AVR Embedded Tutorial - Entry Lazarus and Arduino
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Build Lazarus with AVR crosscompiler for Arduino Nano/Uno
The tutorial was tested with:
- Linux Mint 18.2 64bit
- Arduino IDE 1.8.5
- FPCUPdeluxe V1.6.6e (Should always be the newest!)
- svn 1.9.3
- FPC 3.1.1 (created with FPCUPdeluxe)
- Lazarus 1.9 (created with FPCUPdeluxe)
The same tools are required under Windows , except the Linux Mint .
Tools required
- https://github.com/newpascal/fpcupdeluxe/releases - fpcupdeluxe for creating the AVR cross compiler. (Download: fpcupdeluxe- [OS]).
Arduino software:
- https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software - Arduino software. Used for avrdude.
- Ubuntu / Debian:
sudo apt-get install subversion
- SuSE:
sudo zypper install subversion
- Windows:
Should be installed automatically by FPCUPdeluxe, otherwise download and install from here.
- Arduino Uno or Nano, preferably with an ATmega328p.
Install FPCUPdeluxe
It is best to copy the download of FPCUPdeluxe into a new empty folder and then start the copied file in the file manager with a double click. Linux asks if the file should be made executable, answer yes. The FPCUPdeluxe GUI should then start.
Build Lazarus with FPCUPdeluxe
Build trunk
- Set the top left list boxes FPC version and Lazarus version to trunk or embedded which are both in the Basic tab.
- Build the Lazarus base trunk/embedded version with Install/update FPC+Laz.
If everything goes through without errors you get the current trunk from FPC and Lazarus. Normal desktop applications can now be created with this. There should be an icon for Lazarus_fpcupdeluxe on the Desktop.

Build AVR Cross compiler
Press the Setup+ button in the Cross tab to open a dialog with further options. Set the following there:
- CPU: avr
- OS: embedded
- Cross Build Options Overide: -Cpavr5
- Cross SubArch Overide: avr5
- Close dialog with Ok
Select the following check boxes in the Cross tab:
- CPU: avr
- OS: embedded
Press the Install compiler button and the cross compiler will be built. If everything went correctly, you can exit from FPCUPdeluxe.
Install drivers
- For original Arduinos, the drivers are supplied with the Arduino IDE.
- For clones it may be necessary to install drivers. Mostly this is the 340-341 driver. From Windows 10, these drivers are also included with the operating system.
- With current Linux, eg Mint/Ubuntu/Debian the drivers are already installed. (SusE: someone would need to test.)
Most of the time, the COM ports (USB-UART) have to be accessible by users. This is done with the following command:
sudo adduser $USER dialout
Prepare Lazarus
Start with F9
If you try to start with F9, you always get an error message. You can prevent this. Change the following in Lazarus:
- "Tools -> Settings ... -> Keyboard layout -> Commands from the menu 'Start' -> Start program", set to Unknown .
- "Tools -> Settings ... -> Keyboard layout -> Commands from the menu 'Start' -> Start without debugger", remove the ticks from Shift and Ctrl.
So you can upload and start normally with F9.
But you have to consider that the debugger is also disabled if you then write a normal PC program with Lazarus!
Code tools
It is possible that the code tools cannot find the Atmega328p unit. If this happens, then the following step is necessary:
- "Tools -> Reread FPC source code directory"
Readable ASM code creation
If you want to see the source as assembler code, the following step is necessary:
- Enter "Project -> Project Settings ... -> User-defined settings -> User-defined settings" -al , this creates an *.s file that contains the program as ASM code.
Faulty optimization
I have experienced a program not working properly because the compiler incorrectly optimised the code. So you should switch off code optimization with {$ O-} at the beginning of the program.
First project
Create a new project
- "File -> New ... -> Simple Program" - create a new project.
- "Project -> Project Settings ... -> Configuration and Goals" - set the following:
- Target operating system (-T): Embedded
- Target CPU family (-P): avr
- Target processor (-Cp): AVR5
- "Project -> Project Settings ... -> Debug" : Remove the check mark "Generate debugger information for GDB" .
- "Project -> Project settings ... -> User-defined settings -> User-defined settings still enter -WpATMEGA328P .
- "Project -> Project Settings ... -> Compiler Commands -> Execute After"
- Remove the Compile and Recompile ticks.
- Enter the following into the command:
/home/tux/Programme/arduino-1.8.5/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avrdude -C/home/tux/Programme/arduino-1.8.5/hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf -v -patmega328p -carduino -P/dev/ttyUSB0 -b57600 -Uflash:w:Project1.hex:i
- When using a USB ISP-Programmer Stick for AVR and installing AVRdude WITHOUT Arduino, the command above is recommended as follows:
/usr/bin/avrdude -cstk500v2 -pm16 -P/dev/ttyACM0 -b57600 -Uflash: w:$Path($(OutputFile))$NameOnly($(TargetFile)). hex
ATTENTION - The µC used for the command above is an ATMega16 - or see Various programmers.

More information in the Arduino Forum.

Windows: It must be avrdude with ".exe", "avrdude" alone is not enough, even if it is with Arduino without .exe.
Note: Note: The Com-Port is called differently under Linux and Windows:
- Linux: /dev/ttyUSBx or /dev/ttyACMx
- Windows: COMx
As a recommendation, I would take this project as a template and build all new projects on top of it. Setting the whole thing up for a new project each time is a bit tedious.
Start project
Nothing should now be standing in the way of your first blink program (source in the next section). Compile and upload the program with F9. If everything worked, the LED at pin 13 should flash about every second.
Different sources for getting started
Pin 13 blinker
program Project1;
BP5 = 5; // Pin 13 of the Arduino
dl = 250000; // About 1/2 sec
procedure delay(t : int32);
i : Int32;
for i := 0 to t do begin
DDRB := DDRB or (1 shl BP5); // switch port to output
PORTB := PORTB or (1 shl BP5); // port to high
delay(dl); // waiting
PORTB := PORTB and not (1 shl BP5); // port on low
delay(dl); // waiting
until 1 = 2; // infinite loop
Serial input/output
A terminal with the following settings is required for serial output:
- Baud rate: 9600
- Bits: 8
- Stop bits: 1
- Parity: none
program Project1;
CPU_Clock = 16000000; // Arduino clock frequency, default 16MHz.
Baud = 9600; // baud rate
Divider = CPU_Clock div(16 * baud) - 1;
procedure UARTInit;
UBRR0 := divider ;
UCSR0A := (0 shl U2X0);
UCSR0B := (1 shl TXEN0) or (1 shl RXEN0);
UCSR0C := (% 011 shl UCSZ0);
procedure UARTSendChar(c : char);
while UCSR0A and (1 shl UDRE0) = 0 do begin
UDR0 := byte(c);
function UARTReadChar : char;
while UCSR0A and (1 shl RXC0) = 0 do begin
Result := char(UDR0);
procedure UARTSendString(s : ShortString);
i : integer;
for i := 1 to length(s) do begin
if UARTReadChar = #32 then begin
UARTSendString('Hello World!'#13#10);
until 1 = 2;
Simple timer interrupt
Pin 13 is switched to HIGH every second.
program Project1;
BP5 = 5; // Pin 13 of the Arduino
procedure sei; assembler;
procedure Timer2_Interrupt; alias : 'TIMER2_OVF_ISR'; interrupt; public;
counter : integer = 0;
cl = 16000000 div 1024 div 256 div 2; // 16'000'000Hz / Clock / TCNT / 2 = 0.5sec
if count = cl then begin
PORTB := PORTB or (1 shl BP5);
if count > = cl * 2 then begin
PORTB := PORTB and not (1 shl BP5);
count := 0;
DDRB := DDRB or (1 shl BP5) ; // Pin 13 output
TCCR2A := %00; // Normal timer
TCCR2B := % 111; // clock / 1024
TIMSK2 := (1 shl TOIE2); // enable timer2 overflow interrupt
sei(); // turn on interrupts
// do something
until 1 = 2;
Reinstalling the OS
- Linux: If you reinstall the OS, it is not enough to back up the cross-compiler. Remedy: Run FPCUdeluxe again.
- Windows: Unknown.
For those who have already programmed with the Arduino IDE, they will have certainly found that there are a lot of ready-made libraries. You can code something very easily and quickly, but there is a lot hidden there.
With Lazarus, you have to do everything yourself and thus deal with the registers of the AVR microcontroller. But this also has a big advantage, you know what you are doing. You can also generate more optimized code in this way.
Thank you
The most important thing at the end:
- A big thank you to the developer of FPCUPdeluxe!
- Without this ingenious tool, AVR with Lazarus would still be a forceps delivery!
See also
- AVR Embedded Tutorials - Overview