FPSpreadsheet: List of formulas

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This is a list of the formulas supported by FPSpreadsheet:

Calling prototye Meaning Argument types Arguments Result type
Mathematical functions
ABS(num) Returns the absolute value of a number float 1 float
ACOS(num) Returns the arccosine (in radians) of a number float (>= -1 and <= +1) 1 float
ACOSH(num) Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number float (>= 1) 1 float
ASIN(num) Returns the arcsine (in radians) of a number float (>= -1 and <= +1) 1 float
ASINH(num) Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number float 1 float
ATAN(num) Returns the arctangent (in radians) of a number float 1 float
ATANH(num) Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number float (> -1 and < +1) 1 float
COS(num) Returns the cosine of an angle (in radians) float 1 float
COSH(num) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number float 1 float
DEGREES(num) Converts an angle from radians to degrees float 1 float
EXP(num) Calculates the exponential function of a number float 1 float
INT(num) Returns the integer portion of a number (like "floor()") float 1 integer
LN(num) Calculates the natural logarithm of a number float (> 0) 1 float
LOG(num [, base]) Calculates the logarithm of a number to a specified base.
base, if omitted, is 10.
float (> 0) 1 or 2 float
LOG10(num) Calculates the base-10 logarithm of a number float (> 0) 1 float
PI() Returns the mathematical constant π (3.14159265358979) none 0 float
POWER(num, exponent) Returns the result of a number raised to a given power float 2 float
RADIANS(num) Converts an angle from degrees to radians float 1 or 2 float
RAND() Returns a random number between 0 and 1 none 0 float
ROUND(num, digits) Returns a number rounded to a specified number of digits float 2 float
SIGN(num) Returns the sign of a number float 1 integer
SIN(num) Returns the sine of an angle (in radians) float 1 float
SINH(num) Returns the hyperbolic sine of a number float 1 float
TAN(num) Returns the tangent of an angle (in radians) float ( <> k*π/2) 1 float
TANH(num) Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number float 1 float
Statistical functions
AVEDEV(num1 [, num2, ...] ) Average value of absolute deviations of data from their mean. float > 1 float
AVERAGE(num1 [, num2, ...] ) Average value of a series of numbers float > 1 float
COUNT(value1 [, value2, ...] ) Counts cells and arguments containing numbers any > 1 integer
COUNTA(value1 [, value2, ...] ) Counts the number of non-empty cells and arguments any > 1 integer
COUNTBLANK(range) Counts the number of empty cells in a range any 1 cell range
(like A1:D5)
MAX(num1 [, num2, ...] ) Returns the largest value from the numbers provided float > 1 float
MIN(num1 [, num2, ...] ) Returns the smallest value from the numbers provided float > 1 float
PRODUCT(num1 [, num2, ...] ) Calculates the product of the numbers provided float > 1 float
STDEV(num1 [, num2, ...] ) Returns the standard deviation of a population based on a ample of numbers float > 1 float
STDEVP(num1 [, num2, ...] ) Returns the standard deviation of a population based on an entire population float > 1 float
SUM(num1 [, num2, ...] ) Calculates the sum of the numbers provided float > 1 float
SUMSQ(num1 [, num2, ...] ) Returns the sum of the squares of a series of numbers float > 1 float
VAR(num1 [, num2, ...] ) Returns the variance of a population based on a ample of numbers float >1 float
VARP(num1 [, num2, ...] ) Returns the variance of a population based on an entire population float > 1 float
Date/time functions
DATE(year, month, day) Calculates a serial date number from year, month and day integer 3 date/time
DATEDIF(start_date, end_date, interval) Calculates the difference between two date value based on a given interval start_date, end_date: date/time
interval is a string:
"Y" = number of years,
"M" = number of months,
"D" = number of days
3 integer
DATEVALUE(date_string) Converts a (date) string to a date/time value. string 1 date/time
DAY(value) Extracts the day number (1..31) of a date value. date/time, number, string 1 integer
HOUR(value) Extracts the hour (0..23) of a time value. date/time, number, string 1 integer
MINUTE(value) Extracts the minute (0..59) of a time value. date/time, number, string 1 integer
MONTH(value) Extracts the month number (1..12) of a date value. date/time, number, string 1 integer
NOW() Returns the current system date and time.
Will refresh whenever the worksheet recalculates.
none 0 date/time
SECOND(value) Extracts the second (0..59) of a time value. date/time, number, string 1 integer
TIME(year, month, day) Calculates a date/time value from hours, minutes and seconds integer 3 date/time
TIMEVALUE(time_string) Converts a (time) string to a date/time value. string 1 date/time
TODAY() Returns the current system date none 0 date/time
WEEKDAY(value [, type]) Returns a number code for the weekday of a date value: date/time, number, string
type=0: Sunday=1, Saturday=7 (default)
type=1: Monday=1, Sunday=7
type=2: Monday=9, Sunday=6
1 or 2 integer
YEAR(value) Extracts the year of a date value. date/time, number, string 1 integer
String functions
CHAR(ascii_value) Returns the character based on its ASCII value integer 1 string
Logical functions
AND(condition1 [, condition2, ...]) Calculates the logical AND of several boolean values boolean any boolean
OR(condition1 [, condition2, ...]) Calculates the logical OR of several boolean values boolean any boolean
Info functions
ISBLANK(value) Checks for blank or null values. any boolean boolean