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Part of GradControls. TGradButton is a TCustomControl descendant that paints a cool looking gradient. You can choose the BaseColor, NormalBlendColor and the OverBlendColor. Or which Borders should be painted. This component is a good replacement for the TButton on Windows, cause with TGradButton you can change the Buttons-Color.

Current Version: 1.4


  • Cool-Looking Gradient Background
  • Glyph-Support
  • Rotated Text+Glyph (only 90° to Left or Right)
  • Vertical and Horizontal Background
  • GlyphPositions (Over/Under/Left to/Right to the Caption )


Eugen Bolz


Version 1.4:

  • [+] Caching Background, Rotated Text+Glyphs
  • [+] Using TButtonGlyph
  • [*] Using TRotateDirection instead of TRotatedText
  • [*] using TButtonLayout to set the Glyph Position
  • [~] Linux-Bugs

Version 1.3:

  • [+] ClickColor
  • [+] NotEnabledColor
  • [+] Text Alignment
  • [+] GlyphPosition

Version 1.2:

  • [+] Glyph-Support
  • [+] Rotated Text+Glyph

Version 1.1:

  • [i] First Release

Thanks to

The Idea of creating this Button based on Screenshots of LH_Freak's Projekt "M.U.H Messenger"


TGradbutton demo.jpg

Download from SVN

You can also use the current SVN-Version of TGradButton

 svn co gradcontrols