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=== ARM ===
=== ARM ===
=== AVR ===
=== AVR ===
Currently only the embedded target is supported by FPC. The compiler follows the register layout [https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/avr-gcc#Register_Layout], frame layout [https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/avr-gcc#Frame_Layout] and calling convention [https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/avr-gcc#Calling_Convention] of the avr-gcc ABI.
=== i386 ===
=== i386 ===
=== IA-64 ===
=== IA-64 ===

Revision as of 09:53, 18 June 2022

The Assembler

The FPC Pascal Compiler translates Pascal source code into assembly language which is then processed by an assembler running as a separate backend. Some other Pascal compilers directly generate object modules or executable programs directly, i.e. they do not require a separate assembler.

An assembler is itself an executable program that translates assembly language into an object module. In most cases the object modules are passed to a linker which then produces an executable program, although in some there are additional stages (code signing for secure operating systems, conversion to a binary for embedded systems and so on).


The interface between an executable program and the underlying operating system is referred to as the Application Binary Interface or ABI. This includes the CPU's operating mode (e.g. whether word and address sizes default to 32 or 64 bits), operand alignment, function calling conventions, system call numbers, and a selection of constants (e.g. file open modes) and structures (e.g. as returned by the stat() function). It is also usually considered to include the format of the object modules, executable and library files.

Obviously the ABI is grossly different between operating systems: in general a program compiled for Windows will not run on Linux and vice versa. In addition, however, there is a significant amount of variation between different "flavours" of related operating systems, for example not only are the system call numbers different between SPARC Solaris and SPARC Linux but they are different between SPARC Linux and x86 Linux.

Purpose of this note

In most cases FPC uses the GNU assembler (as or gas) as its backend. However, the assembly language syntax expected by this is different for each target CPU, sections below give examples of this. The original incentive for this was because the author (MarkMLl) found that he needed to write an assembler reader for the MIPS processor, and that there was no straightforward comparison of existing formats on which he could base new code.

In addition, in some cases the details of the assembly language format or the ABI specification are only available to users registered with the relevant manufacturer, where possible links to unofficial mirrors are given below for casual reference.

Assembler source formats

Assembler source emitted by the compiler's code generator has to be (a subset of what is) acceptable to the assembler for the relevant target CPU. In addition, small portions of the RTL (e.g. prt0.as) are of necessity written in assembler, and some Pascal source files (e.g. syscall.inc) contain inline assembler which the compiler has to be able to parse before it is passed to the backend.

The list of CPUs below is taken from the compiler as of late 2011. Some of these are no longer supported, or exist merely as minimal stubs.


This compiler exists only as a minimal stub.


This fragment is from FpSysCall alias FPC_SYSCALL6 in FPC's ./rtl/linux/arm/syscall.inc:

  stmfd sp!,{r4,r5,r6}
  ldr  r4,param4
  ldr  r5,param5
  ldr  r6,param6
  ldmfd sp!,{r4,r5,r6}

This fragment is from ret_from_fork in Linux's ./arch/arm/kernel/entry-common.S:

        bl      schedule_tail
        get_thread_info tsk
        ldr     r1, [tsk, #TI_FLAGS]            @ check for syscall tracing
        mov     why, #1
        tst     r1, #_TIF_SYSCALL_TRACE         @ are we tracing syscalls?
        beq     ret_slow_syscall
        mov     r1, sp
        mov     r0, #1                          @ trace exit [IP = 1]
        bl      syscall_trace
        b       ret_slow_syscall

Note that register names are r0, r1 etc. without a sigil, and that register assignment is right-to-left.


This fragment is from part of fpc's startup code in /rtl/embedded/avr/start.inc:

 {$ifdef CPUAVR_16_REGS}
       clr r17
 {$else CPUAVR_16_REGS}
       clr r1
 {$endif CPUAVR_16_REGS}

       // load stack pointer
       ldi r30,lo8(_stack_top)
       out 0x3d,r30
       ldi r30,hi8(_stack_top)
       out 0x3e,r30

       // Initialize .data section
       ldi XL,lo8(_data)
       ldi XH,hi8(_data)
       ldi YH,hi8(_edata)
       ldi ZL,lo8(_etext)
 {$ifdef CPUAVR_16_REGS}
       ldi ZH,hi8(_etext)+(0x40) // program memory mapped to $4000 in data space
 {$else CPUAVR_16_REGS}
       ldi ZH,hi8(_etext)
 {$endif CPUAVR_16_REGS}

Note that register names are r0, r1 etc. without a sigil, and that register assignment is right-to-left.


This fragment is from FpSysCall alias FPC_SYSCALL6 in FPC's ./rtl/linux/i386/syscall.inc:

        push  %ebx
        push  %edx
        push  %esi
        push  %edi
        push  %ebp
        push  %ecx
        cmp   $0, sysenter_supported
        jne   .LSysEnter
        movl  %edx,%ebx         // param1
        pop   %ecx              // param2
        movl  param3,%edx       // param3
        movl  param4,%esi       // param4
        movl  param5,%edi       // param5
        movl  param6,%ebp       // param6
        int   $0x80
        jmp   .LTail
        movl  %edx,%ebx         // param1
        pop   %ecx              // param2
        movl  param3,%edx       // param3
        movl  param4,%esi       // param4
        movl  param5,%edi       // param5
        movl  param6,%ebp       // param6
        call psysinfo
        pop   %ebp
        pop   %edi
        pop   %esi
        pop   %edx
        pop   %ebx
        cmpl  $-4095,%eax
        jb    .LSyscOK
        negl  %eax
        call  seterrno
        movl  $-1,%eax

This fragment is from ret_from_fork in Linux's ./arch/x86/kernel/entry_32.S:

        pushl %eax
        call schedule_tail
        popl %eax
        pushl $0x0202                   # Reset kernel eflags
        jmp syscall_exit

Note that register names are eax, ebx etc. with % as a mandatory sigil, and that register assignment is left-to-right.


This compiler exists only as a minimal stub.


This compiler exists in FPC v1 and has lain dormant for a while but has since inclusion in FPC 2.x in the end of 2013.


This fragment is from FpSysCall alias FPC_SYSCALL6 in FPC's ./rtl/linux/mips/syscall.inc:

  sw  $4,0($23)
  sw  $5,-4($23)
  sw  $6,-8($23)
  sw  $7,-12($23)
  sw  $8,-16($23)
  sw  $9,-20($23)
  sw  $10,-24($23)
  sw  $11,-28($23)
  sw  $12,-32($23)
  sw  $13,-36($23)
  sw  $14,-40($23)
  addiu  $23,$23,-44

  move  $2,$4
  move  $4,$5
  move  $5,$6
  move  $6,$7
  move  $7,$8
  move  $8,$9
  lw  $9,0($fp)

  subu  $29,32
  sw    $8, 16($29)
  sw    $9, 20($29)
  addiu $29,32

  beq $7,$0,.LDone
  lui   $8,%hi(fpc_threadvar_relocate_proc)
  addiu   $8,%lo(fpc_threadvar_relocate_proc)
  lw   $8,0($8)
  bne  $8,$0,.LThreaded
  lui   $4,%hi(Errno+4)
  addiu   $4,%lo(Errno+4)
  sw    $2,0($4)
  b     .LFailed
  sw   $2,-4($fp)#temp#sw $4
  lui   $4,%hi(errno)
  addiu   $4,$4,%lo(errno)
  jal   $8
  lw  $8,-4($fp)
  sw  $8,0($2)
  li    $2,-1

  addiu  $23,$23,44
  lw  $4,0($23)
  lw  $5,-4($23)
  lw  $6,-8($23)
  lw  $7,-12($23)
  lw  $8,-16($23)
  lw  $9,-20($23)
  lw  $10,-24($23)
  lw  $11,-28($23)
  lw  $12,-32($23)
  lw  $13,-36($23)
  lw  $14,-40($23)


This fragment is from ret_from_fork in Linux's ./arch/mips/kernel/entry.S:

        jal     schedule_tail           # a0 = struct task_struct *prev

        local_irq_disable               # make sure need_resched and
                                        # signals dont change between
                                        # sampling and return
        LONG_L  a2, TI_FLAGS($28)       # current->work
        li      t0, _TIF_ALLWORK_MASK
        and     t0, a2, t0
        bnez    t0, syscall_exit_work

FEXPORT(restore_all)                    # restore full frame
        .set    noat
FEXPORT(restore_partial)                # restore partial frame
        .set    at

Note that register names are 0, 1 etc. with $ as a mandatory sigil, and that register assignment is right-to-left; versions of GNU as from 2.18 onwards also support symbolic register names a0, a1 etc. There is a delay slot after branch etc. instructions.


This fragment is from FpSysCall alias FPC_SYSCALL6 in FPC's ./rtl/linux/powerpc/syscall.inc:

  mr  r0,r3
  mr  r3,r4
  mr  r4,r5
  mr  r5,r6
  mr  r6,r7
  mr  r7,r8
  mr  r8,r9
  bns   .LDone
  lis   r10,(fpc_threadvar_relocate_proc)@ha
  lwz   r10,(fpc_threadvar_relocate_proc)@l(r10)
  cmpwi r10,0
  bne   .LThreaded
  lis   r4,(Errno+4)@ha
  stw   r3,(Errno+4)@l(r4)
  b     .LFailed
  stw   r3,temp
  mflr  r3
  mtctr r10
  lis   r4,(errno)@ha
  stw   r3,retaddress
  lwz   r3,(errno)@l(r4)
  lwz   r4,temp
  lwz   r5,retaddress
  stw   r4,0(r3)
  mtlr  r5
 li    r3,-1

This fragment is from ret_from_fork in Linux's ./arch/powerpc/kernel/entry_32.S:

        mr      r6,r3
        rlwinm  r12,r1,0,0,(31-THREAD_SHIFT)    /* current_thread_info() */
        /* disable interrupts so current_thread_info()->flags can't change */
        LOAD_MSR_KERNEL(r10,MSR_KERNEL) /* doesn't include MSR_EE */
        /* Note: We don't bother telling lockdep about it */
        lwz     r9,TI_FLAGS(r12)
        li      r8,-_LAST_ERRNO
        bne-    syscall_exit_work
        cmplw   0,r3,r8
        blt+    syscall_exit_cont
        lwz     r11,_CCR(r1)                    /* Load CR */
        neg     r3,r3
        oris    r11,r11,0x1000  /* Set SO bit in CR */
        stw     r11,_CCR(r1)
        lwz     r8,_MSR(r1)
        lwarx   r7,0,r1
        stwcx.  r0,0,r1                 /* to clear the reservation */
        lwz     r4,_LINK(r1)
        lwz     r5,_CCR(r1)
        mtlr    r4
        mtcr    r5
        lwz     r7,_NIP(r1)
        FIX_SRR1(r8, r0)
        lwz     r2,GPR2(r1)
        lwz     r1,GPR1(r1)
        mtspr   SPRN_SRR0,r7
        mtspr   SPRN_SRR1,r8

66:     li      r3,-ENOSYS
        b       ret_from_syscall

        bl      schedule_tail
        li      r3,0
        b       ret_from_syscall

Note that register names are r0, r1 etc. without a sigil, and that register assignment is right-to-left.


Similar to PowerPC above.


This fragment is from FpSysCall alias FPC_SYSCALL6 in FPC's ./rtl/linux/sparc/syscall.inc:

        mov     %i0,%g1
        mov     %i1,%o0
        mov     %i2,%o1
        mov     %i3,%o2
        mov     %i4,%o3
        ld      [%i6+92],%o5
        mov     %i5,%o4
        ta      0x10
        bcc     .LSyscOK
        mov     %o0,%l0
        sethi   %hi(fpc_threadvar_relocate_proc),%o2
        or      %o2,%lo(fpc_threadvar_relocate_proc),%o2
        ld      [%o2],%o3
        subcc   %o3,%g0,%g0
        bne     .LThread
        sethi   %hi(Errno+4),%o0
        ba      .LNoThread
        or      %o0,%lo(Errno+4),%o0
        sethi   %hi(Errno),%o0
        or      %o0,%lo(Errno),%o0
        call    %o3
        ld      [%o0],%o0
        st      %l0,[%o0]
        mov     -1,%o0
        mov     %o0,%i0

This fragment is from ret_from_fork in Linux's ./arch/sparc/kernel/entry.S:

        andn    %l7, 3, %l7
        mov     %i0, %o0
        mov     %i1, %o1
        mov     %i2, %o2
        jmpl    %l7 + %g0, %g0
         mov    %i3, %o3

        add     %sp, STACKFRAME_SZ, %o0
        call    syscall_trace
         mov    0, %o1
        cmp     %o0, 0
        bne     3f
         mov    -ENOSYS, %o0
        mov     %i0, %o0
        mov     %i1, %o1
        mov     %i2, %o2
        mov     %i3, %o3
        b       2f
         mov    %i4, %o4

        .globl  ret_from_fork
        call    schedule_tail
         mov    %g3, %o0
        b       ret_sys_call
         ld     [%sp + STACKFRAME_SZ + PT_I0], %o0

        /* Linux native system calls enter here... */
        .align  4
        .globl  linux_sparc_syscall
        sethi   %hi(PSR_SYSCALL), %l4
        or      %l0, %l4, %l0
        /* Direct access to user regs, must faster. */
        cmp     %g1, NR_SYSCALLS
        bgeu    linux_sparc_ni_syscall
         sll    %g1, 2, %l4
        ld      [%l7 + %l4], %l7
        andcc   %l7, 1, %g0
        bne     linux_fast_syscall
         /* Just do first insn from SAVE_ALL in the delay slot */

Note that register names are i0, i1 etc. with % as a mandatory sigil, and that register assignment is left-to-right. Registers are windowed, and there is a delay slot after branch etc. instructions.


This compiler exists only as a minimal stub.


Refer to i386 above.


This fragment is from FpSysCall alias FPC_SYSCALL6 in FPC's ./rtl/linux/x86_64/syscall.inc:

  movq sysnr, %rax        { Syscall number -> rax.  }
  movq param1, %rdi         { shift arg1 - arg5. }
  movq param2, %rsi
  movq param3, %rdx
  movq param4, %r10
  movq param5, %r8
  movq param6, %r9
  syscall                 { Do the system call. }
  cmpq $-4095, %rax       { Check %rax for error.  }
  jnae .LSyscOK           { Jump to error handler if error.  }
  negq  %rax
  movq  %rax,%rdx
  movq  fpc_threadvar_relocate_proc,%rax
  leaq  Errno,%r11
  testq %rax,%rax
  jne   .LThread
  movl  %edx,8(%r11)
  jmp   .LNoThread
  pushq %rdx
  movq  (%r11),%rdi
  call  *%rax
  popq  %rdx
  movl  %edx,(%rax)
  movq  $-1,%rax

This fragment is from ret_from_fork in Linux's ./arch/x86/kernel/entry_64.S:


        LOCK ; btr $TIF_FORK,TI_flags(%r8)

        push kernel_eflags(%rip)
        popf                                    # reset kernel eflags

        call schedule_tail                      # rdi: 'prev' task parameter



        testl $3, CS-ARGOFFSET(%rsp)            # from kernel_thread?
        je   int_ret_from_sys_call

        testl $_TIF_IA32, TI_flags(%rcx)        # 32-bit compat task needs IRET
        jnz  int_ret_from_sys_call

        jmp ret_from_sys_call                   # go to the SYSRET fastpath


Note that register names are rax, rbx etc. with % as a mandatory sigil, and that register assignment is left-to-right.

zSeries (S/390)

As of early 2012, IBM's zSeries (formerly System/390) is not supported by the compiler, refer to ZSeries/Part 1 for the current implementation status. Note that Linux 2.6 probably won't run on anything older than an S/390 G5.

For the GNU assembler (gas):

This fragment is from ret_from_fork in Linux's ./arch/s390/kernel/entry.S:

#define BASED(name) name-system_call(%r13)

        .globl  ret_from_fork
        l       %r13,__LC_SVC_NEW_PSW+4
        l       %r9,__LC_THREAD_INFO    # load pointer to thread_info struct
        tm      SP_PSW+1(%r15),0x01     # forking a kernel thread ?
        bo      BASED(0f)
        st      %r15,SP_R15(%r15)       # store stack pointer for new kthread
0:      l       %r1,BASED(.Lschedtail)
        basr    %r14,%r1
        stosm   __SF_EMPTY(%r15),0x03   # reenable interrupts
        b       BASED(sysc_tracenogo)

        tm      __TI_flags+2(%r9),_TIF_SYSCALL
        bz      BASED(sysc_return)
        l       %r1,BASED(.Ltrace_exit)
        la      %r2,SP_PTREGS(%r15)     # load pt_regs
        la      %r14,BASED(sysc_return)
        br      %r1

Note that register names are r0, r1 etc. with % as a mandatory sigil. Older assemblers (below) arranged the operands as ordered in the binary opcode (i.e. register assignment order varies by operation), this might have changed for the GNU assembler resulting in obvious compatibility problems.

For the IBM assembler:

For the purpose of comparison and with minimal comment, here are "Hello, World!" programs compiled with GCC for different targets.

GCCMVS on MUSIC/SP hosted by Sim/390 using the command

gccmvs_v30 -S -o hello.asm ... hello.c

generates this:

LC0     EQU   *
        DC    C'Hello, MUSIC/SP!'
        DC    X'15'
        DC    X'0'
        DS    0F
        EXTRN @@CRT0
* Function main prologue
        B     FEN0
FEN0    EQU   *
        DROP  12
        BALR  12,0
        USING *,12
PG0     EQU   *
        LR    11,1
        L     10,=A(PGT0)
* Function main code
        MVC   88(4,13),=A(LC0)
        LA    1,88(,13)
        L     15,=V(PRINTF)
        BALR  14,15
        SLR   2,2
        LR    15,2

In the example above, note that registers are identified numerically (e.g. BALR 12,0); it is common to load a macro package which introduces a leading R as a sigil (i.e. BALR R12,R0). The operands are ordered as in the binary opcode (i.e. register assignment order varies by operation), this might have changed for the GNU assembler (see section above) resulting in obvious compatibility problems.

GCC on zSeries Linux hosted by Hercules using the command

gcc -S -o hello.asm hello.c

apparently assuming -march=g5, generates this:

       .string "Hello, Linux!"
       .align  4
.globl main
       .type   main, @function
       stm     %r11,%r15,44(%r15)
       basr    %r13,0
       ahi     %r15,-96
       lr      %r11,%r15
       l       %r1,.L4-.L3(%r13)
       lr      %r2,%r1
       l       %r1,.L5-.L3(%r13)
       basr    %r14,%r1
       lhi     %r1,0
       lr      %r2,%r1
       l       %r4,152(%r11)
       lm      %r11,%r15,140(%r11)
       br      %r4
       .align  4
       .long   puts
       .long   .LC0

I think that's still effectively generating code similar to traditional
assembler's "using".
With the explicit instruction to use a later CPU:

gcc -march=z900 -S -o hello.asm hello.c

it generates this:

       .string "Hello, Linux!"
       .align  4
.globl main
       .type   main, @function
       stm     %r11,%r15,44(%r15)
       ahi     %r15,-96
       lr      %r11,%r15
       larl    %r2,.LC0
       brasl   %r14,puts
       lhi     %r1,0
       lr      %r2,%r1
       l       %r4,152(%r11)
       lm      %r11,%r15,140(%r11)
       br      %r4

If I'm reading that correctly, it's referring to the string directly
without using a register.

ABI references

The list of CPUs etc. is based on those found in the compiler (see above).




Currently only the embedded target is supported by FPC. The compiler follows the register layout [1], frame layout [2] and calling convention [3] of the avr-gcc ABI.





MIPS has several kinds of ABI, including O32, EABI, n32, n64, nowadays the de facto one should be O32. Some ABI document for MIPS O32 ABI can be found in the internet, unfortunately due to the copyright limit, we cannot provide it here. However, this page [4] has some useful links.




SPARC is an open architecture. All design documents are freely available (no signup required) from sparc.org and opensparc.net. sparc.org has documents on the 32 bit SPARC version V8 and the 64 bit SPARC version V9. Earlier versions of the architecture, specifically V7 are available on the net (search for Solbourne).

You can download the SPARC V8 Architecture Manual here: [5] The SPARC V8 ABI for UNIX is here: [6]

You can download the SPARC V9 Architecture Manual here: [7] The SPARC V9 ABI for UNIX is here: [8] Newer versions than V9 are available on opensparc.net.




zSeries (S/390)

The classic IBM operating systems, particularly when running on older hardware (i.e. preceding the S/390 G5) historically adopt a programming style which passes function parameters in registers and blocks of memory rather than using a stack.

For Linux on a 32-bit S/390, "The first 5 integer (char, short, int, long, long long) and pointer parameters are passed in registers R2, R3, R4, R5 and R6. ... long long parameters are passed in register pairs. Structures of 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes are passed as integers. ... the first 2 floating point parameters are passed in F0 and F2. ... All other parameters are passed on the stack. If the return value is not an integer, pointer, float, double or 1, 2, 4 or 9-byte structure, a "hidden" parameter in R2 will contain the address of the return area." [9]

Other resources

As a general point, there's some useful thoughts on binary disassembly at http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/GPL_Disassembling for situations where IDA or equivalent aren't available.