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This page has been created to collect all information regarding i386-wince target. Although most of today's PDAs, Phones, Tablets use ARM CPUs - dealing with i386 version of CE might make sense as

  • There exists a certain amount of industrial controllers running under i386-wince. Some of them originally where XPe but have been migrated to CE. Some of them have been created by the Alliance SIEMENS/Microsoft.
  • As Intel tries to regain market share in the embedded area (also Mobile/Tablet), it might be that more mobile/tablet will use X86 platforms (Atom etc then) again.


  • A Windows-CE Emulator (i386 Version!)
    For example Windows CE 5.0 Device Emulator(V this to a folder. Create a Shortcut to executable(to be able to call it with command line parameters). Edit command line of link to something like
    "{path to exe}Emulator_500.exe" /ceimage NK.cem /ethernet virtualswitch
    This will startup the emulator using the NK.cem image and creates a bridged ethernet connection(set IP in emulator to fit your network if you have no DHCP server running). Also this emulator allows a shared folder between Host-PC and emulator(This can be your Lazarus project's working folder)
  • FPC Source code (I used fpcbuild-2.6.0.zip)
  • Lazarus (I used a snapshot of 20120225 Lazarus-0.9.31-35589-fpc2.6.1-20120215-win32.exe). The fpc folder showed up still as 2.6.0.

<to be continued tomorrow.. please stay tuned>

Setup Lazarus/FPC for compiling i386-wince

<to be extended>

Test Applications

<to be extended>

Useful 3rd Party Tools, Libraries, Links

<to be extended>