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In the LCL TColor is the standard color type. It is compatible with Delphi's TColor. TColor can represent either an RGB (3x8bit) value, or a system color like clDefault. The LCL can also work with the fpImage system which uses the TFPColor type (which is RGBA (4x16bit), not RGB (3x8bit) like TColor).

Conversions between TColor and RGB values

The Graphics unit provides the following functions:

function Blue(rgb: TColor): BYTE; // does not work on system color
function Green(rgb: TColor): BYTE; // does not work on system color
function Red(rgb: TColor): BYTE; // does not work on system color
function RGBToColor(R, G, B: Byte): TColor;
procedure RedGreenBlue(rgb: TColor; out Red, Green, Blue: Byte); // does not work on system color
function FPColorToTColor(const FPColor: TFPColor): TColor;
function TColorToFPColor(const c: TColor): TFPColor; // does not work on system color
function IsSysColor(AColor: TColorRef): Boolean;

Convert TColor to/from string

Functions to convert strings like "25500" or "$AA0088" or "clNavy" to TColor:

  • StringToColor
  • StringToColorDef

To convert TColor to a nice string:

  • ColorToString

Table of standard colors

About 20 predefined color constants are provided, which are Delphi-compatible:

Colour constant Meaning Hexadecimal value for use with TColor Example
clBlack Black TColor($000000);
clMaroon Maroon TColor($000080);
clGreen Green TColor($008000);
clOlive Olive Green TColor($008080);
clNavy Navy Blue TColor($800000);
clPurple Purple TColor($800080);
clTeal Teal TColor($808000);
clGray Grey TColor($808080);
clSilver Silver TColor($C0C0C0);
clRed Red TColor($0000FF);
clLime Lime Green TColor($00FF00);
clYellow Yellow TColor($00FFFF);
clBlue Blue TColor($FF0000);
clFuchsia Fuchsia TColor($FF00FF);
clAqua Aqua TColor($FFFF00);
clLtGray Light Grey TColor($C0C0C0); clSilver alias
clDkGray Dark Grey TColor($808080); clGray alias
clWhite White TColor($FFFFFF);
clCream Cream TColor($F0FBFF); Lazarus 1.2 and newer
clMedGray Medium Grey TColor($A4A0A0); Lazarus 1.2 and newer
clMoneyGreen Mint Green TColor($C0DCC0); Lazarus 1.2 and newer
clSkyBlue Sky Blue TColor($F0CAA6); Lazarus 1.2 and newer