Classes unit
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The Classes unit is part of the Free Pascal standard Runtime Library and contains abstract classes that form the basis for derived classes, and also implements a number of general purpose concrete classes including:
Classes Defined
- TAbstractObjectReader
- TAbstractObjectWriter
- TBits
- TFiler
- TFPList (TFPListEnumerator)
- TList - Manages a list of data type Pointer, can search and sort the list, and has an event notification feature. (TListEnumerator)
- TThread
- TThreadList
- TParser
- TPersistent
- TRecall
- TStream
Exception Classes Defined
- EStreamError - Exception raised when an error occurs during read or write operations on a stream.
- EFCreateError - Exception raised when an error occurred during creation of a TFileStream stream.
- EFOpenError - Exception raised when an error occurred during creation of a TFileStream.
- EFilerError - Exception raised by the component streaming system if an error occurs.
- EReadError - Exception raised if an error occurs while reading from a stream.
- EWriteError - Exception raised when an error occurs during writing to a stream.
- EClassNotFound - Exception raised when an unknown class is referenced in a streamed component.
- EInvalidImage - Exception raised when the resource header needed for streaming of a component is invalid.
- EResNotFound - Exception raised when a resource, needed to initialize a component, is not found.
- EListError (ifndef FPC_TESTGENERICS) - Exception raised when an error occurs in lists handling.
- EBitsError - Exception raised when an error occurs in a method of TBits.
- EStringListError - Exception raised when an error occurs in a method of TStrings.
- EComponentError - Exception raised when an error occurs in the component registration routines.
- EParserError - Exception raised when an error occurs during the parsing of streams.
- EOutOfResources - Exception raised when the system is out of resources.