macOS Dynamic Libraries

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This article applies to macOS only.

See also: Multiplatform Programming Guide


Light bulb  Note: Dynamic libraries are also known as dynamic shared libraries, shared objects, or dynamically linked libraries.

Static libraries are also known as static archive libraries and static linked shared libraries.

Most of an application's functionality is implemented in libraries of executable code. When an application's source code is compiled into object code and linked with a static library, the object code and library code that the application uses is copied into the executable file that is loaded into memory in its entirety at launch time. The kind of library that becomes part of an application's executable is known as a static library. Static libraries are collections or archives of object files.

There are two important factors which determine the performance of applications: their launch times and their memory footprints. Reducing the size of an executable file and minimizing its memory use once launched make an application launch faster and use less memory. Using dynamic libraries instead of static libraries reduces the executable file size of an application. Dynamic libraries also allow applications to delay loading libraries with special functionality until they’re needed instead of loading them at launch time. This feature contributes further to reduced launch times and efficient memory use. Another reason to use dynamic libraries is so that you can share code among multiple applications thereby saving the memory (and to a lesser extent nowadays, disk space) that would otherwise be used for multiple copies of the library code.

There are, however, some advantages to statically linking libraries with an executable instead of dynamically linking them. The most significant advantage is that the application can be certain that all its libraries are present and that they are the correct version. Static linking of libraries also allows the application to be contained in a single executable file, simplifying distribution and installation. Also with static linking, only those parts of the library that are directly and indirectly referenced by the target executable are included in the executable. With dynamic libraries, the entire library is loaded, as it is not known in advance which functions will be used by the application. Whether this advantage is significant in practice depends on the structure of the library.

Library extensions and prefixes

Operating System Dynamic library Static library Library prefix
FreeBSD .so .a lib
macOS .dylib .a lib
Linux .so .a lib
Windows .dll .lib n/a

The library prefix column indicates how the names of the libraries are resolved and created. Under macOS, the library name will always have the lib prefix when it is created. So if you create a dynamic library called test, this will result in the file libtest.dylib. When importing routines from shared libraries, it is not necessary to give the library prefix or the filename extension.

Example FPC dynamic library


Tip: If you use "cdecl", FPC ensures that your function completely adheres to all ABI requirements (naming, parameter passing, etc). If you don't, then you are on your own.


library TestLibrary;
{$mode objfpc} {$H+}

  // needed for UpperCase

// library subroutine
function cvtString(strIn : string) : PChar; cdecl;
    cvtString := PChar(UpperCase(strIn));

// exported subroutine(s)


 fpc test.pas

which produces the dynamic library file named libtest.dylib.

Example application to load FPC dynamic library

This version of the example application loads the dynamic library on demand when necessary (load-time dynamic linking aka dynamic loading) and can also unload it when it is no longer necessary. You can successfully compile the application even if the dynamic library does not exist.

The alternative example version that follows loads the dynamic library at start-up (run-time dynamic linking aka dynamic linking) and cannot unload it until the application quits. You cannot successfully compile the application unless the dynamic library exists.


Program dynlibdemo;
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}


   // definition of the subroutine to be called as defined in the dynamic library to be loaded
   TcvtString = function(strToConvert : string) : PChar;  cdecl;

   // create suitable variable for the dynamic library subroutine
   cvtString : TcvtString;

   // create a handle for the dynamic library
   LibHandle : TLibHandle;

   // load and get the dynamic library handle
   LibHandle := LoadLibrary(PChar('libtest.dylib'));

   // check whether loading was successful
   if LibHandle <> 0 then
       // assign address of the subroutine call to the variable cvtString
       Pointer(cvtString) := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cvtString');

       // check whether a valid address has been returned
       if @cvtString <> nil then
         WriteLn(cvtString('hello world'))
       // error message on no valid address
         WriteLn('GetLastOSError1 = ', SysErrorMessage(GetLastOSError));
     // error message on load failure
     WriteLn('GetLastOSError2 = ', SysErrorMessage(GetLastOSError));

   // release memory
   cvtString := nil;

   // unload library
   if LibHandle <> NilHandle then

   LibHandle := NilHandle;


 fpc dynlibdemo.pas


$ ./dynlibdemo

Alternative example application to load FPC dynamic library

This version of the example application loads the dynamic library at startup (run-time dynamic linking aka dynamic linking) and cannot unload it. You cannot successfully compile the application unless the dynamic library exists.

The previous version of the example application loads the dynamic library when necessary (load-time dynamic linking aka dynamic loading) and can also unload it when it is no longer necessary. You can successfully compile the application even if the dynamic library does not exist.


{$linklib libtest}    

program alt_dynlibdemo;

{$mode objfpc} {$H+}

function cvtString(const strToConvert: string): PChar; cdecl; external;

  WriteLn(cvtString('hello world'));


 fpc alt_dynlibdemo.pas


$ ./alt_dynlibdemo

If you think the code looks like it statically links the library, you can verify that it does not by moving the library or renaming it and then re-running the demo application which produces output similar to this:

$ ./alt_dynlibdemo 
dyld: Library not loaded: /Users/[user]/fpc_dynamic_lib2/libtest.dylib
  Referenced from: /Users/[user]/fpc_dynamic_lib2/./alt_dynlibdemo
  Reason: image not found

Additional steps using a Lazarus project

If you turn the pure FPC dynlibdemo.pas example above into a Lazarus project named project1 your unit should resemble:

unit Unit1;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}


  Classes, SysUtils, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls;

   // definition of the subroutine to be called as defined in the dynamic library to be loaded
   TcvtString = function(strToConvert : string) : PChar;  cdecl;


  { TForm1 }

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    Button1: TButton;
    procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);



  Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.lfm}

{ TForm1 }

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
   // create suitable variable for the dynamic library subroutine
   cvtString : TcvtString;
   // create a handle for the dynamic library
   LibHandle : TLibHandle;
  // load and get the dynamic library handle
  LibHandle := LoadLibrary(PChar('libtestlibrary.dylib'));

  // check whether loading was successful
  if LibHandle <> 0 then
      // assign address of the subroutine call to the variable cvtString
      Pointer(cvtString) := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cvtString');

      // check whether a valid address has been returned
      if @cvtString <> nil then
        ShowMessage(cvtString('hello world'))
      // error message on no valid address
        ShowMessage('GetLastOSError1 = ' + SysErrorMessage(GetLastOSError));
    // error message on load failure
    ShowMessage('GetLastOSError2 = ' + SysErrorMessage(GetLastOSError));

  // release memory
  cvtString := nil;

  // unload library
  if LibHandle <> NilHandle then

  LibHandle := NilHandle;


After creating an application bundle then you need to:

  • Open a Terminal (Applications > Utilities > Terminal)
  • Delete the symbolic link to the project1 executable file
  • Copy the project1 executable file into the directory
  • Copy libtest.dylib into the directory (you need to create the Frameworks directory)
  • Change into the directory
  • Enter: install_name_tool -add_rpath "@executable_path/../Frameworks/." project1

This ensures that the project1 executable in your application bundle will look in the Frameworks directory to find your dynamic library.

For more information on the install_name_tool command line utility, open a Terminal and enter:

 man install_name_tool

Example application to load libc dynamic library


{$mode objfpc}
{$linklib C} 
// Declarations for the standard C functions strlen  and toupper  
function strlen (P : pchar) : longint; cdecl; external;  
function toupper(P : integer) : integer; cdecl; external;
  Write('"Programming is fun!" is ');
  Write(strlen('Programming is fun!'));
  WriteLn(' characters long.');
  WriteLn('Before: "c" and after "' + chr(toupper(ord('c'))) + '".');


 fpc demo.pas


 "Programming is fun!" is 19 characters long.
 Before: "c" and after "C".

Be aware that, unlike for example FreeBSD and Linux, there is no static libc library on macOS. Instead, there is the dynamic system library (/usr/lib/libSystem.dylib) which includes the following libraries:

  • libc
    • The standard C library. This library contains the functions used by C programmers on all platforms.
  • libinfo
    • The NetInfo library.
  • libkvm
    • The kernel virtual memory library.
  • libm
    • The math library, which contains arithmetic functions.
  • libpthread
    • The POSIX threads library, which allows multiple tasks to run concurrently within a single program.
  • libutil
    • The library that provides functions related to login, logout, terminal assignment, and logging.

There are symbolic links in /usr/lib for all of these libraries pointing to /usr/lib/libSystem.dylib except libutil.

Observe the dynamic linker in action

If you want to observe the dynamic linker in action, you can use the command line utility dtruss. Open a Terminal and run:

$ sudo dtruss ./dynlibdemo

which will produce output similar to:

SYSCALL(args) 		 = return
stat64("libtest.dylib\0", 0x7FFEE96A3A20, 0x0)		 = 0 0
open("libtest.dylib\0", 0x0, 0x0)		 = 3 0
fcntl(0x3, 0x62, 0x7FFEE969B1B0)		 = 0 0
mmap(0x106726000, 0x84000, 0x5, 0x12, 0x3, 0x0)		 = 0x106726000 0
mmap(0x1067AA000, 0x1D000, 0x3, 0x12, 0x3, 0x84000)		 = 0x1067AA000 0
mmap(0x1067C9000, 0x2A28, 0x1, 0x12, 0x3, 0xA1000)		 = 0x1067C9000 0
fcntl(0x3, 0x32, 0x7FFEE969B440)		 = 0 0
close(0x3)		 = 0 0

It is even more instructive to temporarily rename your dynamic library so it will not be found. This will produce output similar to:

stat64("libtest.dylib\0", 0x7FFEE00E95E0, 0x0)		 = -1 Err#2
stat64("libtest.dylib\0", 0x7FFEE00E9A20, 0x0)		 = -1 Err#2
stat64("/Users/[user]/lib/libtest.dylib\0", 0x7FFEE00E9990, 0x0)		 = -1 Err#2
stat64("/Users/[user]/lib/libtest.dylib\0", 0x7FFEE00E9DD0, 0x0)		 = -1 Err#2
stat64("/\0", 0x7FFEE00E7D78, 0x0)		 = 0 0
getattrlist("/Users\0", 0x117102048, 0x7FFEE00E96D0)		 = 0 0
getattrlist("/Users/[user]\0", 0x117102048, 0x7FFEE00E96D0)		 = 0 0
getattrlist("/Users/[user]/lib\0", 0x117102048, 0x7FFEE00E96D0)		 = -1 Err#2
stat64("/Users/[user]/lib\0", 0x7FFEE00E9560, 0x0)		 = -1 Err#2
stat64("/Users/[user]/lib\0", 0x7FFEE00E99A0, 0x0)		 = -1 Err#2
stat64("/usr/local/lib/libtest.dylib\0", 0x7FFEE00E9990, 0x0)		 = -1 Err#2
stat64("/usr/local/lib/libtest.dylib\0", 0x7FFEE00E9DD0, 0x0)		 = -1 Err#2
getattrlist("/usr\0", 0x117102048, 0x7FFEE00E96D0)		 = 0 0
getattrlist("/usr/local\0", 0x117102048, 0x7FFEE00E96D0)		 = 0 0
getattrlist("/usr/local/lib\0", 0x117102048, 0x7FFEE00E96D0)		 = 0 0
getattrlist("/usr/local/lib/libtest.dylib\0", 0x117102048, 0x7FFEE00E96D0)		 = -1 Err#2
stat64("/usr/local/lib/libtest.dylib\0", 0x7FFEE00E9560, 0x0)		 = -1 Err#2
stat64("/usr/local/lib/libtest.dylib\0", 0x7FFEE00E99A0, 0x0)		 = -1 Err#2
stat64("/usr/lib/libtest.dylib\0", 0x7FFEE00E99A0, 0x0)		 = -1 Err#2
stat64("/usr/lib/libtest.dylib\0", 0x7FFEE00E9DE0, 0x0)		 = -1 Err#2
getattrlist("/usr\0", 0x117102048, 0x7FFEE00E96E0)		 = 0 0
getattrlist("/usr/lib\0", 0x117102048, 0x7FFEE00E96E0)		 = 0 0
getattrlist("/usr/lib/libtest.dylib\0", 0x117102048, 0x7FFEE00E96E0)		 = -1 Err#2
stat64("/usr/lib/libtest.dylib\0", 0x7FFEE00E9570, 0x0)		 = -1 Err#2
stat64("/usr/lib/libtest.dylib\0", 0x7FFEE00E99B0, 0x0)		 = -1 Err#2
open(".\0", 0x0, 0x1)		 = 3 0
fstat64(0x3, 0x7FFEE00E7CF0, 0x0)		 = 0 0
fcntl(0x3, 0x32, 0x7FFEE00E9CB0)		 = 0 0
close(0x3)		 = 0 0
stat64("/Users/[user]/LAZPROJECTS/fpc_dynamic_lib\0", 0x7FFEE00E7C60, 0x0)		 = 0 0
stat64("/Users/[user]/LAZPROJECTS/fpc_dynamic_lib\0", 0x7FFEE00E7EF8, 0x0)		 = 0 0
getattrlist("/Users/[user]/LAZPROJECTS/fpc_dynamic_lib/libtest.dylib\0", 0x117102048, 0x7FFEE00E9850)		 = -1 Err#2
stat64("/Users/[user]/LAZPROJECTS/fpc_dynamic_lib/libtest.dylib\0", 0x7FFEE00E96E0, 0x0)		 = -1 Err#2
stat64("/Users/[user]/LAZPROJECTS/fpc_dynamic_lib/libtest.dylib\0", 0x7FFEE00E9B20, 0x0)		 = -1 Err#2

The highlighted lines above show all the places the the system looked for the missing dynamic library.

Standard locations for dynamic libraries

While in the above example we stored the dynamic library in the application bundle, the standard locations for dynamic libraries are ~/lib (for single user) and /usr/local/lib (for multiple users). There used to also be /usr/lib, but that is now locked-down in macOS 10.15 (Catalina) on the system read-only volume. You need to use the standard locations if you want to share the dynamic library among multiple applications.

If you must place the dynamic library file in a non-standard location in the file system, you then must also add that location to one of these environment variables:


Note: You cannot distribute an application through the Mac App Store that depends on a custom library being installed first by the user into /usr/local/lib so it is best to store your dynamic library or libraries in the application bundle.

Logging Dynamic Loader Events

As you develop and use dynamic libraries, you may want to know when certain events occur. For example, you want to know when the dynamic loader binds a particular undefined external symbol or how long it took for an application to launch. Environment variables to the rescue. The environment variables that affect dynamic loader logging are:

Environment variable Description
DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES Logs when images are loaded.
DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES_POST_LAUNCH Logs when images are loaded as a result of a dlopen call. Includes a dynamic libraries’ dependent libraries.
DYLD_PRINT_APIS Logs the invocation that causes the dynamic loader to return the address of a symbol.
DYLD_PRINT_STATISTICS Logs statistical information on an application’s launch process, such as how many images were loaded, when the application finishes launching.
DYLD_PRINT_INITIALIZERS Logs when the dynamic loader calls initializer and finalizer functions.
DYLD_PRINT_SEGMENTS Logs when the dynamic loader maps a segment of a dynamic library to the current process’s address space.
DYLD_PRINT_BINDINGS Logs when the dynamic loader binds an undefined external symbol with its definition.

For example, Open an Applications > Utilities > Terminal - note the shell being used below is tcsh:

$ ./my_app
Total pre-main time:  13.41 milliseconds (100.0%)
        dylib loading time:   6.39 milliseconds (47.6%)
       rebase/binding time:   0.97 milliseconds (7.2%)
           ObjC setup time:   0.46 milliseconds (3.4%)
          initializer time:   5.40 milliseconds (40.2%)
          slowest intializers :
            libSystem.B.dylib :   1.19 milliseconds (8.9%)
              libobjc.A.dylib :   0.47 milliseconds (3.5%)
               CoreFoundation :   2.35 milliseconds (17.5%)
                       AppKit :   0.61 milliseconds (4.6%)

For the default macOS shell zsh, use export DYLD_PRINT_STATISTICS=1 and unset DYLD_PRINT_STATISTICS to set and unset an environment variable.

See also

  • macOS Frameworks - structured directories for dynamic libraries and associated resources.

External links