Difference between revisions of "International Bank Account Number"

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m (Undo revision 148167 by Alextp (talk) Make clear where Function StrMOD97 comes from)
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The country code uses ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
The country code uses ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
The check digits are calculated according to [[ISO 7064]] (MOD97-10).
The check digits are calculated according to [[ISO 7064]] (MOD97-10) using [[ISO_7064#Function StrMOD97|StrMOD97]].
== Function IsValidIBAN ==
== Function IsValidIBAN ==

Latest revision as of 11:30, 2 December 2021

English (en) suomi (fi) français (fr)

The International Bank Account Number (IBAN) is an international standard for numbering bank accounts. It is an ISO 13616 standard. The IBAN consists of up to 34 alphanumeric characters, comprising a country code, two check digits and a bank account number.

Country IBAN formatting example
Belgium BE71 0961 2345 6769
Brazil BR15 0000 0000 0000 1093 2840 814 P2
Costa Rica CR99 0000 0000 0000 8888 88
France FR76 3000 6000 0112 3456 7890 189
Ireland IE12 BOFI 9000 0112 3456 78
Germany DE91 1000 0000 0123 4567 89
Greece GR96 0810 0010 0000 0123 4567 890
Mauritius MU43 BOMM 0101 1234 5678 9101 000 MUR
Pakistan PK70 BANK 0000 1234 5678 9000
Poland PL10 1050 0099 7603 1234 5678 9123
Romania RO09 BCYP 0000 0012 3456 7890
Saint Lucia LC14 BOSL 1234 5678 9012 3456 7890 1234
Saudi Arabia SA44 2000 0001 2345 6789 1234
Spain ES79 2100 0813 6101 2345 6789
Sweden SE87 3000 0000 0101 2345 6789
Switzerland CH56 0483 5012 3456 7800 9
United Kingdom GB98 MIDL 0700 9312 3456 78

Permitted IBAN characters are the digits 0 to 9 and the 26 Latin alphabetic characters A to Z. This applies even in countries where these characters are not used in the national language (e.g., Thailand).

The country code uses ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. The check digits are calculated according to ISO 7064 (MOD97-10) using StrMOD97.

Function IsValidIBAN

Function IsValidIBAN() checks if an IBAN is valid. Code from forum member wp.

Program iban;
{$mode objFPC} {$H+}
 StrUtils, SysUtils;
// Calculate Modulo 97-10
function StrMOD97(s: String): integer;
  modu = 97;
  sx: String;
  isx, ic, p: Integer;
   p := Length(s);
   while (p > 9) do
       sx := Copy(s, 1, 9);
       Delete(s, 1, 9);
       isx := StrToInt(sx);
       ic := isx mod modu;
       s := IntToStr(ic) + s;
       p := Length(s);
   isx := StrToInt(s);
   if isx >= modu
     then ic := isx mod modu
   else ic := isx;
  result := ic;
function ProcessChar(ch: char):string;
  if (ch in ['0'..'9']) then
    Result := ch
  // IBAN letter to number algorithm
  if (ch in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z']) then
    result := IntToStr(ord(upCase(ch)) - ord('A') + 10)
    result := '';
// Check IBAN validity
function IsValidIBAN(s: string): boolean;
  s1: string = '';
  ch: String;
  i: Integer;
  Result := false;
  // Delete any spaces
  s := DelSpace(s);
  // Obvious tests
  if Length(s) < 4 then
  if not ((s[1] in ['A'..'Z']) and (s[2] in ['A'..'Z'])) then
  if not ((s[3] in ['0'..'9']) and (s[4] in ['0'..'9'])) then
  // Process number block first
  for i := 5 to Length(s) do
    ch := ProcessChar(s[i]);    // Convert letters to numbers, keep numbers
    if ch = '' then
    s1 := s1 + ch;
  // Move country code and check sum to the end of the test string
  for i := 1 to 4 do
    s1 := s1 + ProcessChar(s[i]);
  result := (StrMOD97(s1) = 1);
  TTestRec = record
    TestIBAN: String;
    Expected: Boolean;
  // Expected results validated by https://www.ibancalculator.com/iban_validieren.html
  Tests: array[0..10] of TTestRec = (
    (TestIBAN:'GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32';             Expected: true),
    (TestIBAN:'GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32';             Expected: false),
    (TestIBAN:'GB82 WEST12345698765432';                 Expected: true),
    (TestIBAN:'GB 82WEST12345698765432';                 Expected: true),
    (TestIBAN:'GB82 WEST123 456 987 654 32';             Expected: true),
    (TestIBAN:'CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7';              Expected: true),
    (TestIBAN:'IL62 0108 0000 0009 9999 999';            Expected: true),
    (TestIBAN:'GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695';       Expected: true),
    (TestIBAN:'US12 3456 7890 0987 6543 210';            Expected: false),
    (TestIBAN:'LC14 BOSL 1234 5678 9012 3456 7890 1234'; Expected: true),
    (TestIBAN:'BR15 0000 0000 0000 1093 2840 814 P2';    Expected: true )
  W = 40;
  i: Integer;
  s: String;
  ok: Boolean;
  for i := 0 to High(Tests) do
    s := Tests[i].TestIBAN;
    ok := IsValidIBAN(s);
    if ok = Tests[i].Expected then
      if ok then
        WriteLn(s:W, ': Correct IBAN correctly detected')
        WriteLn(s:W, ': Incorrect IBAN correctly detected.');
    end else
    if Tests[i].Expected then
      WriteLn(s:W, ': ERROR (Correct IBAN not detected)')
      WriteLn(s:W, ': ERROR (Incorrect IBAN not detected)');

See Also

  • IBAN on RosettaCode.org