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Pacman is the package management tool on Arch Linux and many other distributions based on it. Such as Manjaro. The packages themselves are really the equivalent of a Deb Binary package, not a source package.

The Arch packaging system uses a file, that should be called PKGBUILD, that contains everything the makepkg command needs to get your source code direct from its repository, build it and bundle everything into single compressed archive. If you already have a Makefile that builds and installs, or scripts that do the same thing, you will be pleasantly surprised just how easy it is to make a Pacman compatible package.

Here we will step through the process of making an Arch package from a Lazarus project. The PKGBUILD file is pretty stripped down to close to the minimal needed, the package system includes processes to check the integrity of the input sources, test the final product and several other package related functions, all that we ignore. In a way, its nice how the system is not quite so prescriptive as a Debian Package.

We assume the package to be build is in a repository such as github and everything needed is stored there.

A Makefile

If you already have a Makefile that works you definitely should use it here. What we need is the default build and an install make target. You can easily substitute a couple of conventional scripts if you prefer. In either case, you need to be able to build your package from the command line, calling either lazbuild or fpc. If your project uses other, external FPC/Lazarus packages, it makes a lot of sense to have your scripts download and build them as well. That way, anyone can build your project starting from just the PKGBUILD file. That is, you don't depend on an especially setup Lazarus.

In my example here, building a tomboy-ng Arch package, I use a Makefile, the same one used to make a Debian Source package, that actually calls a bash script (buildit.bash) because I need to prebuild another Lazarus package, KControls. Further, I need to be able to build with either a distribution's standard install of FPC and Lazarus or "trunk" ones I have build. And, frankly, doing stuff in a bash script is a lot easier than in a Makefile !

You will see how the Makefile is used in the PKGBUILD file next.


On a system that uses pacman, you will find a prototype PKGBUILD file in /usr/share/pacman, it has many, if not all options that makepkg command finds interesting. But you do not need all of them, a minimual version, setup to use an existing Makefile is shown below -

# This file is used to build a pacman usable gtk2 package for tomboy-ng

# Requirments : sudo pacman -S base-devel fpc lazarus-gtk2 unzip

# Usage : makepkg --skipinteg 

pkgver=0.34			# Remember to update this
pkgrel=1			# inc this if releasing a re-package of same ver
pkgdesc="Manage a large or small set of notes with a range of fonts and markup."
license=('BSD' 'GPL2' 'LGPL3')
depends=('gtk2' 'wmctrl')
makedepends=('fpc' 'lazarus-gtk2')

#	we want to get the taged release version, could also target master
noextract=('')	# leave kcontrols alone, I'll deal with it.

prepare() {
	cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
	unzip ../
	mv KControls-master kcontrols

build() {
	cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
	# ./configure --prefix=/usr

package() {
	cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
	make DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install