User:Swen/Installing Lazarus

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Lazarus System Requirements

Dowload locations

stable versions: Sourceforge]


should the ftp adress be listed?

Installing under Linux



The current version 8.04 contains a Lazarus package. This package can easily be installed via Synaptic. Only the fpc-source package is not defined as dependency. So you have to install this package separately.

Alternatively the repository from can be used (this repository is maintained by Vincent Snijders).

Short version: get Lazarus

In the sections that follow, there's a complete list of the commands you need to type at the console to download and install Lazarus on an Ubuntu system. If you're impatient, this section will just give you what you need to get it installed without going through every part of the process line by line.

Select and copy the following script, and save it as a file in your home directory named getlaz:

 gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 6A11800F
 gpg --export 6A11800F | apt-key add -
 echo "deb lazarus-stable universe" \
 apt-get update
 apt-get install lazarus

At the shell prompt, type this to prepare the script for execution, and to execute it (you can copy these lines and paste them into your shell using Shift+Insert):

 chmod +x getlaz
 sudo ./getlaz

The process will download around 100Mb of data from the Lazarus repository and the standard ones. It will take at least five minutes, even with a fast connection. Any time it stops to ask for confirmation of any step, answer "Y" for yes.

When it finishes and returns to the shell prompt, you're set. Look in the "Development" section of your Ubuntu menu; Lazarus will be there and functional.

Now, for completists, here's the same instruction step by step. You can ignore it if you followed the above instructions successfully. Please remember to come back to the wiki and put in any tested, reliable changes that might clarify this section!

Add the key

Download the key from the public key server:

 gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 6A11800F

Add it to the apt system:

 gpg --export 6A11800F | sudo apt-key add -

You can see the list of apt keys with:

 sudo apt-key list

Add the repository

You can use synaptic for this or edit the /etc/apt/sources.list directly. For the stable repository, add the line:

 deb lazarus-stable universe

Or using a console app. do:

 echo "deb lazarus-stable universe">/etc/apt/sources.list.d/lazarus.list

For the testing repository:

 deb lazarus-testing universe

Or similarly, using a console app. do:

 echo "deb lazarus-testing universe">/etc/apt/sources.list.d/lazarus.list

Install Lazarus

Now You can install Lazarus with apt:

 apt-get update; apt-get install lazarus


Lazarus 0.9.22 on Mandriva 2007 (2007.0) (i386) (GTK-1)

Installation in Mandriva is very easy. However, there are a few points to check as the installation proceeds. Here is a typical installation using the .tar modules (see the trick for the theme at the end of the procedure!):

- During the Mandriva installation, select the "Gnome desktop" group. Although you will use lazarus in KDE or other desktop, this will install some GTK modules needed by the lazarus environment.

- Install the FPC 2.0.4 compiler using either the .rpm or .tar, modules. Using the .tar modules you would type: "sh" then RETURN many times. I do this in superuser mode.

- Install the compiler source code. just untar the file "fpc-src-2.0.4.source.tgz" in the folder /usr/local/src/fpc/ then rename the created folder "fpc" to "2.0.4" . When complete, you have the folder /usr/local/src/fpc/2.0.4/ that contains all the source code. The source code is only needed by lazarus editor, but you can recompile FPC and have an optimized version of the libraries, and show that everything is working well:

- If you want to compile FPC (optional), then go to the FPC source directory (/usr/local/src/fpc/2.0.4/) and type "./configure", "make clean","make all","make install","make clean". FPC is now installed. Check the content of "/etc/fpc.cfg". This file has to be modified when the make fails.

- Lazarus can be installed in user mode: just unzip/untar the file "lazarus-" in your user directory. Then just type "make clean all" in the user mode. The last phase of the process (link) usually fails due to missing lbrary files:

- Check in the directory /usr/lib/ for the following symbolic links: -> -> -> ->

The file "" is included in the module "libgdk_pixbuf-" This file name is critical. In particular, DO NOT use "" (misleading isn't!).

After all the links have been fixed, the "Linking ../lazarus" stage will not crash any more and the "./lazarus" command should start the program!

- Go to the "environment/environment options" menu and change the "FPC source directory" to /user/local/src/fpc/2.0.4


- The last step is to fix the theme. The package "galaxy-gnome-1.0.4-3mdv2007.0" is available in the Mandriva control center. Install it.

- The package "gtk-theme-switch-1.0.1-4mdv2007.0.i586.rpm" is available on the web! (strangely it did not show in the control center) Install it manually by typing "rpm -iv --test gtk-theme-switch-1.0.1-4mdv2007.0.i586.rpm" then retype the line without the "--test" in my case there was a warning message related to the signature. I decided to ignore it!

- in the USER MODE, type "switch", then chose "galaxy" theme.

The Lazarus / FPC tool is now installed!

Lazarus 0.9.20 on Mandriva 2007/or -2006 32 bit

Write this urpmi-command as root:


It seems like Lazarus 0.9.20 depends on fpc 2.0.4, and Mandriva 2007 is shipped with fpc-2.1.1-0.2mdk.i586. To prevent your system to upgrade to fpc-2.1.1 or newer in the future, when you run commands as urpmi --auto-select, you can write fpc in /etc/urpmi/skip.list.

Lazarus untested snapshot on Mandriva 2007 32 bit

urpmi $(for RPM in $(lynx --source | grep i386.rpm | cut -d '"' -f 4-4) ; do echo -n$RPM ' '; done )

Installing Lazarus + fpc for Mandriva 2007 X86_64

This has worked for Mandriva 2007.0 X86_64 (AMD X2 4800+)

  • To install the current snapshot:
urpmi $(for RPM in $(lynx --source | grep 64.rpm | cut -d '"' -f 4-4) ; do echo -n$RPM ' '; done )
  • Once the RPMs have been installed. Run lazarus for the first time. It will pop up a dialog complaining that the "/usr/bin/ppc386" and "/usr/lib/lazarus" are not valid. Accept ("OK") the alternate choices it suggests.
  • When compiling your first project, you may find that lazarus complains of missing libs (e.g. gdk, glib, etc.). Install the necessary libs as needed, I installed these (that I recall, YMMV):


Installing Lazarus 0.9.24, for Slackware 12.0 users

This have worked in Slackware-12.0 on a Pentium-3 computer:

  • The Free Pascal Compiler (FPC) is installed in SUPERUSER mode
  • The lazarus in installed in USER mode
  • The FPC compiler will be recompiled
  • The lazarus Integrated Development Environment (IDE) source code is loaded from the SVN server
  • The GTK-2 widget set is used ("LCL_PLATFORM=gtk2")

-- Download "fpc-2.2.0.i386-linux.tar" in a user folder and install it. Go to this folder and type:

 bash-3.1$ tar -xvf fpc-2.2.0.i386-linux.tar
 bash-3.1$ su 
 bash-3.1$ password:xxxxxx
 bash-3.1# sh
 (use the default answers for the next 6 questions: press "return" 6 times)
 bash-3.1# exit
 bash-3.2$ fpc
 free pascal compiler version 2.2.0 [] for i386 
 Copyright (c) 2007 ...

You have installed the compiler. You may want to recompile it or not, but in any case you will need to download the source code as it is required by the lazarus IDE.

-- Download "fpc-2.2.0.source.tar.gz" in a temporary folder. If you do not want to recompile the source then just skip this section. If you would like to run your own compiled version of FPC, then just type:

 bash-3.1$ tar -xvzf fpc-2.2.0.source.tar.gz
 bash-3.1$ cd fpc-2.2.0
 bash-3.1$ make clean all
 bash-3.1$ su
 bash-3.1$ password: xxxxxxxx
 bash-3.1# make install
 bash-3.1# exit
 bash-3.1$ fpc
 free pascal compiler version 2.2.0 [...] for i386 
 Copyright (c) 2007 ...

Now you have your own compiled version working.

-- The lazarus IDE editor needs to look at the FPC source code. Even if you do not want to recompile FPC, you need its source code. However, in order to save some space, I only keep a clean (not compiled) copy of the source code. I start from the file "fpc-2.2.0.source.tar.gz" again and I copy it to the /usr/local/src/FPC folder:

 bash-3.1$ su
 bash-3.1$ password: xxxxxxxx
 bash-3.1# cp fpc-2.2.0.source.tar.gz /usr/local/src/
 bash-3.1# cd /usr/local/src/
 bash-3.1# tar -xvzf fpc-2.2.0.source.tar.gz
 bash-3.1# rm fpc-2.2.0.source.tar.gz
 bash-3.1# exit

The version number is included in the folder name "fpc-2.2.0". This way I can keep many versions the the compiler source and eventually switch between them.

-- The lazarus IDE is kept in my USER "~/lazarus" folder and always compiled in USER mode. I usually download the "lazarus-0.9.24-0.tar.gz" file, but here we can also get the latest development version from the SVN server:

  bash-3.1$ svn co lazarus

This is for the first time you load it. Next time you will only need to type:

  bash-3.1$ svn update

If you do not have SVN installed on your computer, here is how to get it quickly:

--Download the two files: "subversion-1.4.6.tar.gz" and "subversion-deps-1.4.5.tar.gz" (or later versions). Type:

  bash-3.1$ tar -xvzf subversion-1.4.6.tar.gz
  bash-3.1$ tar -xvzf subversion-deps-1.4.6.tar.gz
  bash-3.1$ cd subversion-1.4.6
  bash-3.1$ ./configure
  bash-3.1$ make
  bash-3.1$ su
  bash-3.1$ password:xxxxxx
  bash-3.1# make install
  bash-3.1$ exit

-- At this point you have the folder "~/lazarus" containing the source code. You should compile it very simply:

  bash-3.1$ make clean all LCL_PLATFORM=gtk2

The "LCL_PLATFORM=gtk2" means of course that you will develop your applications in GTK-2. The default widget set for lazarus is GTK-1 but you will not be able to use it in Slackware 12.0. I strongly recommend that you use the "LCL_PLATFORM=gtk2" option now. After a few minutes, the compiler stops:

  Linking ../Lazbuild
  987 linescompiled ...
  make [2] leaving ...
  make [1] leaving ...

-- Just type:

  bash-3.1$ ./lazarus

WOW! You get a message: "Free Pascal sources not found". Just follow the instructions and indicate your Free Pascal Compiler source directory in the panel: "Environment->Environment_Options->Files". As explained earlier, on my computer this should point to "/usr/local/src/fpc-2.2.0". Note that when you change this folder, you should click on "Environment / Rescan_FPC_source_directory".




Lazarus is part of the standard Fedora-repositories since Fedora version 9. You can install it using the command-line ('yum install lazarus') or by using the 'add/remove software' wizard. If you want to install Lazarus during the installation of Fedora, you have to enable the additional repositories during install.

Once installed you can find Lazarus in the 'Applications/Programming' menu.

Note that if you want to develop gtk2 applications, you also have to install 'gtk2-devel'.


Installing under Windows

Installing under BSD

Installing under Mac OS X

Additional experiences and advices

On linux, getting Lazarus to work can be complicated if you have an older version installed. If you have already installed earlier versions of FPC and/or Lazarus, you have to take great care that the PATHS are adjusted so that only your new versions are called.

Pitfalls that I have experienced in various attempts with SuSE linux include:

The rpm versions often install FPC in /bin or /usr/bin, with the libraries in /lib or /usr/lib.

If you perform a make install on a source version or use a .tar.gz, the compiler is usually installed in /usr/local/bin with the libraries in /usr/local/lib.

So if earlier versions have been installed from rpm, make sure all links are changed to reflect the directory structure of your new compiler. The place to make the changes is in /etc/fpc.cfg ; make sure there are no remnant configuration files in your home directory or in your FPC download directory. Typically they are found in ~/.fpc.cfg

Make sure the links in /etc/fpc.cfg point to the correct versions of the libraries (particularly if you have older versions still lurking around).

In /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin there is a file called fpc ; this is the executable that is called when you invoke the compiler. One of the first things it does is to open ppc386 in the same directory. This has to be the same version as the fpc file, or can be a link pointing to the true ppc386 in some other directory (such as a library directory, or the fpc directory in your own development space); be sure to update your link if you install a newer version of the compiler.

Try running the compiler from the command line using one of the simple example programs or one which you wrote yourself.

Turning to Lazarus:

If you use a downloaded snapshot (.tar.gz) or get the source from CVS, enter your lazarus directory and type


and hopefully the IDE should load. There may be a message saying it can't find the sources; if so, go to the menu at the top and select Environment -> Environment options and insert the name of the directory where you expect to find your lazarus files (eg ~/FreePascal/lazarus), your compiler (e.g. /usr/local/bin/ppc386), the FreePascal source directory (e.g. /usr/local/lib/fpc/$version/fpc or a directory in your own space e.g. ~/FreePascal/fpc). Then close the dialog and start programming.

You may find further problems when you start programming or compiling; most of these will be related to PATH selection.

Many of the difficulties are dealt with in the Lazarus FAQ, found either on this WiKi site, or a more complete list on the main Lazarus site

From the top menu select Run -> Compiler Options (or Project -> Compiler Options in more recent releases of Lazarus) and select the Paths tab on the resulting dialog. There are several boxes for entry of paths for Unit files, Include files, Other source files, Libraries etc. For each of these, it is worth pressing the ... (ellipsis) button on the right, and you will be given a blank window for inserting path information, and a lower window giving some suggestions. Select as many as you like (or ALL!) and press the ADD button to transfer the selections to the upper window. When your selection is complete, press OK and move on to the next box. If you know of other paths which need to be followed, press the Browse button associated with each box, and insert the additional paths.

When you think you have got your paths right, try to compile your application. If there are further path-related errors ('can't find unit .......') then go back and check your paths, both in /etc/fpc.cfg and in your Run -> Compiler Options dialog (or Project -> Compiler Options depending on your version).

Once you have got the environment and PATHS correct, it is worth saving the settings to a file, otherwise you will have to go through this process for each new project. In the Run -> Compiler options dialog there is a Load/Save button; select this and then save the setings to the filename of your choice: mine is ~/FreePascal/default.cfg. Then each time I start a new project, I can go to the Run -> Compiler Options dialog (or Project -> Compiler Options), select Load/Save, and load my default.cfg file to the new project. You can, of course, modify the options for each new project if you so desire.