SqlDBHowto/zh CN

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本页面翻译自 SqlDBHowto/nl,最初荷兰语领先,不过,现在两篇文章已经同步。


我会尽力阐明它,以便清楚的说明如何在 Lazarus 和 FreePascal 中使用。但这些例子是 FreePascal 中的(即控制台应用程序)。


请参阅官方 SQLDB 文档


SqlDB 无法直接连接到数据库服务器,但可以使用数据库服务器客户端连接。SqlDB 发送命令到客户端;客户端连接到数据库并传输命令。这意味着电脑上必须安装数据库客户端才能与数据库连接。Windows 通常是 .dll文件,Linux 下是 .so文件,OS/X中为 .dylib的文件。

当客户端库已经正确安装,你便可以使用 TSQLConnection 组件连接到数据库服务器。各种 TSQLConnection 组件可连接到不同的数据库服务器。(查看 SQLdb 包):

MySQL留意 - 在某种程度上客户端版本之间的差异使得客户端和连接不能互换。如 MySQL 客户端版本为4.1,你必须使用 TMySQL41Connection 连接。它与 MySQL 服务器端无关;也许你可以使用 4.1 的客户端,连接到 MySQL 5.0 的服务器(请参见 MySQL文档 关于支持哪些组合)


  • 服务器名或 IP 地址
  • 数据库名称
  • 用户名
  • 密码

设置好这些属性,使用 'open' 方法打开连接。如果连接失败,你可以使用 EDatabaseError 抛出异常。使用 'connected' 属性来确定是否建立与数据库服务器的连接。使用 'close' 方法来关闭与服务器的连接。

Program ConnectDB
var AConnection : TIBConnection;
Procedure CreateConnection;
  AConnection := TIBConnection.Create(nil);
  AConnection.Hostname := 'localhost';
  AConnection.DatabaseName := '/opt/firebird/examples/employee.fdb';
  AConnection.UserName := 'sysdba';
  AConnection.Password := 'masterkey';
  if Aconnection.Connected then
    writeln('Successful connect!')
    writeln('This is not possible, because if the connection failed, ' +
            'an exception should be raised, so this code would not ' +
            'be executed');

如果抛出异常,仔细阅读错误消息。可能是数据库服务器没有运行,用户名、密码不正确,也可能是数据库名称或IP地址输入错误。如果消息提示客户端库无法找到,你需要检查客户端库是否安装正确。Often the error message states literally the name of the file looked for. (通常按错误消息上的名称查找。


SqlDB - 见名知意 - 适用于使用 SQL 的数据库服务器。SQL代表 '结构化查询语言',它工作在关系型数据库上。事实上,每个数据库系统都有自己的方言,不过,大多 SQL 语句通用于所有数据库系统。

在 FPC 中,期间有些区别:

  • SQL 语句返回的信息(数据集)。对于这一点,你需要使用 TSQLQuery 组件; 查看#如何读取表中数据
  • 语句不返回信息,但在做其他事,例如更新数据,为此,你可以使用 TSQLConnection 的 'ExecuteDirect' 方法。(You can also use this if you get a dataset back but are not interested in the results, e.g. in a selectable stored procedure).

Most database system execute SQL statements within a transaction. If you want changes made within a transaction available in other transactions, or have those changes available even after closing the transaction(!), then you have to 'commit' the transaction.

支持事务的 Sqldb 包含 TSQLTransaction 组件。由 Sqldb 执行的 SQL 语句必须在事务内执行,即使数据库系统不支持事务。此外,there are database systems that do support transaction for which TSQLConnection does not (yet) support transaction(使用 TSQLConnection 操作支持事务的数据库系统),即使这样,你也必须使用 TSQLTransaction 组件。

使用 TSQLConnection.ExecuteDirect 执行SQL语句你必须指定 'Transaction';反过来,使用 TSQLTransaction 你也必须指定使用哪个 TSQLConnection 组件。

下面的示例将创建 'TBLNAMES' 表,包含字段有 'NAME' 和 'ID',并插入2条记录。不解释所使用的 SQL 语句。 SQL 语句相关用途和语法,请参阅数据库系统文档。程序中定义的 'CreateConnection',代码示例在#如何连接到数据库服务器上。

program CreateTable;
  AConnection : TSQLConnection;
  ATransaction : TSQLTransaction;
procedure CreateTransaction;
  ATransaction := TSQLTransaction.Create;
  ATransaction.Database := AConnection;
  AConnection.Transaction := ATransaction;
  AConnection.ExecuteDirect('create table TBLNAMES (ID integer, NAME varchar(40));'); 
  // Some database-server types need a commit before you can use a newly created table. (Firebird)
  // With .Commit you also close the transaction
  AConnection.ExecuteDirect('insert into TBLNAMES (ID,NAME) values (1,'Name1');'); 
  AConnection.ExecuteDirect('insert into TBLNAMES (ID,NAME) values (2,'Name2');'); 


Use the TSQLQuery component to read data from a table. A TSQLQuery component must be connected to a TSQLConnection component and a TSQLTransaction component to do its work. Setting the TSQLConnection and TSQLTransaction is discussed in #How to connect to a database server? and #如何执行查询/创建表.

When the TSQLConnection, TSQLTransaction and TSQLQuery are connected, then TSQLQuery needs to be further configured to work. TSQLQuery has a 'SQL' property containing a TStrings object. The 'SQL' property contains a SQL statement that must be executed. If all data from a table tablename must be read, then set the 'SQL' property to:

'SELECT * FROM tablename;'


Use 'open' to read the table from the server and put the data in the TSQLQuery dataset. The data can be accessed through TSQLQuery until the query is closed using 'close'.

TSQLQuery is a subclass of TDataset. TDataset has a 'Fields' collection that contains all columns of the table. The TDataset also keeps track of the current record. Use 'First', 'Next', 'Prior' and 'Last' to change the current record. 'Bof' returns 'True' if the first record is reached, and 'Eof' returns 'True' if the last record is reached. To read the value of a field in the current record, first find the right 'TField' object and then use 'AsString', 'AsInteger', etc.


Below is an example that displays all values of the table as it was made in #如何执行查询/创建表 above.

Program ShowData;
  AConnection : TSQLConnection;
  ATransaction : TSQLTransaction;
function GetQuery : TSQLQuery;
  var AQuery : TSQLQuery;
  AQuery := TSQLQuery.Create;
  AQuery.Database := FConnection;
  AQuery.Transaction := FTransaction;
  Result := AQuery;
  Query : TSQLQuery;
  Query := GetQuery;
  Query.SQL.Text := 'select * from tblNames';
  while not Query.Eof do
    Writeln('ID: ', Query.FieldByName('Name').AsInteger, 'Name: ' +

(The code above of course is not quite finished, it misses 'try...finally' blocks. However, the above code intends to show the database code and thus the finishing touches are left out.) Please note that 'TSQLTransaction.StartTransaction' is not used. This is not necessary. When TSQLQuery is opened, the SQL statement is executed and if no transaction is available then a transaction is automatically started. The programmer does not need to start the transaction explicitly. The same applies for the connection maintained by TSQLConnection. The connection is opened as needed, the line 'Aconnection.Open' is not really required. If a TSQLTransaction is destroyed, an automatic 'rollback' will be executed. Possible changes to data contained in the transaction will be lost.

为什么 TSQLQuery.RecordCount 总返回 10

To count the records in a datase, use '.RecordCount'. However, notice that '.RecordCount' shows the number of records that is already loaded from the server. For performance reasons, SqlDB does not read all records when opening TSQLQuery by default, only the first 10. Only when the eleventh record is accessed will the next set of 10 records be loaded, etc. Using '.Last', all records will be loaded.

When you want to know the real number of records on the server you can first call '.Last' and then call '.RecordCount'.

An alternative is available. The number of records returned by the server is set by the '.PacketRecords' property. The default value is 10; if you make it -1 then all records will be loaded at once.

In current stable FPC, '.RecordCount' does not take filters into account, i.e. it shows the unfiltered total.

If you need the exact number of records, it often is a better idea to directly query the number of records in a query using another SQL query, but you would have to do that in the same transaction, as other transactions may have changed the number of records in the meanwhile.


Lazarus has various components to show data from a TDataset on a form. Instead of a While-loop and Writeln statements as used above, you can use the components to show the data in a table. Place the right TSQLConnection, TSQLTransaction and TSQLQuery components on a form, then connect them and set them properly. In addition you will need a TDatasource; set the 'TDatasource.Dataset' property to the TSQLQuery component you used. (Note do not set the 'TSQLQuery.Datasource' property to the TDatasource compnent you used. The 'TSQLQuery.Datasource' property is used only in master-detail tables - see MasterDetail) Subsequently you may put a TDBGrid onto the form and set the 'Datasource' property of the grid to the TDatasource component you added before.

To see if it all works, set the 'Connected' property of the TSQLConnection to 'True' in the Lazarus IDE. The IDE will try to connect to the database server immediately. If this works you can set the 'TSQLQuery.Active' property to 'True'. If everything is right, you will see - within the IDE - all data from the table immediately on the screen.


To change the data in a record, the TDataset (from which TSQLQuery is derived) must be set to edit mode. To enter edit mode call the '.Edit', '.Insert' or '.Append' methods. Use the '.Edit' method to change the current record. Use '.Insert' to insert a new record before the current record. Use '.Append' to insert a new record at the end of the table. In edit mode you can change field values through the 'Fields' property. Use 'Post' to validate the new data, if the data is valid then the edit mode is left. If you move to another record - for example by using '.Next' - and the dataset is in edit mode, then first '.Post' is called. Use '.Cancel' to discard all changes you made since the last '.Post' call and leave the edit mode.

Query.FieldByName('NAME').AsString := 'Edited name';

The above is not the complete story yet. TSQLQuery is derived from TBufDataset which makes use of buffered updates. Buffered update means that after you called 'Post' the changes in the dataset are visible immediately, but they are not sent to the database server. What does happen is that the changes are maintained in a change log. When the '.ApplyUpdates' method is called, then all changes in the change log are sent to the database. Only then will database server know of the changes. The changes are sent to the server within a transaction of TSQLTransaction. Make sure to properly set the transaction before 'ApplyUpdates'. After applying the updates, a commit must be executed to save the changes on the database server.

The below is an example of changing the data in a table, sending the changes to the server and comitting the transaction.

Program EditData;
  AConnection : TSQLConnection;
  ATransaction : TSQLTransaction;
  Query : TSQLQuery;
  AConnection.Transaction := ATransaction;
  Query := GetQuery;
  Query.SQL.Text := 'select * from tblNames';
  Query.FieldByName('NAME').AsString := 'Edited name';
  Query.UpdateMode := upWhereAll;

For a discussion of 'UpdateMode' continue reading.


In the code example in #How to change data in a table?, you will find the line

Query.UpdateMode := upWhereAll;

without explanation of what it does. The best way to find out what that line does is to leave it out. If you leave out the statement and the followed this howto precisely, then you will receive the following error message:

No update query specified and failed to generate one. (No fields for inclusion in where statement found)

To understand what went wrong, you must understand how changes are sent to the database server. The only way to get data in a SQL server is by executing SQL queries. SQL has three types of queries for three different ways of manupulating a record. To create a new record, change or delete a record insert, update and delete statements are executed respectively. An update statement may be as follows:

update TBLNAMES set NAME='Edited name' where ID=1;

To send a change to the database server, Sqldb must assemble an update query. To assemble the query, three things are needed:

The name of the table
The table name is retrieved from parsing the select query, although this doesn't always work.
These contain the fields that must be changed.
WHERE clause
This contains the fields that determine which records should be changed.

Every field (each TField in Fields) has a ProviderFlags property. Only fields with pfInUpdate in ProviderFlags will be used in the update or insert cluase of a query. By default all fields have pfInUpdate set in their ProviderFlags property.

Which fields are used in the WHERE clause depends on the UpdateMode property of the query and the ProviderFlags property of the fields. Fields with pfInkey in their ProviderFlags are always used in the WHERE clause. A field will have the pfInKey flag set automatically if the field is part of the primary key of the table and 'TSQLQuery.UsePrimaryKeyAsKey' returns 'True'.

The default value for UpdateMode of the query is upWhereKeyOnly. In this update mode only fields with pfInkey in their ProviderFlags property are used in the WHERE clause. If none of the fields have their pfInKey flag set, then no fields are available for the WHERE clause and the error message from the beginning of this section will be returned. You can solve the issue by:

  • Adding a primary key to the table and set TSQLQuery.UsePrimaryKeyAsKey to 'True', or
  • Setting the pfInkey flag for one or more fields in code.

The UpdateMode property knows two more possible values. 'upWhereAll' can be used to add all fields with the 'pfInWhere' flag set to the WHERE clause. By default all fields have this flag set. 'upWhereChanged' can be used to add only those fields that have the 'pfInWhere' flag set and that are changed in the current record.

如何使用 TSQLQuery 执行查询

Next to statements that return a dataset (see #How to read data from a table?) SQL has statements that do not return data. For example INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements do not return data. These statements can be executed using TSQLConnection.ExecuteDirect, but TSQLQuery can also be used. If you do not expect return data use TSQLQuery.ExecSQL instead of TSQLQuery.Open. As mentioned earlier, use TSQLQuery.Open to open the dataset returned by the SQL statement.

The following procedure creates a table and inserts two records using TSQLQuery.

procedure CreateTable;
  Query : TSQLQuery;
  Query := GetQuery;
  Query.SQL.Text := 'create table TBLNAMES (ID integer, NAME varchar(40));';
  Query.SQL.Text := 'insert into TBLNAMES (ID,NAME) values (1,''Name1'');';
  Query.SQL.Text := 'insert into TBLNAMES (ID,NAME) values (2,''Name2'');';


In the code example of #How to execute a query using TSQLQuery? the same query is used twice, only the values to be inserted differ. A better way to do this is by using parameters in the query.

The syntax of parameters in queries is different per database system, but the differences are handled by TSQLQuery. Replace the values in the query with a colon followed by the name of the parameter you want to use. For example:

Query.SQL.Text := 'insert into TBLNAMES (ID,NAME) values (:ID,:NAME);';

This query will create two parameters: 'ID' and 'NAME'. To determine the parameters, the query is parsed at the moment the text of TSQLQuery.SQL is assigned or changed. All existing parameters will be removed and the new parameters will be added to the 'TSQLQuery.Params' property. Assigning a value to a parameter is similar to assigning a value to a field in the dataset:

Query.Params.ParamByName('Name').AsString := 'Name1'


You can't tell from the query what kind of data must be stored in the parameter. The data type of the parameter is determined at the moment a value is first assigned to the parameter. By assigning a value using '.AsString', the parameter is assigned the data type 'ftString'. You can determine the data type directly by setting the 'DataType' property. If an incorrect datatype is assigned to the parameter, then problems will occur during opening or executing the query. See Database field type for more information on data types.

Select 查询

An example of a select query with parameters would be to change something like this:

  Query.SQL.Text := 'select ID,NAME from TBLNAMES where NAME = '''+Edit1.Text+''' ORDER BY NAME ';

to something like this:

  Query.SQL.Text := 'select ID,NAME from TBLNAMES where NAME = :NAMEPARAM ORDER BY NAME ';
  Query.Params.ParamByName('NAMEPARAM').AsString := Edit1.Text;


The following example creates the same table as the previous example, but now parameters are used:

procedure CreateTableUsingParameters;
  Query : TSQLQuery;
  Query := GetQuery;
  Query.SQL.Text := 'create table TBLNAMES (ID integer, NAME varchar(40));';

  Query.SQL.Text := 'insert into TBLNAMES (ID,NAME) values (:ID,:NAME);';
  Query.Params.ParamByName('ID').AsInteger := 1;
  Query.Params.ParamByName('NAME').AsString := 'Name1';
  Query.Params.ParamByName('ID').AsInteger := 2;
  Query.Params.ParamByName('NAME').AsString := 'Name2';

Notice that this example requires more code than the example without the parameters. Then what is the use of using parameters? Speed is one of the reasons. The example with parameters is faster because the query is parsed only once. TSQLQuery only parses the query once, but also the database server parses the query only once. Most database systems support parameters. Whenever a query is used more than once with different values for the parameter each time, then the database server only parses the query and plans the query only once making execution considerably faster. Use 'TSQLQuery.Prepare' to determine the moment the query is parsed and planned by the database server. Use 'TSQLQuery.UnPrepare' to make sure the query is parsed and planned every time by the data server.

Another reason to use prepared statements is prevention of SQL注入 (see also Secure programming.

Finally, in some cases it just simplifies coding.

Troubleshooting: TSQLConnection logging

You can let a TSQLConnection log what it is doing. This can be handy to see what your Lazarus program sends to the database exactly, to debug the database components themselves and perhaps to optimize your queries. NB: if you use prepared statements/parametrized queries (see section above), the parameters are often sent in binary by the TSQLConnection descendent (e.g. TIBConnection), so you can't just copy/paste the logged SQL into a database query tool. Regardless, connection logging can give a lot of insight in what your program is doing.

Alternatives are:

  1. you can use the debugger to step through the database code if you have built FPC (and Lazarus) with debugging enabled.
  2. if you use ODBC drivers (at least on Windows) you could enable tracelog output in the ODBC control panel.
  3. many databases allow you to monitor all statements sent to it from a certain IP address/connection.

If you use TSQLConnection logging, two things are required:

  1. indicate which event types your TSQLConnection should log
  2. point TSQLConnection at a function that receives the events and processes them (logs them to file, prints them to screen, etc.).

That function must be of type TDBLogNotifyEvent (see sqldb.pp), so it needs this signature:

TDBLogNotifyEvent = Procedure (Sender : TSQLConnection; EventType : TDBEventType; Const Msg : String) of object;

FPC (或:手动方式)

A code snippet can illustrate this:

TSQLConnection, //or a child object like TIBConnection, TMSSQLConnection
  TMyApplication = class(TCustomApplication); //this is our application that uses the connection
    // This example stores the logged events in this stringlist:
    FConnectionLog: TStringList;
    // This procedure will receive the events that are logged by the connection:
    procedure GetLogEvent(Sender: TSQLConnection; EventType: TDBEventType; Const Msg : String);
  procedure TMyApplication.GetLogEvent(Sender: TSQLConnection;
    EventType: TDBEventType; const Msg: String);
  // The procedure is called by TSQLConnection and saves the received log messages
  // in the FConnectionLog stringlist
    Source: string;
    // Nicely right aligned...
    case EventType of
      detCustom:   Source:='Custom:  ';
      detPrepare:  Source:='Prepare: ';
      detExecute:  Source:='Execute: ';
      detFetch:    Source:='Fetch:   ';
      detCommit:   Source:='Commit:  ';
      detRollBack: Source:='Rollback:';
      else Source:='Unknown event. Please fix program code.';
    FConnectionLog.Add(Source + ' ' + Msg);

  // We do need to tell our TSQLConnection what to log:
    FConnection.LogEvents:=LogAllEvents; //= [detCustom, detPrepare, detExecute, detFetch, detCommit, detRollBack]
    // ... and to which procedure the connection should send the events:
  // now we can use the connection and the FConnectionLog stringlist will fill with log messages.

You can also use TSQLConnection's GlobalDBLogHook instead to log everything from multiple connections.

Lazarus (或: 快捷方式)

Finally, the description above is the FPC way of doing things as indicated in the introduction; if using Lazarus, a quicker way is to assign an event handler to the TSQLConnection's OnLog event.
