Pascal for C users
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This page gives some translations between C(++) and Pascal concepts.

C | Pascal | Notes |
{ | Begin | |
} | End | |
= | := | Becomes |
== | = | Equal |
/ | / | Float Division (Integer: div) |
% | Mod | Modulo operation |
! | Not | Logical not |
!= | <> | Not equal |
&& | And | Logical and |
|| | Or | Logical or |
& | And | Bitwise and |
| | Or | Bitwise or |
^ | Xor | Exclusive or |
~ | Not | One's complement |
>> | Shr | bit shift right Note: shr is a logical bitshift, not arithmetic. If the left operand is a negative value of a signed type, then the result of an shr operation may not be what you expect. |
<< | Shl | bit shift left |
++ | Inc | |
-- | Dec | |
/* | { or (* | Comment start |
*/ | } or *) | Comment end |
// | // | End of line comment (only one line comment) |
0x | $ | prefix for hex-number e.g. $FFFFFF |
0 | & | prefix for oct-number e.g. &77777777 |
0b | % | prefix for bin-number e.g. %11111111 |
& | @ | address operator |
* | ^ | See Pointer and Pointers |
if() | If Then | |
if() else | If Then Else | |
while | While Do | |
do while | Repeat Until Not | |
do while ! | Repeat Until | |
for ++ | For To Do | |
for -- | For Downto Do | |
switch case break | Case Of End | |
switch case break default | Case Of Else End | |
const a_c_struct *arg | Constref arg : a_c_struct | |
a_c_struct *arg | Var arg : a_c_struct |
C type | Pascal type | Size (bits) | Range | Notes |
char | Char | 8-bit | ASCII | |
signed char | Shortint | 8-bit | -128 .. 127 | |
unsigned char | Byte | 8-bit | 0 .. 255 | |
char* | PChar | (32-bit) | Pointer to a null-terminated string | |
short int | Smallint | 16-bit | -32768 .. 32767 | |
unsigned short int | Word | 16-bit | 0 .. 65535 | |
int | Integer | (16-bit or) 32-bit | -2147483648..2147483647 | Generic integer types |
unsigned int | Cardinal | (16-bit or) 32-bit | 0 .. 4294967295 | Generic integer types |
long int | Longint | 32-bit | -2147483648..2147483647 | |
unsigned long int | Longword | 32-bit | 0 .. 4294967295 | |
float | Single | 32-bit | 1.5E-45 .. 3.4E+38 | |
double | Double | 64-bit | 5.0E-324 .. 1.7E+308 | |
unsigned long long int | uInt64 | 64-bit | 0 .. 18446744073709551616 |
C type | Pascal | Notes |
struct { } | Record End | |
union { } | Record Case Of End | Variant Record |
C | Pascal | Unit |
abs | Abs | System |
acos | ArcCos | Math |
asin | ArcSin | Math |
atan | ArcTan | System |
atof | StrToFloat | SysUtils |
atoi | StrToInt | SysUtils |
atol | StrToInt | SysUtils |
atoll | StrToInt64 | SysUtils |
ceil | Ceil | Math |
cos | Cos | System |
exp | Exp | System |
floor | Floor | Math |
pow | Power | Math |
round | Round | System |
sin | Sin | System |
sqrt | Sqrt | System |
strcpy | Copy | System |
strlen | Length | System |
tan | Tan | Math |
toupper | UpCase | System |
C++ type | Pascal | Notes |
class { } | Class End | |
class: { } | Class( ) End | |
template <class T> class { } | Generic = Class<T> End | |
struct { } | Object End | If you want methods |
See also
- C to Pascal - conversion tools and libraries
- Short tutorial that describes the process of using C and C++ code in FreePascal, including writing of wrapper code
- Creating bindings for C libraries
- Common problems when converting C header files
- “Comparison of Pascal and C” on the English Wikipedia