GUI design guidelines/fr

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Toutes les boîtes de dialogue et fenêtres ne doivent pas se limiter à des tailles fixes. Gardez à l'esprit que la taille des polices et les légendes (captions) traduites peuvent varier. Utilisez des diviseurs (splitters) et des panneaux (panels).

Toutes les fiches et les boîte de dialogue doivent marcher sur un écran de 800x600 ou une résolution plus élévée.

Boîtes de dialogue (fiche modale)

Elles sont des fiches particulières qui demandent à l'utilisateur de faire des réglages / modifier des données avant que l'application ne continue.

  • Elle se ferme sur Echappement (Escape) (si cette touche n'est pas prévue pour faire autre chose).
  • Elle définit un bouton par défaut et la touche Retour (Return) l'active (si la touche n'est pas utilisée autrement)
  • Si elle a du contenu défilable (p.ex. en contenant un TMemo, une TListBox, une TreeView), elle devrait être redimensionnable et la taille devrait être enregistrée.

Réglages de boîte de dialogue

Settings that should be applied in general are:

  • BorderStyle :
    • bsSizeable - if the dialog is complex and resizing is really needed.
    • bsDialog - if dialog is simple and resizing is not needed (NOTE: all dialogs should remain resizable internally because of localization issues).
  • Position : poScreenCenter.
  • FormStyle : Do not use fsStayOnTop, as this can be pretty annoying under some window managers.
  • BorderIcons:
    • [biSystemMenu] - for modal shown dialogs
    • [biSystemMenu,biMinimize,biMaximize] - for non-modal shown dialogs

General layout

  • On the bottom of the form Button panel should be placed.
  • The dialog should work on a screen of 800x600. 640x480 is not needed to support.
  • Close on Escape (if key not used otherwise).
  • Define default button and Return activates it (if key not used).
  • Avoid using long captions on buttons. Use Hint property to explain button action in details.
  • The size of resizable dialogs whould be saved and restored next time the dialog will be opened.
  • All hints and captions used on a form should be as resourcestring, so localization can be applied.

Spacings and sizes

  • Dialogs must be designed for 96 dpi resolution and 8 points/14 pixels font height.
  • Spacing between elements: 6 pixels.
  • Minimum size of regular buttons: 90x25 pixels.
  • AutoSize property need to be set for buttons to properly display localized text if it is longer than expected.
  • All buttons in a group (including buttons that contain glyphs) must have the same width and height.

Button panel

The button panel should consist at least of the following elements:

  • OK button.
  • Cancel button.
  • Next button (optional).
  • Previous button (optional).
  • Help button.


To make sure that a dialog after resizing will keep on showing the components in a good way, anchoring is being used. Each components has a property called Anchors. With this property you can determine the way a component is anchored to it's parent.

Hint: Use the anchor editor of the IDE.


Another way to organise components is using alignment. Each component has a property Align. By selecting the appropriate align position several components can be positioned properly.


Especially useful in combination with Align is the BorderSpacing property. (Also found on the Anchors dialog). A typical borderspacing of 6 pixels around a component is used.