Deploying Your Application

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Using InnoSetup on Windows

[Brief overview needed]

Creating a RPM Package on Linux

On Linux, the best way to deploy a application is using the native package system. Of those, the RPM (RPM Package Manager) is the most commonly used format, and is defined as a standard on the Linux Standard Base.

To create a RPM file, you need to create a spec text file will all information necessary to build the package, and also a environment to build that spec. The best editor to create RPM packages is Emacs, because it recognizes the spec extension, highlights the text appropriately and even has a menu option to build rpm packages.

Setting up your build environment

RPM Packages are installed as root to the base system (/ directory), but an accident as root can destroy your machine. To avoid this, packages can be build as a normal use. The build process includes a real install, to make sure the package works, but this install is made to a fake root directory represented by the $RPM_BUILD_ROOT variable.

First, go to your home directory (or another directory inside it) and create the following directory structure:


Next you need to create a configuratio file to tell rpmbuild software where he can find your build directories. Go to your home directory and create a file named .rpmmacros and place the following text inside it:

%_topdir                /home/felipe/RPM/
%_tmppath               /home/felipe/tmp

%_signature             gpg
%_gpg_name              Mandrakelinux
%_gpg_path              ~/.gnupg

Creating a binary only package

The easiest way to create a RPM package is to make it install a already compile software. There are some reason why we might want to avoid compiling the software in the spec file:

  • It requires creating a Makefile and makefiles are complex
  • Some packages don't have any binary software in them, so they don't need to be built.

Here is a spec file that doesn't build the software:

%define name    braillevirtual 
%define version 1.0 
%define release mdk 
%define dir     braillevirtual
%define root    /home/felipe/tmp/ROOT/

Summary:   Curso On-Line de Braille
Name:      %{name}
Version:   %{version}
Release:   %{release}
Vendor:    Laboratório de Brinquedos da Faculdade de Educação da USP
License:   Distribuível livremente
Group:     Books/Other
Packager:  Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
Source0:   home/felipe/Programacao/SOURCES/braillevirtual.tar.bz2
BuildRoot: %{root}

O Braille Virtual é um curso on-line público e gratuito destinado à difusão e ensino do sistema Braille de leitura e escrita para cegos a pessoas que vêem. É orientado especialmente a pais, crianças, professores e funcionários de escolas inclusivas e pretende facilitar a comunicação entre estas pessoas e as pessoas com cegueira.

cp braillevirtual.tar.bz2 $RPM_BUILD_DIR
rm -rf %{dir}
rm -f braillevirtual.tar
bunzip2 -d braillevirtual.tar.bz2
tar -xvf braillevirtual.tar

rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/%{dir}
cp -r $RPM_BUILD_DIR/%{dir} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/

rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_DIR/*.*



* Mon Oct 24 2005 1.0-mdk.noarch.rpm

- Nova atualização do pacote de instalação. Inclusão dos exercícios avançados.

* Wed May 12 2005 1.0-mdk.noarch.rpm

- Atualizei o pacote para refletir as mudanças no site. Várias pequenas mudanças.

* Sun May 05 2005 1.0-1mdk.i586.rpm

- O pacote de instalação do braille Virtual para linux é criado.

Creating a source and binary package

Linux distributions only accept RPM packages that can build the software. This will probably require creating build scripts and/or a Makefile.

You need to use the %build section to compile the software.

Here is a example of a spec file capable of building the software:

Virtual Magnifying Glass spec file:

Name:           magnifier
Version:        3.2
Release:        1
Summary:        Virtual Magnifying Glass
Group:          Accessibility
License:        GPL Version 2
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
BuildRequires:  fpc >= 2.0.2, lazarus >= 0.9.12
Requires:       ImageMagick


Virtual Magnifying Glass is a free, open source, multiplatform, screen magnification tool. It is simple, customizable, and easy-to-use.

%setup -q magnifier

fpc -S2cgi -OG1 -gl -WG -vewnhi -l -Fu/usr/lib/lazarus/components/opengl/gtk2x11/ -Fu/usr/lib/lazarus/components/opengl/gtk2x11/include/ -Fu/usr/lib/lazarus/components/jpeg/ -Fu/usr/lib/lazarus/lcl/units/i386-linux/ -Fu/usr/lib/lazarus/lcl/units/i386-linux/ -Fu/usr/lib/lazarus/lcl/units/i386-linux/gtk2/ -Fu/usr/lib/lazarus/packager/units/i386-linux/ -Fu. -o./magnifier -dLCL -dLCLgtk2 magnifier.dpr

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/magnifier
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin
cp -a $RPM_BUILD_DIR/magnifier-3.2/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/magnifier/
ln -fs $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/magnifier/magnifier $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin/magnifier




* Wed Feb 15 2006 Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho <felipemonteiro.carvalho at> - 3.2-mdk.i386.rpm
- The Linux RPM package is created.

Creating a Debian Package on Linux

Please, write me.

Using PackageMaker on OS X

Most OS X programs are distributed as a disk image file (.dmg extension). Normally you download or copy a program's .dmg file to your Mac and double-click it. This "mounts" the disk image and opens it in a window on the desktop, where you'll typically see a package file (.pkg extension) that you double-click to perform the actual program installation. After installation is complete, you "unmount" (eject) the mounted disk image by dragging it to the trash. You can also delete the .dmg file by dragging it to the trash as well.

The installer .pkg file is actually a directory, as is the resulting application bundle (.app extension) that it copies to the Applications folder. To the user, .pkg and .app files look and act like ordinary files, but they're really directories whose details have been hidden from the user. You can see what's inside a .pkg or .app file by entering normal cd commands in a terminal window (for example, cd or by Ctrl-clicking the file and choosing Show Package Contents from the popup menu.

You create .pkg files using PackageMaker, which is installed along with the XCode tools in /Developer/Applications/Utilities. With PackageMaker, you select the folder containing the files you want to package and set other installation options, for example whether a password must be entered to install the program. Note that the folder you select can be an .app file. Choose File | Create Package to create the .pkg file. You can also save your settings for future use in PackageMaker by choosing File | Save to create a .pmsp file that you name.

To create a .dmg file, run the OS X Disk Utility, which is installed in /Applications/ Utilities. Select Images | New | Image from Folder and choose the folder containing your .pkg file and any other files you want to include in the disk image. In the Convert Image dialog, enter the name of the .dmg file to create, select where it should be saved, and select "compressed" as the image format. The .dmg file that Disk Utility creates is then ready for distribution.

Installing X11 and GTK on OS X

GUI apps created with Lazarus that use the GTK widgetset require X11 and the GTK libraries to run. X11 is included with OS X, but may not be installed by default on a user's Mac, so you'll want to mention this in your app's read-me file.

To install the GTK libraries on a user's system, you could include instructions for using fink. Or you could create a separate .dmg file containing just the files from the /sw/lib folder on your Mac. If you don't want to install all of the subfolders under the /sw/lib folder, copy just the .dylib files from /sw/lib to a different folder and package this folder instead of /sw/lib. Also, remember that the GTK libraries installed on your Mac are specific to the version of OS X that you're running. That is, if you want to support both OS X 10.3 and 10.4 you'll need to create two different .dmg files and instruct your users to install the appropriate one. Note that the GTK libraries only need to be installed once and can be used with any number of Lazarus GUI programs that you develop.