Property attributes

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Revision as of 12:53, 6 December 2012 by BigChimp (talk | contribs) (Category, some details)
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Syntax Diagram

 PropertyDeclaration ::= PROPERTY Identifier [PropertyInterface] [PropertySpecifiers]   [Directives]
PropertySpecifiers ::= [ ... ] [ ... ] [ATTRIBUTES AttributesArray]
AttributesArray ::= '[' (AttributeDeclaration [, AttributeDeclaration]) ']'
AttributeDeclaration ::= '<string>':'<string>'

Declaration Examples

TmenuItem = class(...)
property Detachable: Boolean read FDetachable write SetDetachable attributes
 ['widgetsets:qt,gtk,win32', 'implementor:Vasya Pupkin', 'creation-date:01.01.2007'];
TxxxDatabase = class(...)
property TransactionModel: TTransactionModel read FtransactionModel write
 SetTransactionModel attributes ['engines:firebird,oracle,sybase-asa'];

How to store additional info

There were two suggestions about the place for the property attributes:

  1. RTTI. Advantage - easier access from application. Disadvantage - bigger final executable.
  2. PPU. Advantage - info will not be added to executable. Disadvantage - more complicated way of accessing data.

As a result of the discussion PPU storage has been selected. This happened somewhere in 2008 looking at this article's revision history.