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==== Project | Project Options | Compiler Options | Other | Custom options ====
==== Project | Project Options | Compiler Options | Other | Custom options ====
Comment out the {$DEFINE} statements and add the directives as below. In this case the directives will apply to all units. Note the -d prefix.
Comment out the {$DEFINE} statements and add the directives as below. In this case the directives will apply to all units.  
Note the -d prefix.
A similar approach can be used when compiling with fpc intead of Lazarus: specify the -d... argument on the command line calling FPC (e.g. in a batch file).
A similar approach can be used when compiling with fpc intead of Lazarus: specify the -d... argument on the command line calling FPC (e.g. in a batch file).

Revision as of 09:38, 27 September 2013

Compile-Time Directives {$DEFINE} and {$IFDEF}


If you have an application that needs several variations - say for two customers, or for two operating systems then compile-time defines are just what you need. A practical example is when coding across several platforms. 32 bit Windows only allows 4Gb files because of the maximum size of an integer and other operating systems do not have this limitation. So a filesize definition may be as follows:

{$ifdef Win32}Cardinal{$else}

For another practical example see: http://wiki.freepascal.org/Code_Conversion_Guide#Useful_compiler_variables_.2F_defines_.2F_macros


There are three ways to do this.

  1. Unit based {$DEFINE} and {$IFDEF} statements
  2. Include file
  3. Project | Project Options | Compiler Options | Other | Custom options


Nested $IFNDEF, $IFDEF, $ENDIF, $ELSE, $DEFINE, $UNDEF are allowed

In Custom options -d is the same as #DEFINE -u is the same as #UNDEF


1) and 2) must be done individually for each unit. 3) An entry applies to every unit

Unit based {$DEFINE} and {$IFDEF} statements

Create a single form project as below. Comment and uncomment the two {$DEFINE) statements in turn and see what happens. If you add a second form (Form2) which opens when the first form (Form1) is clicked, similar statements will work independently of the {$DEFINE} statements in Form1.

  Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.lfm}
{ TForm1 }

procedure TForm1.FormClick(Sender: TObject);
  {$IFDEF RED} Form1.Color := clRed; {$ENDIF}
  {$IFDEF BLUE} Form1.Color := clBlue; {$ENDIF}
  {$IFDEF BLUE AND $IFDEF RED} Form1.Color := clYellow; {$ENDIF}
  {$IFNDEF RED AND $IFNDEF BLUE} Form1.Color := clAqua; {$ENDIF}

Include files

Include files add code into any .pas unit.

Create a file called unit1.inc (It could be called anything.inc.) that contains:


Create another called unit1a.inc that contains:

  {$IFDEF RED} Form1.Color := clRed; {$ENDIF}
  {$IFDEF BLUE} Form1.Color := clBlue; {$ENDIF}
  {$IFDEF BLUE AND $IFDEF RED} Form1.Color := clYellow; {$ENDIF}
  {$IFNDEF RED AND $IFNDEF BLUE} Form1.Color := clAqua; {$ENDIF}

Add them to the project folder. When compiled, these lines will replace the $INCLUDE statements below. Both methods present the same code to the compiler. However, using the include file method makes it easier to handle more complex requirements.

  Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.lfm}
  {$INCLUDE unit1.inc}
{ TForm1 }

procedure TForm1.FormClick(Sender: TObject);
  {$INCLUDE unit1a.inc}

Now, we can get extend to this:

  Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.lfm}
  {$INCLUDE abc.inc}
  {$INCLUDE xyz.inc}

{ TForm1 }

procedure TForm1.FormClick(Sender: TObject);
 ... some code ...
  {$INCLUDE abcCode.inc}
  {$INCLUDE xyzCode.inc}
... some more code ... 

Project | Project Options | Compiler Options | Other | Custom options

Comment out the {$DEFINE} statements and add the directives as below. In this case the directives will apply to all units.

Note the -d prefix.


A similar approach can be used when compiling with fpc intead of Lazarus: specify the -d... argument on the command line calling FPC (e.g. in a batch file).

Updates to follow. Windsurferme 26/10/2013, 27/10/2013