Cocoa Internals/Graphics

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Cocoa-WS should be using device-dependent colors to match colors across other widgetsets.

That applies to color of Pen, Brush and Font.

The “Device” color-space names represent color spaces in which component values are applied to devices as specified. There is no optimization or adjustment for differences between devices in how they render colors. If you know exactly which device is connected to a system and you want to print or display a certain color on that device, then it makes sense to use a appropriate device-dependent color space when creating NSColor objects. However, it is usually not the case that an application knows which devices are connected and their specific color spaces. If you specify components of a color in a device-dependent color space—let’s say NSDeviceRGBColorSpace—and then have several displays render this color, you will see several slightly different colors.
To get around this problem you can use calibrated color spaces, which are designated by two of the color-space names in Table 1. A calibrated color space is a device-independent color space. The color spaces designated by NSCalibratedWhiteColorSpace and NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace color spaces are calibrated to a device that best represents devices in a particular class, such as color displays. It allows your application to present reasonably accurate colors when you are unsure about the color space of a device in a particular context.

System Colors

Constant LCL definition NSColor Cocoa definition
clScrollBar Scrollbar body scrollBarColor Returns the system color used for scroll “bars”—that is, for the groove in which a scroller’s knob moves
clBackground Desktop background color windowBackgroundColor Returns a pattern color that will draw the ruled lines for the window background.
clActiveCaption Active window titlebar windowFrameColor Returns the system color used for window frames, except for their text.
clInactiveCaption Inactive window titlebar windowBackgroundColor
clMenu Regular menu item background color controlBackgroundColor Returns the system color used for the background of large controls.
clWindow The normal background brush of unselected text. Defined for controls like TEdit, TComboBox, TMemo, TListBox, TTreeView. textBackgroundColor Returns the system color used for the text background.
clWindowFrame Color of frame around the window windowFrameColor
clMenuText The font color to use together with clMenu controlTextColor Returns the system color used for text on controls that aren’t disabled.
clWindowText Font color to use together with clWindow controlTextColor
clCaptionText Active window titlebar text color windowFrameTextColor Returns the system color used for the text in window frames.
clActiveBorder ? windowFrameColor
clInactiveBorder ? windowFrameColor
clAppWorkspace MDIMain form background windowBackgroundColor
clHighlight The brush color of selected element selectedControlColor Returns the system color used for the face of a selected control—a control that has been clicked or is being dragged.
clHighlightText Font color of selected text (to use together with clHighligh). selectedControlTextColor Returns the system color used for text in a selected control—a control being clicked or dragged.
clBtnFace Button background controlColor Returns the system color used for the flat surfaces of a control.
clBtnShadow Button shadow color (bottom right) used to achieve 3D effect controlShadowColor Returns the system color used for the shadows dropped from controls.
clGrayText The font color of disabled element disabledControlTextColor Returns the system color used for text on disabled controls.
clBtnText Button font color to use together with clBtnFace controlTextColor
clInactiveCaptionText Inactive window titlebar text color windowFrameTextColor
clBtnHighlight Button highlight color (top left) used to achieve 3D effect controlLightHighlightColor Returns the system color used for light highlights in controls.
cl3DDkShadow ? controlDarkShadowColor Returns the system color used for the dark edge of the shadow dropped from controls.
cl3DLight ? controlHighlightColor Returns the system color used for the highlighted bezels of controls.
clInfoText Font color for hints. Use together with clInfoBk controlTextColor
clInfoBk Brush color for hints. Use together with clInfoText hard coded
clHotLight ? alternateSelectedControlColor Returns the system color used for the face of a selected control in a list or table.
clGradientActiveCaption The second color used to make gradient of active window titlebar windowFrameColor
clGradientInactiveCaption The second color used to make gradient for inactive window titlebar windowBackgroundColor
clMenuHighlight The background color of selected menu item selectedMenuItemColor Returns the system color used for the face of selected menu items.
clMenuBar The Backround color of menu bar selectedTextBackgroundColor Returns the system color used for the background of selected text.
clForm ? windowBackgroundColor
clColorDesktop ?
cl3DFace ?
cl3DShadow ?
cl3DHiLight ?
clBtnHiLight Same as clBtnHighlight


Carbon vs Cocoa

There were a bug in Carbon, causing to treat "Size" (measures in points) as "Height" (measured in pixels).

In Cocoa the bug was fixed, causing the problem - fonts look different between Cocoa and Carbon.

Here's an example:

This is Carbon Lazarus IDE, with the setting of the Font to Monaco 10. But Monaco 10pt size looks different.


Infact, the size set in the IDE is 13.5 ( 10 / 72 * 96 )


The issue is not in Cocoa-Widgetset, but in Carbon-Widgetset. And yes, it could be fixed in Carbon, thought it will cause a number of regressions in user design and code.

Forced Repaint

There's an additional code added for processing DrawRect event. If a control was resized during a draw rect, then the resulting graphics output could be corrupted. 32970

As an example TTreeView component could be used. It updates scroll bars during the initial paint. The update of scroll bars is causing a client rectangle to be changed, causing a glitch when drawing the control for the first time

Naturally, the next repaint fixes the problem right away.

CocoaInvalidTree.png CocoaValidTree.png

Sending another event into Cocoa event queue, to repaint the control again would cause flickering and yet bad user experience. Forcefully calling for a repaint one more time seems to be resolving the problem, while potentially is an overhead due to double job done.

Also double drawing could cause artifacts on controls that are using any sorts of transparency:


The best solution is to avoid changing of the control bounds at all during drawing operation.

See Also