Game Engine

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Game Development

A game engine is a software development environment designed to create games. It distinguish from game libraries in that:

  • Implements the game loop, resource managers and other complex subsystems as networking communications, user interfaces and configuration systems.
  • Implements complex data structures, such as maps, particle systems and actors.
  • Implements tools as editors and data managers.

All these subsystems would affect in gameplay aspects as movement, scoring or even genre. You can read this Wikipedia page for more information.

Game Engines

Here's a list of game engines that are Pascal/Delphi based or have Pascal binding libraries.

Name Site Usage Notes
Castle Game Engine FPC 2D & 3D, all platforms supported
Quad-Engine Delphi/FPC/C#/C++ v0.9.0 (Diamond) 2018-01-15
TERRA Game Engine Delphi/FPC/Oxygene 2D & 3D, all platforms supported
Tilengine GitHub FPC/Delphi OOP Pascal Wrapper and bindings Cross-platform 2D graphics engine for creating classic/retro games with tilemaps, sprites and palettes. Last update May 2020.
nxPascal FPC/Delphi For now only OpenGL is supported. No android or other mobile support yet.
g2mp FPC Ideologically replaced Dan Jet X, multiplatform, editor- and code-based development
Andorra 2D Delphi Last update 2008
CAST II Game Engine Delphi Alive? last update 2011
Delphi X Delphi
Afterwarp FPC/Delphi
Brtech1 FPC Not really available as an engine or library. Many videos can be found on youtube though.
GameMaker: Studio N/A Yes, it's not really a game engine library. But it's a game engine and studio written in Delphi. Special Pascal proud.
MinGRo SourceForge FPC Designed for old-school style games. Still work in progress. Build with Allegro.pas.
ZGameEditor FPC/Delphi use OpenGL for graphics and a real time synthesizer for audio
SO Engine Delphi/FMX Small Crossplatform (Win, Android, iOs) indy engine with formatters, animations, intersections and etc.
DGLE Delphi/FPC/C#/C++ Powerful free open source cross-platform game engine.
raylib raylib pascal binding FPC A simple and easy-to-use raylib library
PGF The Phoenix Game Framework FPC/Lazarus The Phoenix Game Framework is a set of classes for helping in the creation of 2D and 3D games in pascal.
ZenGL ZenGL GitHub mirror FPC/Lazarus/Delphi Inactive, Cross-platform game development library written in Pascal.
Apus Game Engine] FPC/Delphi 2D (with some 3D effects) engine
Ray4Laz Ray4Laz FPC/Lazarus is a simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming

Physics Engines

These engines simulate the physical world (collisions, trajectories etc). Not really game engines per se, but could certainly be used in games.

Name Site Usage Notes
TundAx FPC/Delphi
Newton Bindings
Box2D-Delphi FPC/Delphi This is Delphi implementation of Box2d library
Kraft FPC/Delphi Pascal native physics engine by Benjamin Rosseaux.