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  ln -s /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip /usr/bin/arm-linux-strip
  ln -s /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip /usr/bin/arm-linux-strip

=== Build the Cross Compiler ===
=== 构建交叉/跨平台编译器 ===
OK, now we build the cross compiler and a set of pre compiled arm units.

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Revision as of 03:21, 18 March 2023


This page is about setting up a Cross Compiler from a Linux Box to a Raspberry Pi. You should be able to select arm as the CPU in Lazarus or if just using FPC, choose to use the ppcrossarm compiler and produce v6 arm binaries. Raspberry Pi is just a specific example of arm, only small changes would seem necessary on other similar platforms.

  • Here we talk about making armhf software, not armel, there is a very brief discussion about that lower down.
  • Tested on an Ubuntu 21.04 and Debian Bullseye System. Its should be similar on most mainstream Linux platforms.
  • This recipe assumes you already have a current FPC and, possibly Lazarus installed. You MUST use packages downloaded from the FPC/Lazarus SourceForge site, its most likely that FPC and Lazarus packages from your Distribution will not work as expected.
  • A large part of this install is done as root. Working like that gives you the potential to make a real mess of your system, please be very careful.

This page is under development and the recipe presented is still being tested.


首先,我们需要一些来自你的 Raspberry Pi 的适当的当前的库, as near as I can determine this is the best way to get the necessary libraries.确保你将需要的这些库(用于交叉/跨平台编译)已经安装在你的 Pi 上。

Light bulb  Note: It possibly makes good sense to choose to make Qt5 apps for the Raspberry Pi now that the basic install of the Raspberry Pi Operating System does not include GTK2 libraries anymore. Qt5 as a dependency is a lot smaller than GTK2. So, install the necessary Qt5 libraries on the Pi before the next step, libqt5pas1 and libqt5pas-dev, they will bring along the necessary dependencies hopefully. If you are using Lazarus Main (aka trunk) then look at

在 Pi 上,我们将归档我们所需要的大小,这不需要 root 权限来执行。

tar czf usr_lib_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tgz /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf
tar czf lib_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tgz /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf

接下来,我们需要 crt 文件,首先,找到它们在哪里,你的文件可能在一个目录中, other than the '10' shown here (thats bullseye).

raspberrypi:~ $ find / -name "crtbegin.o" 2>null
raspberrypi:~ $ (cd /usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabihf/10 && tar czf $HOME/crt.tgz crt*.o)

Note: is probably a good idea to take these libraries from a "minimal" install rather than one with all the bells and whistles.

Take these three files, 248M (or 330k with Qt5), 7M and 3K respectively to the Intel box and put them in your home directory, then, we will deal with them as root further down. They will use up some 640M of disk and probably includes libraries you will never use but its easier than trying to work out exactly what you do need.

Edit fpc.cfg

Evidence is this step is unnecessary, just ignore it for now, further research is indicated Only one change is necessary, must tell the compiler which particular arm cpu we are targeting.

#ifdef cpuarm

If your fpc.cfg is in /etc and it probably is, you will need to do that edit as root, thats OK, we are about to do a whole load of stuff as root. So, from now on, you will be running as root, that means great care must be used. Note these instructions are meant to be copied and pasted, one by one. They are not a script !


OK, here we must become root, that implies very careful ! Most linux systems allow sudo, if not, try su -

If you do not have the root password (or don't want to use it), then reconside this whole operation, you can install the base compiler into user space from a tarball and build Lazarus from source, again in user space. Pretty good way to work, you will need to adjust the various paths accordingly.

sudo -i

安装 Pi 库

接下来,我们需要安装必要的来自Pi的这些tar压缩包的库(我们先前移动到这里的)。新库最终在 /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf - 因此,如果需要的话,很容易清理。

cd / 
tar  xzf  /home/"$SUDO_USER"/usr_lib_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tgz 
tar  xzf  /home/"$SUDO_USER"/lib_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tgz
tar  xzf  /home/"$SUDO_USER"/crt.tgz  -C  /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf 


apt install binutils-arm-linux-gnueabihf
ln -s /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-ld /usr/bin/arm-linux-ld
ln -s /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-as /usr/bin/arm-linux-as
ln -s /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-objcopy /usr/bin/arm-linux-objcopy
ln -s /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip /usr/bin/arm-linux-strip



 export FPCVER="3.2.2"
 cd /usr/share/fpcsrc/"$FPCVER"/

 make clean all FPMAKEOPT="-T 4" CPU_TARGET=arm OPT="-dFPC_ARMHF" CROSSOPT="-CpARMV6 -CaEABIHF" CROSSBINDIR=/usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin

 make crossinstall OS_TARGET=linux CPU_TARGET=arm OPT="-dFPC_ARMHF" CROSSBINDIR=/usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin   CROSSOPT="-CpARMV6 -CaEABIHF" INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr

 ln -sf /usr/lib/fpc/"$FPCVER"/ppcrossarm /usr/bin/ppcrossarm

OK, done, Control-D to get out of that somewhat dangerous root access and test !


Testing fpc functionality is easy, put the hello world source in a file, hello.pas and try this -

db@U2104G-VirtualBox:~/Pascal/console$ ppcrossarm hello.pas
Free Pascal Compiler version 3.2.2 [2021/07/19] for arm
Copyright (c) 1993-2021 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: Linux for ARMEL
Compiling hello.pas
Linking hello
4 lines compiled, 0.1 sec
db@U2104G-VirtualBox:~/Pascal/console$ file hello
hello: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 2.0.0, stripped

You can move that binary over to a Pi and test it really works.

Testing the Lazarus functionality is more involved, fire up Lazarus, open a new project, maybe set a control or two on it, open Project->ProjectOptions->ConfigAndTarget and set ProjectCPUFamily to 'arm'.

Compile and see if the binary looks like this -

db@U2104G-VirtualBox:~/Pascal/ArmTest$ file project1
project1: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 2.0.0, not stripped

Further Information

This page is about making armhf software, that suits arm chips using hardware floating point capabilities. The current Raspberry Pi is an example. The alternative is the armel or soft float arm chip, it too appears in many systems. It is possible that omitting the OPT="-dFPC_ARMHF" bit from the above command lines may make it work for soft float. That has not been tested !

Binaries can be ArmV6 or ArmV7 (or even ArmV8 but different rules apply) in either armhf or armel instruction set. Generally soft float arm software may run on (eg) a Raspberry Pi but it may also confuse your package manager. Again, theoretical advice.

I found the readelf command useful for looking at a resulting binary after compilation, try the following -

readelf -a mybinary | grep Tag [enter]
readelf -h mybinary [enter]

Another useful tip when playing in this space is to use Lazarus's Tools->RefreshFPCSource menu entry after making changes to the FPC config.



  • 简体中文版本由 robsean 于 2023-03-17 创建(2023-03-20完成全部翻译)。