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lNet or LightWeight Networking Library is a collection of classes and components to enable event-driven TCP or UDP networking. lNet is released under a modified LGPL license. (permits static linking)

The package consists of base lNet units library, lTelnet for telnet protocol, lFTP for ftp protocol and lNetComponents libraries for providing visual and non-visual components for networking.

These components were tested in Win32, Linux and FreeBSD. They should however run on any major platform supported by FPC. Homepage of the lNet base libraries is: http://members.chello.sk/ales

As of version 0.3 the package is only single-threaded. I've dropped multithreaded version and now use exclusively LCL features to work.


Ales Katona (User: Almindor)


Modified LGPL (read LICENSE and LICENSE.ADDON included in package).


You can contact me directly by email or go to #lnet channel on freenode.


25th of September 2006:

Released 0.4.0 according to schedule. New features:

* completly rewritten internal structure with eventers allowing flexibility and per-OS/arch optimalization
* completly rewritten internal structure for visual lnet to allow "LCL" quasi eventer
* added HTTP server and client components, and HTTP client visual component
* added highly experimental fastcgi support to HTTP server
* added SMTP client support console and visual
* utilized latest available technoglogies by using KQueue in FreeBSD and Epoll in linux (2.6+ only)

Luckily all these changes could be made without braking old API. There was only a very tiny API change because of consistency reasons which is documented.

Dig in! :)

18th of September 2006:

Since last release of 0.3.1 we have been working hard on the 0.4.x branch which adds alot of new features and is a complete internal redesign of lNet.

We are currently trying the clean the 0.4.0 lNet of bugs so that the release is trouble-less for all platforms.

Changes include new internal structure (NO API changes, except one property in TLSocket for consistency, will be documented) with "eventer" classes which take care of events. This enables us to use native best-perfomance solutions on various platforms (epoll in linux, kqueue in BSDs, io ports in windows and so on). It also enables users to "watch" for events on normal files and objects(in case of windows) so they save alot of processing power (just one or few syscalls in place for tens).

The http server has been updated and experimental fastcgi support is currently being added. There's also a http client with a "Get" example program.

SMTP was added to 0.4.0 including a visual version for lNet.

We hope to release 0.4.0 in one week (25th of September 2006).


Change Log

  • Version 0.4.0 complete overhaul and new components
  • Version 0.3.1-1 30.01.2006 (fixed a fixes bug in Linux version, should compile now)
  • Version 0.3.1 27.01.2006
  • Version 0.3.0 (2.4.0) 16.01.2006
  • Version 0.2.0 29.11.2005
  • Version 0.1.0 12.11.2005


  • Base lNet TCP/UDP - stable
  • Telnet Client - experimental
  • FTP Client - experimental


  • Stress testing [always]
  • Addition of Telnet and FTP clients (experimental level) [0.3] (done)
  • Cementing of TCP/UDP API [0.3] (done)
  • Addition of ICMP Ping/Traceroute protocol [0.4] (postponed to 0.5+)
  • Addition of SMTP, HTTP components [0.4] (done)
  • Stabilization of Telnet and FTP clients [0.4/0.5] (partialy completed)
  • Addition of Telnet and FTP servers (experimental level) [0.5]
  • Addition of SSL, FTPS [0.6+]

Dependencies / System Requirements

  • Lazarus 0.9.12 and FPC 2.0.2 (note: Latest lazarus is required because of LCL changes which also broke older lNet)
  • Status: Beta
  • Issues: Tested on Windows (WinXP), Linux (Kubuntu Breezy Badger) and FreeBSD 6.0.


  • In the lazarus/components directory, unzip the files from lnetpackage-<version>.zip file. The lNetpackage-<version> folder will be created.
  • Open lazarus
  • Open the package lnetpackage-<version>/lnetpackage.lpk with Component/Open package file (.lpk)
  • Click on Compile
  • Open the package lnetpackage-<version>/ide/lnetidepackage.lpk with Component/Open package file (.lpk)
  • Click on Install and answer 'Yes' when you are asked about Lazarus rebuilding. A new tab named 'lNet' will be created in the components palette.

NOTE: You might stumble on "file tomwinsock.pas not found" during compilation and install. You can safely ignore this warning, it's a result of Lazarus changes, but it should work ok.

Ubuntu special notice

On Ubuntu lazarus components folder is "/usr/lib/lazarus/components". You must copy the lNetpackage in this folder and unzip in this folder to generate lnetpackage folder.

On this distribution your may have issues if you don't use the root account because you won't have writing rights on this folder... Activate the root account management and log in with the root account before doing any operation.

Some "missing files" are, in fact, in the "/net" subfolder and are not found by the fpc compiler. Simply copy missing files from the subfolder (lnet.pas, tomwinsock.pas, lfunc.inc...) "/usr/lib/lazarus/components/lnetpackage/lnet" in the "/usr/lib/lazarus/components/lnetpackage" folder. Then complete the setup by following the installation procedure.

by Steph12358



Drop a TLTCPComponent or TLUDPComponent on a form. Assign OnAccept, OnError, OnReceive, OnConnect and OnDisconnect event handlers. Note that this is optional but in most cases required for functionality.

Client connection is initialized with the Connect call. Arguments are IP address/hostname and port respectivly. Non-blocking connect is used, this means that you DON'T know that you're connected until OnConnect event is fired.

Server connection is initialized with the Listen* call. Argument is port.

Note: address is a string representation of IP eg: '' or a hostname like 'localhost'.

Sending data to the other side is accomplished with the Send/SendMessage method.

Events of TLNetComponent class.

  • OnError - this event is fired whenever a connection error occurs. If no handler is assigned an excepion with "msg" is raised. Arguments are: msg - contains string and numerical representation of error message formatted in native encoding or UTF8 (depending on ForceUTF8 property). aSocket is the socket at which the error occured, nil means that the error is not a socket specific one.
  • OnConnect - This event is fired when the client succesfuly connects. aSocket is the socket which connected. It should serve as the "start" point for clients.
  • OnAccept - this event is fired whenever a connection is accepted on a server. If no handler is assigned nothing is done. aSocket contains the socket which accepted the connection.
  • OnDisconnect - this event is fired whenever a connection is lost. If no handler is assigned nothing is done. aSocket contains the socket which got disconnected.
  • OnReceive - This event is fired whenever new data is ready to be received. If no handler is assigned nothing is done, but a system buffer fill may happen which will in turn fire an OnError event. aSocket is the socket at which the data got received. Data is read by Get/GetMessage method.
  • OnCanSend - This event is fired whenever new data can be sent again on a socket. It can be used to automate sending of big chunks. aSocket is socket on which send can be called.


0.1 to 0.2 There have been some API changes from 0.1 to 0.2. These were required and should improve the usability of packages. I know API changes are always a PITA but I'll try to keep them minimal from now on. Version 0.3 will be the first beta from which API will remain unchanged (only adding new stuff will be possible).

  • OnRecieve() changed to OnReceive()
  • Accept() changed to Listen()
  • All events' arguments changed. SocketNumber (int) got changed into aSocket(TLSocket) because of logical and speed reasons

0.2 to 0.3 Added OnCanSend and OnConnect. Connect is now non-blocking. Removed buffersize and maxmsgs. Buffersize is no longer required because no internal buffer is used.