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Communication of interface back to LCL is mostly done by sending messages, usually 'DeliverMessage' which calls TControl.Perform(<message_id>, wparam, lparam) with wparam and lparam being the extra info for the message.
Communication of interface back to LCL is mostly done by sending messages, usually 'DeliverMessage' which calls TControl.Perform(<message_id>, wparam, lparam) with wparam and lparam being the extra info for the message.

==How to create a new Widgetset==
== How to create a new Widgetset ==

This is a step-by-step tutorial of developing a new widgetset. It is based on my experience creating the basics of the new qt4 interface.
This is a step-by-step tutorial of developing a new widgetset. It is based on my experience creating the basics of the new qt4 interface.
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===How to implement a new windowed component===
=== How to implement a new windowed component ===

Windowed components are all descendents from TWinControl. Those controls have a Handle and thus, should be created by the Widgetset. It's easy to add new windowed components to a widgetset.
Windowed components are all descendents from TWinControl. Those controls have a Handle and thus, should be created by the Widgetset. It's easy to add new windowed components to a widgetset.
Line 177: Line 177:
You can now drop a TCustomEdit on the bottom of a form and expect it to work. :^)  
You can now drop a TCustomEdit on the bottom of a form and expect it to work. :^)  

===Implementing TBitmap===
=== Implementing TBitmap ===

Implementing TBitmap and other graphical objects can be hard, because they use some special functions in qtwinapi.pas file and there are no comments on those functions.
Implementing TBitmap and other graphical objects can be hard, because they use some special functions in qtwinapi.pas file and there are no comments on those functions.
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Here you need to create a native image object and load it from RawData.Data where the information is stored based on your description of the pixel format on item 2.
Here you need to create a native image object and load it from RawData.Data where the information is stored based on your description of the pixel format on item 2.

===Implementing visibility for forms and controls===
=== Implementing visibility for forms and controls===

The code that controls visibility is split between visibility for forms, and for controls
The code that controls visibility is split between visibility for forms, and for controls
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This part also controls the state of the window (minimized, maximized or normal). It is implemented as a copy of the Windows API function ShowWindow, so you must implemente the TMyWidgetset.ShowWindow on the file Don´t forget to also add a header to the file
This part also controls the state of the window (minimized, maximized or normal). It is implemented as a copy of the Windows API function ShowWindow, so you must implemente the TMyWidgetset.ShowWindow on the file Don´t forget to also add a header to the file

Bellow is code that implements this function on the Qt widgetset. It should be very easy to understand, copy and implement on your own widgetset. You can also take a look how Gtk implements this. On Windows, the Windows API is called directly, of course, so there is no code to look at.
Below is code that implements this function on the Qt widgetset. It should be very easy to understand, copy and implement on your own widgetset. You can also take a look how Gtk implements this. On Windows, the Windows API is called directly, of course, so there is no code to look at.

Line 266: Line 266:
For controls inside a form you need to implement TMyWSWinControl.ShowHide class function that resides on the TMyWSWinControl class on the file mywscontrols.pp
For controls inside a form you need to implement TMyWSWinControl.ShowHide class function that resides on the TMyWSWinControl class on the file mywscontrols.pp

Remember that most controls are descendent from TWinControl, so implementing this function there will guarantee that the Visible property is implemented for all standard controls that have it. Bellow is a sample code for Qt widgetset.
Remember that most controls are descendent from TWinControl, so implementing this function there will guarantee that the Visible property is implemented for all standard controls that have it. Below is a sample code for Qt widgetset.

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==Example of how the interfaces work==
== Example of how the interfaces work ==

Below is a simple example. Supose you have a button component. How would it be implemented for different platforms on the LCL way?
Below is a simple example. Suppose you have a button component. How would it be implemented for different platforms on the LCL way?

There would be the files:
There would be the files:

Revision as of 15:47, 7 July 2006

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Internals of the LCL

There is the LCL, and the "interface". The LCL is the part that is platform independent, and it resides in the lazarus/lcl/ directory. This directory contains mainly class definitions. Many of the different controls are actually implemented in the lazarus/lcl/include/ directory in the various .inc files. This is to find the implementation of a specific control, TCustomMemo for example, faster (which is in Every .inc starts with a line {%MainUnit ...} to define where it is included.

Then there is the "interface" which lives in a subdirectory of the lazarus/lcl/interfaces/ directory. The gtk interface is in gtk/, win32 in win32/, etc. They all have a Interfaces unit, which is used by the lcl and creates the main interface object. Usually the main interface object is defined in XXint.pp (win32int.pp), and implemented in various inc files,, for the interface specific methods, for winapi implementation methods, for implementation of the stringlist used by the TComboBox, TListBox, and other such controls, for handling of widget events and taking appropriate action to notify the LCL.

Every control has a WidgetSetClass property which is of the 'mirror' class in the interfaces directory, for example: mirror of TCustomEdit is TWSCustomEdit, which methods are implemented by TWin32WSCustomEdit in win32wsstdctrls. This is the way the LCL communicates with the interface, and how it lets the interface do things.

Communication of interface back to LCL is mostly done by sending messages, usually 'DeliverMessage' which calls TControl.Perform(<message_id>, wparam, lparam) with wparam and lparam being the extra info for the message.

How to create a new Widgetset

This is a step-by-step tutorial of developing a new widgetset. It is based on my experience creating the basics of the new qt4 interface.

To start with, why would someone want to add an Widgetset? The answer is to be able to port existing lazarus software to more platforms, without modifying their code.

Now, let´s write the widgetset. First of all, you need to have pascal bindings for the widget and know how to use it. Normally this isn´t hard. A few hours doing basic tutorials available on the internet should be enougth to get started. If the bindings don´t exist already, you need to create them. If the tutorials are on another language, translate them to pascal and make them work.

Now, for Qt I utilized Den Jean qt4 bindings for pascal, and created a very basic Qt program using them:

program qttest;

uses qt4;

  App: QApplicationH;
  MainWindow: QMainWindowH;
  App := QApplication_Create(@argc,argv);

  MainWindow := QMainWindow_Create;



The above project compiles and creates a qt4 program. Now we will use it´s code to write a new widgetset. After we are done, the lazarus program bellow will compile fine into a qt4 software:

program qttest;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}

  Interfaces, Classes, Forms,
  { Add your units here }

  Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1);

Where the form is maintained by Lazarus IDE and designed visually.

The first thing to do on a new widgetset is add an empty skeleton for it. Very early development widgetsets, like qt and carbon, can serve as an skeleton.

Looking at the files on the many widgets you can see the first file to be called by the lcl: Interfaces.pas This file just calls another called QtInt.pas or similar. QtInt.pas has the code for the TWidgetSet class, which we must implement. On an empty skeleton you can see that the class has various functions it must implement:

  TQtWidgetSet = Class(TWidgetSet)
    App: QApplicationH;
    // Application
    procedure AppInit(var ScreenInfo: TScreenInfo); override;
    procedure AppRun(const ALoop: TApplicationMainLoop); override;
    procedure AppWaitMessage; override;
    procedure AppProcessMessages; override;
    procedure AppTerminate; override;
    procedure AppMinimize; override;
    procedure AppBringToFront; override;
    constructor Create;
    destructor Destroy; override;
    function  DCGetPixel(CanvasHandle: HDC; X, Y: integer): TGraphicsColor; override;
    procedure DCSetPixel(CanvasHandle: HDC; X, Y: integer; AColor: TGraphicsColor); override;
    procedure DCRedraw(CanvasHandle: HDC); override;
    procedure SetDesigning(AComponent: TComponent); override;

    function  InitHintFont(HintFont: TObject): Boolean; override;

    // create and destroy
    function CreateComponent(Sender : TObject): THandle; override; // deprecated
    function CreateTimer(Interval: integer; TimerFunc: TFNTimerProc): integer; override;
    function DestroyTimer(TimerHandle: integer): boolean; override;

How to implement a new windowed component

Windowed components are all descendents from TWinControl. Those controls have a Handle and thus, should be created by the Widgetset. It's easy to add new windowed components to a widgetset.

Let's say you want to add TQtWSCustomEdit to Qt Widgetset. To start with TCustomEdit is a descendent of TWinControl and is located on the StdCtrls unit.

Now, go to QtWSStrCtrls unit and look for the declaration of TQtWSCustomEdit.

  TQtWSCustomEdit = class(TWSCustomEdit)

Add static methods that are declared on TWSCustomEdit and override them. The code should now look like this:

  TQtWSCustomEdit = class(TWSCustomEdit)
    class function CreateHandle(const AWinControl: TWinControl;
          const AParams: TCreateParams): HWND; override;
    class procedure DestroyHandle(const AWinControl: TWinControl); override;
{    class function  GetSelStart(const ACustomEdit: TCustomEdit): integer; override;
    class function  GetSelLength(const ACustomEdit: TCustomEdit): integer; override;

    class procedure SetCharCase(const ACustomEdit: TCustomEdit; NewCase: TEditCharCase); override;
    class procedure SetEchoMode(const ACustomEdit: TCustomEdit; NewMode: TEchoMode); override;
    class procedure SetMaxLength(const ACustomEdit: TCustomEdit; NewLength: integer); override;
    class procedure SetPasswordChar(const ACustomEdit: TCustomEdit; NewChar: char); override;
    class procedure SetReadOnly(const ACustomEdit: TCustomEdit; NewReadOnly: boolean); override;
    class procedure SetSelStart(const ACustomEdit: TCustomEdit; NewStart: integer); override;
    class procedure SetSelLength(const ACustomEdit: TCustomEdit; NewLength: integer); override;

    class procedure GetPreferredSize(const AWinControl: TWinControl;
                        var PreferredWidth, PreferredHeight: integer); override;}

The commented part of the code are procedures you need to implement for TCustomEdit to be fully functional, but just CreateHandle and DestroyHandle should be enough for it to be show on the form and be editable, so it fits our needs in this article.

Hit CTRL+SHIFT+C to code complete and the implement CreateHandle and DestroyHandle. In the case of Qt4 the code will be like this:

{ TQtWSCustomEdit }

class function TQtWSCustomEdit.CreateHandle(const AWinControl: TWinControl;
  const AParams: TCreateParams): HWND;
  Widget: QWidgetH;
  Str: WideString;
  // Creates the widget
  WriteLn('Calling QTextDocument_create');
  Str := WideString((AWinControl as TCustomMemo).Lines.Text);
  Widget := QTextEdit_create(@Str, QWidgetH(AWinControl.Parent.Handle));

  // Sets it's initial properties
  QWidget_setGeometry(Widget, AWinControl.Left, AWinControl.Top,
   AWinControl.Width, AWinControl.Height);


  Result := THandle(Widget);

class procedure TQtWSCustomEdit.DestroyHandle(const AWinControl: TWinControl);

Now uncomment the like "RegisterWSComponent(TCustomEdit, TQtWSCustomEdit);" on the bottom of the unit and that's it!

You can now drop a TCustomEdit on the bottom of a form and expect it to work. :^)

Implementing TBitmap

Implementing TBitmap and other graphical objects can be hard, because they use some special functions in qtwinapi.pas file and there are no comments on those functions.

So, let's say you want to compile the following code:

  Bitmap: TBitmap;
  Bitmap := TBitmap.Create;
    Canvas.Draw(Bitmap, 0, 0);

Below is the order on which functions from the widgetset interface are called when executing that code:

1 - GetDC(0);

Just create a device context.

2 - GetDeviceRawImageDescription

Describe the inner pixel format utilized by Qt

3 - CreateBitmapFromRawImage

Here you need to create a native image object and load it from RawData.Data where the information is stored based on your description of the pixel format on item 2.

Implementing visibility for forms and controls

The code that controls visibility is split between visibility for forms, and for controls

Visibility for forms

This part also controls the state of the window (minimized, maximized or normal). It is implemented as a copy of the Windows API function ShowWindow, so you must implemente the TMyWidgetset.ShowWindow on the file Don´t forget to also add a header to the file

Below is code that implements this function on the Qt widgetset. It should be very easy to understand, copy and implement on your own widgetset. You can also take a look how Gtk implements this. On Windows, the Windows API is called directly, of course, so there is no code to look at.

  function ShowWindow(hWnd: HWND; nCmdShow: Integer): Boolean;

function TQtWidgetSet.ShowWindow(hWnd: HWND; nCmdShow: Integer): Boolean;
  Widget: QWidgetH;
  {$ifdef VerboseQtWinAPI}
    WriteLn('WinAPI ShowWindow');

  Result := False;
  Widget := QWidgetH(hWnd);

//  if Widget = nil then RaiseException('TQtWidgetSet.ShowWindow  hWnd is nil');

  case nCmdShow of

    SW_SHOW: QWidget_setVisible(Widget, True);

    SW_SHOWNORMAL: QWidget_showNormal(Widget);

    SW_MINIMIZE: QWidget_setWindowState(Widget, QtWindowMinimized);

    SW_SHOWMINIMIZED: QWidget_showMinimized(Widget);

    SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED: QWidget_showMaximized(Widget);

    SW_HIDE: QWidget_setVisible(Widget, False);

  Result := True;

Visibility for controls

For controls inside a form you need to implement TMyWSWinControl.ShowHide class function that resides on the TMyWSWinControl class on the file mywscontrols.pp

Remember that most controls are descendent from TWinControl, so implementing this function there will guarantee that the Visible property is implemented for all standard controls that have it. Below is a sample code for Qt widgetset.

  Method: TQtWSWinControl.ShowHide
  Params:  AWinControl     - the calling object

  Returns: Nothing

  Shows or hides a widget.
class procedure TQtWSWinControl.ShowHide(const AWinControl: TWinControl);
  if AWinControl = nil then exit;

  if not AWinControl.HandleAllocated then exit;

  if AWinControl.HandleObjectShouldBeVisible then
   QWidget_setVisible(TQtWidget(AWinControl.Handle).Widget, True)
  else QWidget_setVisible(TQtWidget(AWinControl.Handle).Widget, False);

Example of how the interfaces work

Below is a simple example. Suppose you have a button component. How would it be implemented for different platforms on the LCL way?

There would be the files:







This way you require zero ifdefs. You will need to add as a unit path $(LCLWidgetType) for it to add the correct trayintf.pas file which will in turn initialize the correct WS Tray class.

in trayicon.pas you include wstrayicon. Derive your main class from a LCL class, and only use wstrayicon on the implementation. All LCL classes that communicate with the widget set, are derived from TLCLComponent declared in the LCLClasses unit.

unit TrayIcon;


  TTrayIcon = class(TLCLComponent)
    procedure DoTray;


uses wstrayicon;

procedure TTrayIcon.DoTray;
  // Call wstrayicon


in trayintf you use gtkwstrayicon or win32trayicon depending on which trayintf file it is.

in wstrayicon you create a class like so:

unit WSTrayIcon;

uses WSLCLClasses, Controls, TrayIcon; // and other things as well

TWSTrayIcon = class of TWSTrayIcon;
TWSTrayIcon = class(TWSWinControl);
 class procedure EmbedTrayIcon(const ATrayIcon: TCustomTrayIcon);
virtual; // these must all be virtual and class procedures!!
 class procedure RemoveTrayIcon(const ATrayIcon: TCustomTrayIcon); virtual;


procedure TWSTrayIcon.EmbedTrayIcon(const ATrayIcon: TCustomTrayIcon);
 //do nothing

procedure TWSTrayIcon.RemoveTrayIcon(const ATrayIcon: TCustomTrayIcon);
 //do nothing

now in gtkwstrayicon.pas do this:

uses WSTrayIcon, WSLCLClasses, Controls, TrayIcon, gtk, gdk;

TGtkWSTrayIcon = class(TWSTrayIcon);
 class function FindSystemTray(const ATrayIcon: TCustomTrayIcon):
TWindow; virtual;
 class procedure EmbedTrayIcon(const ATrayIcon: TCustomTrayIcon); override;
 class procedure RemoveTrayIcon(const ATrayIcon: TCustomTrayIcon);
 class function  CreateHandle(const AWinControl: TWinControl; const
AParams: TCreateParams): HWND; override;


procedure TGtkWSTrayIcon.CreateHandle(const AWinControl: TWinControl;
const AParams: TCreateParams): HWND;
WidgetInfo: PWidgetInfo;

 Result := gtk_plug_new;
 WidgetInfo := CreateWidgetInfo(AWinControl, Result); // it's something
like this anyway
 // and more stuff

function TGtkWSTrayIcon.FindSystemTray(const ATrayIcon:
TCustomTrayIcon): TWindow;
 // do something

procedure TGtkWSTrayIcon.EmbedTrayIcon(const ATrayIcon: TCustomTrayIcon);
SystemTray: TWindow;
 SystemTray := FindSystemTray(ATrayIcon);
 //do something

procedure TGtkWSTrayIcon.RemoveTrayIcon(const ATrayIcon: TCustomTrayIcon);
 //do something



RegisterWSComponent(TCustomTrayIcon, TGtkWSTrayIcon); //this is very


then finally in trayicon.pas you go as normal

uses WSTrayIcon; //etc. you DON'T include GtkWSTrayIcon here!

TCustomTrayIcon = class(TWinControl)
 procedure EmbedControl;

procedure TTrayIcon.EmbedControl;


This document is work in progress. You can help by writing sections of this document. If you are looking for information in this document but could not find it, please add your question to the discussion page. It will help us to write the documentation that is wanted on a level that is not too simple or too complicated.