Plex and Pyacc

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Revision as of 00:15, 9 March 2014 by GVS (talk | contribs) (Sorry this is terribly wrong. I have to correct this.)
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Free Pascal comes with substitutes for the GNU projects Lex and YACC. They are called Plex and Pyacc and they can be used to generate compilers and regular expression analyzers in Pascal instead of C.

Library contents

TP Lex and Yacc can be found here:


Download the manual here:

Simple example application

This is a very simple calculator, which shows how to use plex and pyacc. The files in this simple project are:

  • lexer.l
  • parser.y

WARNING: The code below compiles but currently doesn't work

plex lexer.l
pyacc -d parser.y
mv parser.pas calculadora.pas
fpc calculadora.pas


{ Analisador léxico da calculadora para a disciplina de PCS

   Aluno: Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho                           }


[0-9]+[dD]?          begin yylval.yyInteger := StrToInt(yytext); yyruleno := NUMBER; end;

[0-9a-fA-F]+[hH]     begin yylval.yyInteger := StrToInt(yytext); yyruleno := NUMBER; end;

[ \t]                begin end; { ignorar espaços em branco }

[-]                  begin yyruleno := MENOS; end;

[+*/()]              begin yyruleno := Integer(yytext[0]); end;

[=][hH]              begin yyruleno := IGUALH; end;

[=][dD]?             begin yyruleno := IGUALD; end;

\n                   begin yyruleno := Integer(yytext[0]); end;

.                    begin yyerror('Caracter inexperado'); end;

function meuyywrap (): Integer;
  Result := 1;


/* Parser

   Aluno: Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho                           */
program calculadora;

{$mode delphi}

uses SysUtils, yacclib, lexlib;


%start entrada
%type <Integer> expressao termo fator


    : /* linha vazia */     {  }
    | entrada linha         {  }
    : expressao IGUALD '\n' { WriteLn(Format('Resultado: %d', [$1])); }
    | expressao IGUALH '\n' { WriteLn(Format('Resultado: %H', [$1])); }
    : expressao '+' termo   { $$ := $1 + $3; }
    | expressao MENOS termo { $$ := $1 - $3; }
    | termo                 { $$ := $1; }
    : termo '*' fator       { $$ := $1 * $3; }
    | termo '/' fator       { if ($3 = 0) then
                                 yyerror('Divisao por zero!')
                                 $$ := $1 div $3; }
    | fator                 { $$ := $1; }
    : NUMBER                { $$ := $1; }
    | MENOS NUMBER          { $$ := -1 * $2; }
    | '(' expressao ')'     { $$ := $2; }


procedure meuyyerror(s: PChar);  // Called by yyparse on error
  WriteLn(Format('Erro: %s', [s]));

{$include lexer.pas}

  yywrap := @meuyywrap;
//  yyerror := @meuyyerror;
  yyparse ();

How to use it

Type for example: 5+3=

And it will answer with: 8

You can also try 3*8=H to request an answer in Hexadecimal instead of decimal

How to do it the right way

Sorry that I have to do this, but this example is wrong !

First of all I recommend you to read the manual and try to understand it.
Secondly take a look at the examples provided with original tply package by Albert Graef distributed at:
There you will find a more sophisticated calculator example named 'expr'. If you take a look at it you will find out that this is a basic example for Lex/Yacc generated parsers and it works.

Now I will explain you why you can not do things that way.

We start with Lex:

  1. Lex returns a token to the parser which is always an integer value. The token is defined as an constant value with the %token command. Tokens can only be returned to Yacc through two commands, return and returnc.
    1. return : This is the normal return of a token = integer
    2. returnc: With this it is possible to return one character, it is needed for the litterals in Yacc rules

Now we correct the return of a token from example above:

[0-9]+[dD]?          begin yylval.yyInteger := StrToInt(yytext); yyruleno := NUMBER; end; <- nothing, because yyruleno ends up in nirvana
[0-9]+[dD]?          begin yylval.yyInteger := StrToInt(yytext); return(NUMBER); end;     <- good

And the litteral return :

[+*/()]              begin yyruleno := Integer(yytext[0]); end; <- ouch !
[+*/()]              returnc(yytext[1]);                        <- returns single characters we want

Can you see the difference ?
Why the hell one should use index NULL ? And no need for begins and ends.
And last but not least the strange function:

function meuyywrap (): Integer; <- ??? what is this for ???
  Result := 1;

The yywrap function is for loading multiple files, do we need this if we read from stdin and write to stdout ? No, we don't !

The working Lex file:

{ Analisador léxico da calculadora para a disciplina de PCS
   Aluno: Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho                           }
[0-9]+[dD]?          begin yylval.yyInteger := StrToInt(yytext); return(NUMBER); end;
[0-9a-fA-F]+[hH]     begin yylval.yyInteger := StrToInt(yytext); return(NUMBER); end;
[ \t]                ; { ignorar espaços em branco }
[-]                  return(MENOS);
[+*/()]              returnc(yytext[1]);
[=][hH]              return(IGUALH);
[=][dD]?             return(IGUALD);
\n                   returnc(yytext[1]);
.                    yyerror('Caracter inexperado');

GVS 23:15, 8 March 2014 (CET)