Conditional compilation

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Compile-Time Defines {$DEFINE}


If you have an application that needs several variations - say for two customers, or for two operating systems then compile-time defines are just what you need. For a practical example see:


There are three ways to do this. 1) Unit based {$DEFINE} and {$IFDEF} statements 2) Include file 3) 2) Project | Project Options | Compiler Options | Other | Custom options

Commands nested $IFNDEF, $IFDEF, $ENDIF, $ELSE, $DEFINE, $UNDEF are allowed

In Custom options -d is the same as #DEFINE -u is the same as #UNDEF


1) and 2) must be done individually for each unit. 3) An entry applies to every unit

1) Unit based {$DEFINE} and {$IFDEF} statements Create a single form project as below. Comment and uncomment the two {$DEFINE) statements in turn and see what happens. If you add a second form (Form2) which opens when the first form (Form1) is clicked, similar statements will work independently of the {$DEFINE} statements in Form1.


 Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.lfm} {$DEFINE RED} //{$DEFINE BLUE} { TForm1 }

procedure TForm1.FormClick(Sender: TObject); begin

 {$IFDEF RED} Form1.Color := clRed; {$ENDIF}
 {$IFDEF BLUE} Form1.Color := clBlue; {$ENDIF}
 {$IFDEF BLUE AND $IFDEF RED} Form1.Color := clYellow; {$ENDIF}
 {$IFNDEF RED AND $IFNDEF BLUE} Form1.Color := clAqua; {$ENDIF}


2) Include files Include files add code into any .pas unit.

Create a file called (It could be called that contains:


Create another called that contains:

 {$IFDEF RED} Form1.Color := clRed; {$ENDIF}
 {$IFDEF BLUE} Form1.Color := clBlue; {$ENDIF}
 {$IFDEF BLUE AND $IFDEF RED} Form1.Color := clYellow; {$ENDIF}
 {$IFNDEF RED AND $IFNDEF BLUE} Form1.Color := clAqua; {$ENDIF}

Add them to the project folder. When compiled, these lines will replace the $INCLUDE statements below. Both methods present the same code to the compiler. However, using the include file method makes it easier to handle more complex requirements.


 Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.lfm}


{ TForm1 }

procedure TForm1.FormClick(Sender: TObject); begin



2) Project | Project Options | Compiler Options | Other | Custom options Add the directives as below. In this case the directives will apply to all units. Note the -d prefix. -dRED -dBLUE