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Case opens a case statement. The case statement compares the value of an ordinal expression to each selector, which can be a constant, a subrange, or a list of them separated by commas. The selector field is separated from action field by Colon.

The case statement includes the reserved words Of and End. Else can be used if needed, too.

 case place of
   1: ShowMessage('Gold medal');
   2: ShowMessage('Silver medal');
   3: ShowMessage('Bronze medal'); 
   else ShowMessage('Better luck next time'); 


 function WhatIsChar( c:char ):string;
   s : string;
   s := '';
   case c of
     '0' .. '9' : s := 'digit (0-9)';
     'a' .. 'z' : s := 'lowercase letter (a-z)';
     'A' .. 'Z' : s := 'uppercase letter (A-Z)';
     '+' , '-'  : s := 'sign (+ or -)';
   result := s;

Hexadecimal input

If hexadecimal number are used, it is considered that they are unsigned:

 case place of
   $1: ShowMessage('Gold medal');
   $2: ShowMessage('Silver medal');
   $3: ShowMessage('Bronze medal'); 
   else ShowMessage('Better luck next time'); 

If a hexadecimal is a different kind of a variable, for example Shortint, values shall be cast:

 case place of
   Shortint($C3): ShowMessage('Gold medal');
   Shortint($34): ShowMessage('Silver medal');
   Shortint($58): ShowMessage('Bronze medal'); 
   else ShowMessage('Better luck next time'); 

Variant Record

Case is used in Variant Record, too. A Variant Record is also called a tagged union.

   ScaleKelvin = 223 .. 323;
   ScaleCelsius = -50 .. 50;
   TemperatureScale = ( celsius, kelvin ) ;
   Temperature = record
    case scale :   TemperatureScale of
     celcius : (celsius_value : ScaleCelsius);
     kelvin : (kelvin_value : ScaleKelvin);

See also