Creating bindings for C libraries

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This page describes how to create pascal bindings for C libraries. Normally Pascal can not use C libraries directly. You have to create for every C function, type, variable a pascal translation. There is the h2pas tool, which can automatically translate many common C things. And there is a GUI for Lazarus using h2pas and other tools to automate the creation, so that if the bindings needs to be updated you don't have to restart all over.

Work flow

  • Fetch the C header files you want to translate.
  • Create a working directory and give your bindings a name
  • Create a new h2pas project with the h2pas wizard.
  • add the .h files to the project
  • setup the h2pas options
  • run the wizard
  • fix errors by adding text tools and run the wizard again
  • when h2pas runs without errors, test compilation and add optional tools to beautify the output
  • write some test programs to test your bindings
  • publish your bindings on lazarus-ccr or Free Pascal

Install tools

The h2pas tool comes with every normal fpc installation.

Install the h2paswizard package in the Lazarus IDE. Go to "Components -> Configure installed packages ...", select from the right list the H2PasWizard package and click 'Install selection', then 'Save and rebuild IDE'. Restart the IDE and you get a new menu entry: Tools -> h2pas

Fetch C header files

The C header files .h describes the interface of a C library. They are normally not provided with the library. You have to get the sources or the development package of the library. For example the C header files of the gtk libraries are in the package gtk+-devel.

Example: MPICH2

Download the mpich2-1.0.3.tar.gz from and unpack them. The .h files are under mpich2-1.0.3/src/include.

Create a working directory and name your bindings

Create a directory with a useful name. A name should not contain special characters, like spaces, umlaute, points or commas. Copy the .h files.

Example: MPICH2

The h2p directory will be used for the pascal files. The h2p/c_sources directory will be used for the .h files.

 mkdir -p h2p/c_sources
 cp mpich2-1.0.3/src/include/*.h h2p/c_sources

Create a new h2pas project with the h2pas wizard

Open the h2pas wizard: "Tools -> h2pas". This will open a window. You can switch between this window and the other IDE windows. Your last h2pas project will be loaded automatically. To create a new project click on "Settings -> New/Clear settings". Then click on the bottom button "Save settings" and choose a filename.

Example: MPICH2

Click on "Settings -> New/Clear settings". Then click on the bottom button "Save settings" and save it as h2p/mpi2.h2p.

Add the .h files to the project

In the "C header files" page you can add/delete the .h files. You can enable/disable .h files to convert only part of the files.

Example: MPICH2

Click on "C header files -> Add .h files ..." and select "mpi.h". It will be enabled automatically.

Setup the h2pas options

Under "h2pas Options" you can set the parameters for the h2pas program.

Example: MPICH2

  • Enable -e, -i, -D, -p, -w and disable all others.
  • The -l library path is "mpich".
  • Output extension is ".pas"
  • Output directory is h2pas/, so leave it empty

Run the wizard

Click on the bottom button "Run converter and h2pas". This will copy the example.h file to a temporary example.tmp.h file and run the tools listed under "Before h2pas". Then it runs h2pas.

If h2pas finds a sytax error, the IDE will open the example.tmp.h file and jumps to the error line. h2pas often only reports 'syntax error'. See below for a list of common problems and possible fixes.

Example: MPICH2

The h2pas wizard already contains all tools to convert all the specials of this header file, so it runs without errors.

Fix errors by adding text tools and run the wizard again

when h2pas runs without errors, test compilation and add optional tools to beautify the output

write some test programs to test your bindings

publish your bindings on lazarus-ccr or Free Pascal