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Template:Test Title

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}{$J-}

program Example;

Generics.Collections, sysutils,
ObjectDictionary;   //import the generics-library of the RTL

TmyCoolClass = class
 Name: String;

TStringClassDictionary = specialize TDictionary<string, TmyCoolClass>;   //specialize a new dictionary and set the data-type of key and value
TStringStringDictionary =  specialize TDictionary<string, string>;

  MyDictionary : TStringClassDictionary;
  TestClass : TmyCoolClass;
  KeyString: string;
  KeyValuePair : TStringClassDictionary.TDictionaryPair;
  SearchedValue : TmyCoolClass;

   //create the dictionary
   MyDictionary := TStringClassDictionary.Create;

   TestClass := TmyCoolClass.Create;
   TestClass.Name := 'Hi';

   SearchedValue := TmyCoolClass.Create;
   SearchedValue.Name := 'HIIII';

   //Add Element or update its value to new (key, value)
   MyDictionary.AddOrSetValue('Key1', TestClass);

   //Remove Element
   MyDictionary.AddOrSetValue('Key2', TestClass);

   //Clear entire dictionary

   // Total number of Items in dictionary (count)
   writeln('Items in Dictionary: ' + IntToStr(MyDictionary.Count));

   //Get Value by Key
   writeln(MyDictionary.Items['Key1'].Name);  //If the provided key does not exist, this will throw a Error :'Dictionary Key does not Exist'


   //TryAdd  returns True if added successfully, False otherwise
    writeln('TryAdd: ' + BoolToStr(MyDictionary.TryAdd('Key2',TestClass ),'True', 'False'));

   //'TryGetValue'takes two Arguments ->(key, value) and returns a boolean.
   //If found, it returns true and the provided 'value' variable becomes the value of the searched KeyValuePair
   //if not found,the function returns False and the provided 'value'-variable is nil
   writeln(BoolToStr(MyDictionary.TryGetValue('Key', SearchedValue)));
   if MyDictionary.TryGetValue('Key', SearchedValue) then
        writeln('Key found. Its Value is ' + SearchedValue.Name )
       if SearchedValue = Nil then
          writeln('the provided Value is Nil now');

   //----------------------Loop through the Dictionary------------------

   //Loop Keys
   for KeyString in MyDictionary.Keys do
        writeln('Found key:' + KeyString);

   //Loop Values
   for TestClass in MyDictionary.Values do
        writeln('Found Value:' + TestClass.Name);

   //Loop Key-Value-Pairs
   for KeyValuePair in MyDictionary do
        writeln('Found a Pair: Key:' + KeyValuePair.Key + ' Value:' + KeyValuePair.Value.Name);

    //----------------------Check if exists in whole Dictionary------------------

   //Check if Key exists
   if MyDictionary.ContainsKey('Key1') then
      writeln('key exists')
       writeln('key not found');

   //Check if Value exists
   if MyDictionary.ContainsValue(TestClass) then
      writeln('value exists')
       writeln('value not found');

   //Accessing Items by a Index is not possible, (like in Delphi)!

