
14:27, 30 September 2010 | Compileroptions buildmacros1.png (file) | 101 KB | Compiler Options / Build Macros | 1 |