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  64-bit CPU Target: Aarch64 (this always uses hardware floating point)
  64-bit CPU Target: Aarch64 (this always uses hardware floating point)
== Main steps begin here ==
Run these commands in a non-admin powershell console.  I recommend running these
Run these commands in a non-admin powershell console.  I recommend running these

Latest revision as of 03:33, 7 February 2023

Install LAMW and Android Development Environment on Windows using fpcupdeluxe

See also
Forum Post: https://forum.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php?topic=59226
For Linux How-To see here: https://wiki.freepascal.org/LAMW_install_linux_fpcupdeluxe
As of 2023-Feb-06, this error is still happening:
Needed simple instructions to get an up-to-date Android build environment setup on Windows.
(installs and runs as a user, no admin privileges are needed)
Thanks to other developers for sharing their hard work, utilities, and helpful information.
Everything is self-contained under the "$BASE\android" folder
($BASE defaults to the user's home folder)
$BASE\android\sdk  (android sdk and build tools)
$BASE\android\sdk\ndk-bundle  (android ndk)
$BASE\android\fpcupdeluxe_app  (FPCUPdeluxe installer)
$BASE\android\projects  (default LAMW projects folder)
$BASE\android\fpc-lazarus  (FPC, Lazarus built w/ LAMW)
$BASE\android\fpc-lazarus\ccr\lamw  (LAMW files)
$BASE\android\fpc-lazarus\ccr\lamw-gradle  (gradle build tool)
$BASE\android\fpc-lazarus\ccr\lamw\demos (LAMW demo projects)
Versions Tested
Windows 10 Pro 22H2 64-bit with latest updates installed

Android Command-Line Tools for Linux build 9477386
OpenJDK 11.0.18 LTS (Microsoft's build)
Android SDK/API Level 31 (Android 12)
Android NDK revision 22
Gradle 6.8.3 (installed automatically by FPCUPdeluxe)

FPCUPdeluxe ver 2.2.0n
FPC stable v3.2.2
Lazarus stable v2.2.4

32-bit CPU Target: ARMv7a + VFPv3 (hardware floating point)
64-bit CPU Target: Aarch64 (this always uses hardware floating point)

Main steps begin here

Run these commands in a non-admin powershell console.  I recommend running these
one at a time so you can verify the results before moving on to the next step.
# (powershell code)
# Setup Android Development Environment on Windows (FPCUPdeluxe / LAMW)
# Tested on Windows 10 Pro 22H2 64-bit
# Targets: 32-bit ARMv7a and 64-bit Aarch64
# 2023-Feb-05 ver 0.7

$BASE = "$HOME" #change this if you want to install to a different location
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'  # hide progress for faster downloads
$PSDefaultParameterValues=@{'out-file:encoding'='ascii'}  #set text redirection to file as ascii

# Install OpenJDK
# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/java/openjdk/download
md "$BASE\android"
cd "$BASE\android"
Invoke-WebRequest "https://aka.ms/download-jdk/microsoft-jdk-11.0.18-windows-x64.zip" -OutFile "microsoft-jdk-Win-x64.zip"
Expand-Archive "microsoft-jdk-Win-x64.zip" ".\"
del "microsoft-jdk-Win-x64.zip"

# Setup java environment for current process
${env:JAVA_HOME} = "$BASE\android\jdk-11.0.18+10"
${env:Path} = "${env:JAVA_HOME}\bin;" + ${env:Path}

# Setup java environment for current user
# (this makes it persistent across reboots)
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("JAVA_HOME", "${env:JAVA_HOME}", "User")
$UserPath = "${env:JAVA_HOME}\bin;" + [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", "User")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $UserPath, "User")

# Download and extract Android SDK Command Line Tools for Windows
# https://developer.android.com/studio/#downloads
md "$BASE\android\sdk\cmdline-tools"
cd "$BASE\android\sdk\cmdline-tools"
Invoke-WebRequest "https://dl.google.com/android/repository/commandlinetools-win-9477386_latest.zip" -OutFile "commandlinetools-win.zip"
Expand-Archive "commandlinetools-win.zip" ".\"
ren "cmdline-tools" "latest"
del "commandlinetools-win.zip"

# Install SDK packages and NDK
cd "$BASE\android\sdk\cmdline-tools/latest/bin"
@('y','y','y','y','y','y','y','y','y','y') | ./sdkmanager --licenses
# (Note: to view a list of available packages use .\sdkmanager --list)
.\sdkmanager "platforms;android-31" "build-tools;31.0.0" "tools" "ndk;22.1.7171670" "extras;android;m2repository"

# Download FPCUPdeluxe from https://github.com/LongDirtyAnimAlf/fpcupdeluxe/releases/latest
# (tested with version 2.2.0n)
md "$BASE\android\fpcupdeluxe_app"
cd "$BASE\android\fpcupdeluxe_app"
Invoke-WebRequest "https://github.com/LongDirtyAnimAlf/fpcupdeluxe/releases/download/v2.2.0n/fpcupdeluxe-x86_64-win64.exe" -OutFile "fpcupdeluxe-x86_64-win64.exe"
"[General]" > fpcupdeluxe.ini
"InstallDirectory=$BASE\android\fpc-lazarus" >> fpcupdeluxe.ini

# Using the FPCUPdeluxe GUI
# (The install path is already set. e.g. c:\users\[your_user]\android\fpc-lazarus)
# 1) At the bottom of the main Window, click the "LAMW" button
# As of 2023-Feb-05, this installs stable FPC (3.2.2), stable Lazarus (v2.2.4), cross
# compilers for arm/android and aarch64/android, gradle v6.8.3, and latest LAMW from git.
# 2) (Optional) On modules tab click the "OPM" button to install Online Package Manager.
# 3) Close FPCUPdeluxe

# Change name for the desktop shortcut
# (this works if $BASE = $HOME, otherwise rename the desktop shortcut manually)
ren "$BASE\Desktop\Lazarus_fpc-lazarus.lnk" "Lazarus LAMW.lnk"

# Create a directory for android projects
md "$BASE\android\projects"

# Edit LAMW settings via the ini file
(Get-Content $LAMWini | Select-String -pattern "PathToWorkspace" -notmatch) | Set-Content $LAMWini
"PathToWorkspace=$BASE\android\projects" >> $LAMWini
"PathToAndroidSDK=$BASE\android\sdk" >> $LAMWini
"PathToAndroidNDK=$BASE\android\sdk\ndk\22.1.7171670" >> $LAMWini
"NDK=6" >> $LAMWini

# After launching Lazarus-LAMW, you can confirm paths and settings in
# the Tools | [LAMW] Android Module Wizard | Path Settings menu
For new LAMW projects
for 32-bit:  ARMv7a + VFPv3 for Architecture/Instructions
for 64-bit:  Aarch64 for Architecture/Instructions
Min. Device API: 19  (Google recommended minimum SDK version)
See here:  https://android-developers.googleblog.com/2021/07/google-play-services-discontinuing-jelly-bean.html
For demo LAMW projects
(Project | Open Project) Open the controls.lpi file in the demo project jni folder
If it asks for a Target API change enter 31 for the target.
for 32-bit:  Change LAMW project options | Min SDK: 19 and Build tab | Chipset: ARMv7a+VFPv3
for 64-bit:  Change LAMW project options | Min SDK: 19 and Build tab | Chipset: Aarch64
Perform a Run | Clean up and Build
2023-Feb-05 ver 0.7
 Use $BASE for installation directory (defaults to $HOME)
 Tested on Win10 Pro 22H2 64-bit
 Android Command-Line Tools for Linux build 9477386
 OpenJDK 11.0.18 LTS (Microsoft's build)
 Gradle 6.8.3 (installed automatically by FPCUPdeluxe)
 FPCUPdeluxe ver 2.2.0n
 Lazarus stable v2.2.4
2022-May-01 ver 0.6 - Initial release
 Tested on Win10 Pro 21H2 64-bit
 Android Command-Line Tools for Linux build 8092744
 OpenJDK 11.0.14 LTS (Microsoft's build)
 Gradle 7.3.1 (installed automatically by FPCUPdeluxe)
 FPCUPdeluxe ver 2.2.0i
 FPC stable v3.2.2
 Lazarus stable v2.2.0