error messages

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Revision as of 07:38, 14 September 2020 by Trev (talk | contribs) (→‎See also: Add Creating a Patch)
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Errors received during compilation

If you encounter an error while compiling, please use the FPC and Lazarus Forums, write to the Lazarus or Free Pascal mailing list or join the #fpc or #lazarus-ide IRC channel. The problem may then be solved more quickly.

If the bug is already known

Use the FPC and Lazarus Bug Tracker's search capabilities.

Known issues. Tip: If you are experiencing problems, for example with TEdit.SelStart -> try searching "SelStart" (in quotes). If the bug is known:

  • reopen if the issue is resolved or the issue is closed - use the Reopen Issue button.
  • add your own note to the discussion if you received this error in another situation.

To observe any changes to your bug report - use the Monitor Issue button.

Note: You need to login to your account: Login/Create an account.

FPC and Lazarus Bug Tracker

  1. Go to the bug tracker.
  2. You must be logged in: Login/Create account.
  3. Visit Report Issue. Fill in as many fields as possible. The more accurate the better.
  • The OS and Product Version fields are especially important. If the data is not enough, they will not help you! Don't forget to mention the system features (big endian or 64-bit).
  • It is often helpful to send in a small test program to resolve the problem as soon as possible.
  • If you find graphic artifacts, it would not be superfluous to send a screenshot (in png or jpeg, but not in BMP!).
  • If it fails, try creating a backtrace. More information - Creating a Backtrace with GDB.
  • If possible, observe the behaviour of the buggy program on different platforms or with different widgetsets.

It is also possible to get a bug fixed by paying for a solution, see Bounties.

See also