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English (en)

Memory requirement: 256 bytes (1 byte for the length specification and 255 bytes for the characters).

Property: The data field of the data type Shortstring is an array, made up of data fields of the data type Char. Its length is defined as: ShortString = String[255];

ShortString has the same properties as the string in Turbo Pascal.

Definition of a data field of the data type ShortString:

    s : ShortString;

Examples for the valid assignment values:

    s := '0123ABCabc456';
    s := s + '! "§ $% & / () =?';
    s := 'c';
    s := s + IntToStr (45);

Examples of invalid assignment of values:

    s := True;
    s := 4;



Warning: low(myShortString) returns 0, i. e. the index of the length Byte, not the first character’s index. Likewise, high(myShortString) always returns 255. Use length instead.

Nevertheless, a for  in loop will work as expected.

See also