I am an old retiree, formerly a uni. prof., interested in computers, Delphi, Linux and Open Source. In about a month and a half, I will be 82, so I am a really, really old man. Hence my nick is OldAl.
I am keen on Python and would like to find out if it would be possible to write a wrapper for a Python program, or wrappers for Python programs.
Book Project
Currently I am slowly writing yet another publications on Structural Analyis, which incorporates Python programs.
Please come and visit it - I would like to hear your comments. The book is written in LaTeX, using a KDE editor, Kile. Broadly, it follows the plan of an earlier book that I am a co-author and the only surviving copyright holder, but it is freshly re-written and oriented towards modern PC. A package of Python programs is included. It all is "copyleft", so hopefully it will be useful to the later part of university courses for Civil and Structural Engineering.