Manager Worker Threads System/zh CN

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Lazarus 支持在 Linux 和 Windows 下访问 FPC 多线程环境库。若要开发 Linux 或 64 位 Windows 下的极速原生引擎,Lazarus 是个良好的起点,有助于了解如何最大程度利用现代科学应用所需的多核处理器来实时处理大量数据。







若要防止多个线程同时往同一位置写入数据,就需要用到临界区。Lazarus 完全支持临界区,本文提及的一些注意事项与 Windows 编程时的类似。

InitCriticalSection(Lock : TRTLCriticalSection) - 此函数名不同于 Windows API 的 InitializeCriticalSection。加锁操作时必须调用此函数。

DoneCriticalSection(Lock : TRTLCriticalSection) - 此函数名也不同于 Windows API 的 DeleteCriticalSection。此函数必须调用,这样操作系统才能释放为线程加锁而分配的内存。

EnterCriticalSection(Lock: TRTLCriticalSection) - 此函数与Windows API 中的同名。调用的位置必须仔细考虑,并且后面一定要跟一个异常处理代码块。

LeaveCriticalSection(Lock: TRTLCriticalSection) - 此函数与Windows API 中的同名。此函数必须在加/解锁代码块的最后才能调用。有一个例外,就是确实需要长时间监测锁的状态。如果某个方法可能会执行很长时间,那么中途解锁是合理的:在预知某项操作会耗费大量时间时,可能应先解锁线程,后续再加锁。这时只需确保全部异常均已处理完毕即可,以便最终能够解锁。


  // 在此执行代码


在 Windows 系统中,最好不要Sleep 方法来让线程进入休眠状态,而应采用 WaitForSingleObject 方法。线程等待事件时会进入一种停滞状态,这时系统几乎不会占用 CPU 周期,直至事件触发或到达指定的超时时间。

FPC 不提供 WaitForSingleObject 方法,因此高效系统的最佳实现方式是使用事件驱动的等待机制。即便中止等待的事件不会发生,最好也是采用事件机制。因此,在后续示例中不用 Sleep(WAIT_MILLISECONDS),而是采用了一种技术,即为每个管理线程创建一个事件句柄。请记住,大多数 Lazarus 应用可能只包含一个管理线程实例,但这些示例单元完全可用于多个管理线程实例的应用。



对于其他数据对象而言,本项目可以扩展为带有线程池的 SQL 连接器,可提交 SQL 语句查询数据,甚至可在工作线程处理完数据后,通过回调函数将处理后的数据对象存储起来。





数据在到达工作线程之前,必须先导入队列。管理线程负责维护哪些数据已加入、导入队列和最终完成处理。工作线程只管请求需处理的数据即可。数据将以受控方式由管理线程的 Process 方法导入队列。



注: 如果采用 TThreadDataPointers 而非 TList 对象,那么后进先出(FILO)方式可能会更合适。理由是 TList 有 First 方法和 SetLength() 函数可用。那就应以 TThreadDataPointers 最后一个元素为基准,用 SetLength(Length-1) 回收内存空间。这些都是在系统设计时需要考虑的。

Processing Data

The concept of processing data from a Worker Thread standpoint will be the most critical piece of code you will write. Every declaration is going to cost cycles. If you can, declare variables local to the thread object and let them be, Declaring variables inside the process method is going to be at too high a cost however, processing does need to happen here so just think twice.

  • Introduce NO waits here.
  • Use Exception Handlers here or it will disrupt the processing engine.
  • Be right to the point with your code. Try to optimize everything. The execution of code can be slow and costly and will hamper the number of simultaneous threads your system can allocate if you are sloppy.

Declare variables local to the thread object as private and deallocate them at the Destruction event of the Worker Thread. It would be costly to keep allocating and deallocating memory during the Process method or any methods you add to process a single data object.

Light bulb  Note: A single data object can be much more than a string. You could make these an NxM matrix of Int64s or Floats or what ever you need.

Processed Data

This example pushes Processed data during the GetNextItem call to the Manager. This was done because there was an efficiency gain to lock the list at that point and move data where it belongs all at the same time. Your needs may differ however, think about how you want to organize your data before actually committing to the way in which to implement.

This example does not include a callback to notify the main application that a data object has just been completed. It is something that may or may not be required since merely adding a file to this system would pretty much guarantee it was processed.

Which leads us into logging, while entirely another matter, is useful. I have experience with Windows and TFileStream being thread safe but that is *Windows*. Under unix, I would probably stick to adding a custom log file using TFileStream rather than posting data to any system log. The reason is because these simultaneous systems can create tens of thousands of log entries per second if done properly, and most system administrators won't appreciate cleaning out log files on your behalf.

Unit Files

The complete example can be downloaded from Lazarus CCR on SourceForge.

See also