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== Overview ==
{{Warning|TFBEventMonitor requires FPC version 2.6.3 or higher}}
{{Infobox databases}}
TFBEventMonitor in the FBEventMonitor unit is used to monitor named events sent from the database server. Events are typically generated by triggers on certain database operations.
'''TFBEventMonitor''' [[image:tfbeventmonitor.png]] in the FBEventMonitor unit is used to monitor named events sent from the [[Firebird]] database server. Events are typically generated by triggers on certain database operations.
Using events means you can avoid regularly polling the database for status changes and can be useful in cases of high load.
Using events means you can avoid regularly polling the database for status changes and can be useful in cases of high load.
Updating a memo with events received. Monitoring events E1 through E7.
Updating a memo with events received. Monitoring events E1 through E7.
<syntaxhighlight lang=pascal>
procedure TForm1.StartMonitor;
procedure TForm1.StartMonitor;
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{{Warning|TFBEventMonitor creates a thread to monitor incoming events. On Unix include cthreads or any other thread manager.}}
{{Warning|TFBEventMonitor creates a thread to monitor incoming events. On Unix include cthreads or any other thread manager.}}
== See also ==
* [[Firebird|Using Firebird with FPC/Lazarus sqldb.]]
* Firebird documentation/readme files on events
* [http://www.firebirdsql.org/file/documentation/papers_presentations/Power_Firebird_events.pdf Presentation on Firebird events]
{{LCL Components}}

Latest revision as of 05:52, 1 March 2020

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TFBEventMonitor tfbeventmonitor.png in the FBEventMonitor unit is used to monitor named events sent from the Firebird database server. Events are typically generated by triggers on certain database operations.

Using events means you can avoid regularly polling the database for status changes and can be useful in cases of high load.


Updating a memo with events received. Monitoring events E1 through E7.

procedure TForm1.StartMonitor;
  EventsM.Events.CommaText:='"E1",E2,E3,E4,"E5","E6","E7"'; //quotes are ignored
  EventsM.RegisterEvents;   // will activate IBConnection1 if not connected

procedure TForm1.StopMonitor;

procedure TForm1.OnFBEvent(Sender: TObject; EventName: string;
  EventCount: longint; var CancelAlerts: boolean);
  Memo1.Lines.Add(EventName+' occurred '+IntToStr(EventCount)+' times.');

The event monitor stops monitoring when the linked TIBConnection is disconnected and will not restart automatically. Use the TIBConnection.AfterConnect and TIBConnection.BeforeDisconnect event handlers to start and stop the monitoring automatically.

The database server sends events to all connections registered for these events except for those created by the connection itself. Events are sent after a transaction is committed. Rolling back a transaction will cancel all events created in that transaction. fbeventstest.pp in the fcl packages/fcl-db/examples/ directory is a test/demo program that creates a stored procedure to send an event with an arbitrary name and uses a second connection to monitor the events sent.


Warning: TFBEventMonitor creates a thread to monitor incoming events. On Unix include cthreads or any other thread manager.

See also

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