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Que sont les outils de code(codetools)

Le paquet "outils de code" est un paquet de Lazarus fournissant des outils pour analyser, explorer, éditer et refactoriser les sources en langage pascal. Les outils de code sont un module par eux même et sont licenciés sous la licence GPL. Il existe de nombreux exemples sur comment utiliser les outils de code dans vos propres programmes sous le répertoire components/codetools/examples.


Utilisation des outils de code sans l'IDE

Vous pouvez utiliser les outils de code sans l'IDE. Ceci peut être utilisé pour tester un nouvel outil. Un exemple simple est

Pour tester trouvez la déclaration, Les outils de code ont la nécessité d'analyser les sources. Notamment les sources RTL et FCL.  

Les exemples utilisent les variables d'environnement suivantes:

  • FPCDIR: path to the FPC sources, the default is ~/freepascal/fpc.
  • PP: path to the compiler executable (/usr/bin/fpc or /usr/bin/ppc386 or C:\lazarus\ppc386.exe). The codetools need to ask the compiler for the settings. The default is to search for 'fpc' via the PATH variable.
  • FPCTARGETOS: tell the codetools to scan for another operating system (cross compiling). For example: linux, freebsd, darwin, win32, win64, wince
  • FPCTARGETCPU: when scanning for another CPU. For example: i386, powerpc, x86_64, arm, sparc
  • LAZARUSDIR: path of the lazarus sources. Only needed if you want to scan them.

FPC is a very complex project with lots of search paths, include files and macros. The codetools need to know all these paths and macros in order to parse this jungle. To setup all this easily the codetools contain predefined templates for FPC, Lazarus, Delphi and Kylix source directories. See for a find declaration example


Because the FPC sources contain multiple versions of some units, and the FPC sources changes often, the codetools does not use a fixed path table, but instead scan first the whole FPC directory structure and try to guess, what source is the right for the current TargetOS and TargetCPU. This scan may take a while depending on your disk speed. All examples save the result in codetools.config, so that on next start the scan is skipped.

Whenever the FPC sources have moved or a unit is renamed, just delete the file codetools.config. The Lazarus IDE has its own config file and does the rescan, whenever the compiler executable has changed or the user forces a 'Environment > Rescan FPC source directory'.

Using the codetools in the IDE with the IDEIntf

See <lazarusdir>/examples/idequickfix/quickfixexample.lpk package. It demonstrates:

  • How to write an IDE package.
 When You install it will register a Quick Fix item.
  • How to write Quick Fix item for compiler messages 'Parameter "Sender" not used'
  • How to use the codetools to
     * parsing a unit
     * conversion of Filename,Line,Column to codetools source position
     * finding a codetools node at a cursor position
     * finding a procedure node and the begin..end node
     * creating a nice insertion position for a statement at the beginning of
       the begin..end block
     * getting the indentation of a line, so that the new line will
       work in sub procedure as well
     * inserting code with the codetools