Testers Template

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Candidates for testing of X.Y.Z

Anybody willing to contribute FPC and help to increase release quality by participating in systematic testing of release candidates and short checking of the final release. Note that this testing differs at least partly from just using the particular build for your own purposes, because you are supposed to perform a minimum set of defined operations, let us know when the testing is finished and report your results in certain time period (usually not more than one week - exact dates are provided when the builds are available).

name and e-mail (account at domain) CPU - operating system - version/distribution RC1 testing status (how many percents done, when expected to finish) RC2 testing status
First Last, somebody at some.domain Intel Septium HyperSuperSomething - Linux - SuSE 23.1 100% 95% (unable to finish XYZ due to lack of time)