Unit not found - How to find units

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This page is about one of the most prominent errors of pascal: unit not found. This error has a lot of reasons and this page tries to gather most of the reasons, how to find out, which problem it is, and how to solve it.

Step 1: Compiler or IDE

Although the compiler and the IDE are using quite similar search algorithms to find a unit, there are some differences.


  • Both search units in the search path.
  • Both search first for pascal sources (.pas, .pp) files. Under MacPAS mode: search for .p files too.
  • Both search for several cases: normal case, lower case, upper case. For example: if the uses section contains 'Unit1', then it searches:
 1. Unit1.pp
 2. unit1.pp
 3. UNIT1.PP
 4. Unit1.pas
 5. unit1.pas

They are searched in every directory of the search path.