Syntax highlighting

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Revision as of 09:03, 25 September 2018 by Djzepi (talk | contribs)
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English (en) suomi (fi) polski (pl)

Syntax highlighting is a feature displays text in different colors and fonts according to the category of terms The feature of text editors that are used for programming (source code), scripting, markup languages ( HTML, JSON, or XML), or configuration files (LFM, or Ini-files).


program Project1;

  text = 'Press any key to continue!';
  {Computer programmers historically used 'Press any key to continue' as
  a prompt to the user when it was necessary to pause processing.
  The system would resume after the user pressed any keyboard button. }
  writeln (text);

In the Pascal example, the editor has recognized the keywords program, const, begin, and end. The comment is also highlighted in a specific manner to distinguish it from working code.


Icon Component Description
tsynpassyn.png TSynPasSyn Generic Pascal syntax-highlighting
tsynfreepascalsyn.png TSynFreePascalSyn Free-Pascal syntax-highlighting
tsyncppsyn.png TSynCppSyn C++ syntax-highlighting
tsynjavasyn.png TSynJavaSyn Java syntax-highlighting
tsynperlsyn.png TSynPerlSyn perl syntax-highlighting
tsynhtmlsyn.png TSynHTMLSyn HTML syntax-highlighting
tsynxmlsyn.png TSynXMLSyn XML syntax-highlighting
tsynlfmsyn.png TSynLFMSyn LFM syntax-highlighting
tsyndiffsyn.png TSynDiffSyn
tsynunixshellscriptsyn.png TSynUNIXShellScriptSyn Unix shell syntax-highlighting
tsyncsssyn.png TSynCssSyn CSS syntax-highlighting
tsynphpsyn.png TSynPHPSyn PHP syntax-highlighting
tsyntexsyn.png TSynTeXSyn (La)TeX syntax-highlighting
tsynsqlsyn.png TSynSQLSyn SQL syntax-highlighting
tsynpythonsyn.png TSynPythonSyn Python syntax-highlighting
tsynvbsyn.png TSynVBSyn Visual Basic syntax-highlighting
tsynanysyn.png TSynAnySyn
tsynmultisyn.png TSynMultiSyn
tsynbatsyn.png TSynBatSyn Batch-file syntax-highlighting
tsyninisyn.png TSynIniSyn INI-file syntax-highlighting
tsynposyn.png TSynPoSyn