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== XERO CODER Cross Platform IDE for Grid Computing ==
== XERO CODER Cross Platform IDE for Grid Computing ==
[http://xerocoder.com XERO CODER] is a cross-platform development IDE which provides a Visual RAD (Rapid Application Development) environment for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and mobile operating systems. You can visually build apps for Android, Linux, Mac OSX, Windows, and the Web.
[http://xerocoder.com XERO CODER] - кросс-платформенная визуальная среда разработки, RAD (Rapid Application Development). Позволяет разрабатывать приложения под Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android и веб.

Revision as of 05:57, 5 May 2018

Template:Lazarus Application Gallery


Эта страница содержит снимки экранов (скриншоты) и ссылки на скриншоты приложений сделанных в Lazarus.

Добавлять приложения Talk:Lazarus Application Gallery или помещать содержимое на страницу в алфавитном порядке.

Light bulb  Примечание: Вы можете добавить ваш проект с открытыми исходниками здесь Ohloh.net, который предлагает анализ исходного кода, ссылки на соответствующие проекты, поиск по тегам и т. д.

Смотрите также

  • Projects using Lazarus Похожие на эту страницу, должны быть объединены с этой страницей
  • FPC_Applications/Projects_GalleryПохожие с этой страницей, но предназначены для FPC, не для Lazarus
  • Windows CE Interface gallery
  • Case Studies Описания успешно реализованных проектов Lazarus в различных организациях
  • Ohloh.net, сайт, где вы можете зарегистрировать свой проект с открытым исходным кодом. Он предлагает анализ исходного кода, ссылки на соответствующие проекты, поиск по тегам и т.д.


3D Image Commander

3D Image Commander позволяет дизайнерам добавить разнообразные полностью настраиваемые 3D-эффекты на свои фотографии и изображения. Это может быть сделано также в режиме реального времени. Программа проста в использовании и включает в себя только необходимые функции. Эта программа построена с использованием FPC, Lazarus и DXScene library.

3D Image Commander

Advanced Password Generator

Advanced Password Generator это легкий инструмент генератор паролей для защиты вашей безопасности со случайно сгенерированным паролем. Он работает на Windows, и Linux. Не требует установки. Этот инструмент имеет версию для графического интерфейса и командной строки. Версия для командной строки идеально подходит для сценариев.



Ancestromania Полностью совместим с LGPL. Дружественно к пользователю. Вы можете импортировать и экспортировать в Gedcom. Вы можете экспортировать в Geneanet и на веб-сайт. Это большое графическое дерево, с быстрыми классическими деревьями. Есть много последующих документов.

Ancestroweb создано с помощью static genealogy's web site. Это французская программа, но может быть легко переведена. Она является частью Ancestromania.

Ancestromania.jpg2012-04 Ancestroweb.jpg2012-05 Ancestroweb carte.jpg


ApplePi-Baker является небольшой программой для Mac OS X для пользователей Raspberry Pi. Она позволяет записать образы IMG с SD-карты, подготовить SD-карту для использования Noobs (see: Raspberry Pi Downloads page for details, и создавать резервные копии SD-карты в IMG файл. Программа автоматически определяет SD-карты и SD-считыватели и была оптимизирована для совместимости с retinize (обеспечивает для не-Retina приложений внешний вид намного лучше на экранах Retina).


Audio X

Audio Х является бесплатной музыкальной библиотекой, которая не использует базу данных - вся информация хранится и управляется в средствах массовой информации непосредственно. Она управляет, проигрывает, рипает, прожигает и коллекционирует аудио данные и информацию о реальных носителях, для таких носителей как cd's или винил. Онав настоящее время доступна для Windows, и в скором времени будет доступна для Linux.



AWGG это кросс-платформенный и многоязычной менеджер загрузки, который использует самые популярные программные движки (консольные), такие как wget, aria2, cURL и Axel, AWGG представляет собой интерфейс для них. Является многопоточным, портативным и простым, включает возможность программирования, множественные очереди, мониторинг буфера обмена, сайт-граббер и может быть интегрирована в Firefox с плагином FlashGot плагин, и Chrome плагин Simple Get.

Pantallazo-AWGG 0.3.0 ALPHA BUILD 2002.png Pantallazo-Configuracion.png Pantallazo-Nueva descarga.png Pantallazo-Nuevo grabador de sitio.png


Инструмент, который показывает внутреннюю структуру Excel .xls (BIFF) файлов. Он анализирует значения полей и обеспечивает разъяснение, может показать данные в шестнадцатеричном и десятичном виде и т.д., представленной с FPSpreadsheet‎ репозитория.



BioTray by FIENS, Ваш биоритм в трее. Биоритмы означают ритмы жизни. Наша жизнь управляется эмоциональным, интеллектуальным и физическим ритмами, которые начинаются при нашем рождении. Вы увидите в вашем трее 4 новых иконки. К ним относятся: эмоциональный, интеллектуальный, физический и интуитивный доступный значок. Как более значок заполнен, насколько велика ваша сила. На Windows, Linux и Mac OS X.

Переводчику программулька пришлась по душе )



Bilancio Facile

Bilancio Facileпростая программа для управления семейными финансами.

Разработал Jonathan (кто такой? ).

Screen shot

Boblight Config Maker

Boblight Config Maker Автор создал это приложение, чтобы создавать конфигурационные файлы Open Source для AmibLight, называется Boblight.

Boblight работает на коробкой XBMC, который соединен с Arduino по USB для управления светодиодами за телевизором.

Это приложение позволяет настроить количество светодиодов и позиции светодиодов за телевизором для эффекта Ambilight. Программа свободно доступна для MacOS X, Windows и Linux и может быть загружена с Tweaking4All где вы также найдете "руководство".

boblight config maker windows.jpg

Cactus Jukebox

Cactus Jukebox является аудио-плеером и музыкальный органайзером. Он сортирует музыку в базе данных, так что вы можете просматривать свою коллекцию по исполнителю, альбому и заголовку. Функция копирования CD позволяет легко импортировать компакт-диски в базу данных. Кроме того, можно отметить части вашей базы данных, чтобы синхронизировать с USB аудио-плеером.

db large.jpg

Минимизированная форма плеера:

player large.jpg

CheckBook Tracker

CheckBook Tracker Home Page пакет управления финансами. В ней можно запланировать платёж и делать балансовые прогнозы и многие другие функции. Поддерживает QIF и OBB данные и может импортировать из CBB для X-window system.

Light bulb  Примечание: она не обновлялась в течение долгого времени, и потребуется изменения в коде, чтобы была возможность скомпилировать с новыми релизами Lazarus (Октябрь-2014).

CheckBook Tracker страница ForeCast:



CheckRide это Open Source инструмент для удалённого управления. Она позволит Вам получить контроль экрана и клавиатуры удаленного компьютера. Чтобы помочь человеку нужно только запустить программу, без изменения межсетевого экран / маршрутизатора. Но CheckRide нуждается в переадресации портов в ее маршрутизатора.

CheckRide во время оказания помощи:


CheckRideHelper программа для помощи:


Настройка CheckRide для оказания помощи: CheckRideHelper позволяет жёстко задать хост/порт и имя пользователя для помощи в файле CheckRide.exe. Результат: вам нужно только распространять исполняемый файл для пользователя; нет необходимости в файле конфигурации, и ключей командной строки. Выберите и щелкните ...

CheckRide client customizer screen

Работа за ПК с Windows с рабочего стола Linux: Сторона Linux использует stunnel и приложение VNCViewer, так как ещё нет порта для CheckRideHelper.

Windows client connecting to Linux host using CheckRide

Code SMS Gateway control center

SMSgccприложение для рабочего стола для контроля Code SMS system для коротких сообщений, может посылать и принимать сообщения, конфигурировать SMPP соединениеand для системы мониторинга.



Coedit маленькое, open-source, cross-platform IDE для D language. В будущем:

  • полнофункциональный формат проекта и продвинутый редактор проекта.
  • компиляция и запуск непосредственно из пользовательского интерфейса.
  • мгновенный запуск (без сохранения, как сценарий).
  • синхронизируются редакции в блоке.
  • D2 синтаксическая подсветка, фолдинг, отступы.
  • модуль символьного списка.
  • менеджер статических библиотек.
  • поиск и замена.
  • определённые пользователем инструменты для создания строк интерполяционных систем.
  • D Completion Daemonинтеграции для к предлагаемым окончаниям и подсказки для исходного кода.
  • мини браузер файлов.




CQRLOG is an advanced ham radio logger based on Firebird database. Provides radio control based on hamlib libraries (currently support of 140+ radio types and models), DX cluster connection, QRZ callbook (web version), a grayliner, ON6DP QSL manager database support and a most accurate country resolution algorithm based on country tables developed by OK1RR. CQRLOG is strongly focused on easy operation and maintenance.



Diacrit is a utility to help with access to Unicode characters, choose the language you want. click the character button and paste into your application. Diacrit was first written in Turbo Pascal for Windows back in 1996, migrated to Delphi, and now upgraded to FP/Lazarus.

french.png armenianlc.png

DJPDV - Software for cashier

DJPDV is an application to use in sales cashiers, that was developed to cater all commercial establishments that seeking a practical solution, reliable and that, above all, is on accordance with all legal specifications.

It's a robust software that have innovative technological features that will streamline the sales process, significantly. Overall, the system is completely intuitive and objective, and easy to understand for users.

Official website: www.djpdv.com.br

djpdv-img1.png djpdv-img2.jpg djpdv-img3.jpg djpdv-img4.jpg djpdv-img5.jpg djpdv-img6.png


dmMediaConverter is a crossplatform FFmpeg frontend (GUI) exposing some of its features. It is intended to be simple and easy to use but also to be able to achieve complex tasks. I have inspired myself from a lot of media converters like Handbrake, WinFF and MkvMergeGui. One feature was lacking from most of them, video stream copy (pass-through), that made me build this. It is made entirely in Lazarus.

dmMediaConverter p1.png


fpctwitGUI is a Lazarus application that demonstrates use of the included TTwitter/TOauth1 libraries. It demonstrates getting public and private timeline tweets, getting user info, and tweeting.

It also demonstrates use of the Blowfish encryption units to obfuscate sensitive configuration data.

The Twitter library uses the Synapse network units for easy communication; it supports OAuthv1 secure authentication and TLS encryption. The library uses modified fpJSON units (or the FPC units if compiling with 2.7.1 or later) to allow getting UTF8 data out of the JSON data with Tweets returned from Twitter. The GUI does not show this, but a text mode demo program shows how to use the OOB/PIN authentication method included in the Twitter library to authorize the application for Twitter if it hasn't already been authorized.

The Twitter library uses the included OAuth1 unit that provides OAuth1 authentication. This authentication mechanism is also used for other service providers such as Yahoo.

The applications and libraries are distributed under a very liberal license (my code under MIT license) which allows commercial use as well as interoperability with GPL programs.

See Projects using Lazarus: fpctwit for more details.



fpcup is a command line client (programmed with FPC and LCL libraries) that automates getting FPC and Lazarus sources from subversion/svn, as well as optional external modules such as fpspreadsheet.

It compiles FPC and Lazarus for you, if wanted compiles cross compilers, and can deal with various versions (e.g. FPC trunk with a stable Lazarus).

Apart from the fpcup command line client, there is a GUI available for easier management: fpcupgui.png


gdvdslides is a Linux graphical user interface for the command line program dvd-slideshow, which allows you to create a video from a set of video clips, JPEG image files and audio files. gdvdslides supports slide transitions, title slides, background images and multiple audio tracks. It also allows cropping, Ken Burns effect and scrolling slide effects. gdvdslides comes with complete documentation and tutorial.

gdvdslides Mainwindow.jpg


GHTopo is a cave-mapping software using TOPOROBOT [1] methodology and his Tab format. It's written in Lazarus by JP CASSOU. Exists also Java version, and the calculation processor has been ported in Python.

The Toporobot original software (LimeLight) runs only under Macintosh; is proprietary and probably abandoned: links to download are broken.

GHTopo is the "LibreOffice.org" of the TOPOROBOT cave surveying concept.

GHTopo blog: [2]

GHTopo screenshot

Database editor Plan view 3D view

GHTopo includes a powerful calculator, geocoordinates converter and magnetic declinations calculation. Exists also stand-alone version of the utility.

GHTopo Calculator

Greenfish Icon Editor Pro

Greenfish Icon Editor Pro is an open source pixelgraphic editor for creating icons, cursors, animations, pixel art, etc.


Hagen (crossplatform)

Hagen is a open source (lgpl) cross platform html generator (or client side cms). It supports the web developer by generating a website and writing the pages. For that purpose Hagen will automate as much tasks as it can. You can use Hagen to write a slideshow in cooperation with slidy too. Hagen was developed with Lazarus.


  • project management
    • variables, functions and settings
    • template based and (page) divisions
    • source files (.source) for content
  • editor
    • syntax highlighting
    • Markdown
    • search over all pages
    • insert colors, images, tables and references
  • repository
    • for data exchange
    • for templates
    • user defined commands (in the menu)
  • automation
    • automate menu generating
    • internal and user defined variables and funktions
    • printing page

HJSplit for Linux

HJSplit for Linux is a freeware file splitter. HJSplit supports file sizes of over 100 Gigabytes, Split, Join/Recombine, MD5 checksums, file-compare and "run without install". Suitable for Linux. Created by Freebyte.com using Lazarus and Free Pascal on Ubuntu 10.x.


JPDB Admin for MariaDB

JPDB Admin for MariaDB is a tool for managing and developing with MariaDB, MySQL and Percona Server. It allows one to visually create tables, views, triggers and other structures.

JPDB Admin for MariaDB, has free and trial versions and is available in seven languages​​: Chinese, English, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. It is also runs on Windows, Linux GTK2 or QT, with DEB and RPM packages and tar.gz binaries, as well as 32bits or 64bits.

Official website: http://www.jpdbadmin.com

Features include:

  • Multi-platform and multilingual​​
  • Supports Unicode and character tables
  • Assistant to create tables using a data grid view
  • Create and edit the main database objects (views, triggers, functions and others)
  • Several dialogs for creating, editing and/or deleting fields, keys, foreign keys and others
  • Dialog for managing users and permissions
  • Data visualization, including BLOB (image) and MEMO fields
  • Full SQL query executor and SQL scripts editor with syntax highlighting and code completion intelligent
  • Generates scripts CREATE, DROP, SELECT, INSERT and UPDATE statements to the script editor or clipboard
  • Reports of the SQL Scripts and of the query results, previews, and export the report to PDF, HTML, text and image
  • Export SQL scripts to HTML with syntax highlighting
  • Visual Query Builder (Visually create queries without knowing SQL)
  • Tools for monitoring servers MariaDB, MySQL and Percona Server
  • Export table data to SQL, TXT, CSV, XML, JSON and others
  • Database Export Assistant (extraction of the data and/or metadata)
  • Import data from SQL files

JPDB Screenshort1.png JPDB Screenshort2.png JPDB Screenshort3.png JPDB Screenshort4.png JPDB Screenshort5.png JPDB Screenshort6.png JPDB Screenshort7.png JPDB Screenshort8.png JPDB Screenshort9.png


Jubarte aims to create a complete application suite to calculate and analyse the viability of telecommunication links. Jubarte is able to calculate links using Radio, Optical Fiber and Satellites, in the newer versions capabilities to calculate auxiliary systems is being added. Jubarte is being developped in Lazarus enviroment and exist binaries for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

Radio.jpg Optical.jpg

KML File Viewer and Export to CSV

The KML Dataviewer Broken link is used to load KML files from Google Earth and Maps. It uses the Haversine formula to calculate the distance travelled and export the data to file.


  • Begin addres
  • End addres
  • Distance travelled
  • The data is loaded into a grid and can be exported to a CSV file
  • Uses Google Maps API to reverse geocode the begin and end addres
  • View data in meters, kilometres or miles

KM Viewer Main.png

KSP Sound Player

KSP is relatively new audio player that already supports almost all features any modern powerful player has to support. However KSP is still player easy in use and intuitive, something that you can call really user oriented.


Laz Open QBuilder

Laz Open QBuilder is a derivative of Fastreport's open source Open QBuilder for Delphi. It is a Visual Query Builder, also known as QBE, like the one used in #JPDB Admin for MariaDB, Microsoft Access and other database tools.

Based on Jepafi's work in porting to Lazarus and adding Zeos support, this version adds SQLDB and IBX (in development) support.



LazPaint is an image editor with antialiasing and alpha blending, providing many features like gradients, deformation, filters...

Lazpaint curve redim.png


LazSqlX is a Multiplatform mini sql Manager built completely with Lazarus FPC. It comes in handy to any developer who works with MsSQL, Oracle, MySql,Sqlite,Firebird and PostgreSql. It provides them with an intuitive database management tool that can be used to browse the database structure, generate and execute queries and stored procedures, view table information and create new tables.

NewLazSqlX Screenshot2.png

Lightning SSH Tunnel Manager



miXimum by FIENS is the DJ's best friend. miXimum plays and mixes wav, mp*, ogg and mod audio files. On WINDOWS, LINUX and Mac OS X.


MK Express

MKExpress Locks.png
MK Express, created by Balsa software, is a multi-platform desktop application which designs Master Key locking systems.
This standalone application calculates key codes and pinning to produce a non-hierarchal access control in a mechanic locking system.
MK Express is available on Linux, Windows and Mac with a demo version for the Raspberry PI too.


  • MRIcroGL uses OpenGL's GLSL to provide hardware accelerated volume ray casting. It can display grayscale images (e.g. CT or MRI scans) or full color images (e.g. photographs from the visible human dataset or MRI scans with overlays of functional activity). It is compiled for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

mricrogl overlay.png mricrogl visiblehuman.jpg


MRIcron is a medical image visualization and analysis package. The software provides tools for drawing volumes of interest and volume rendering. In addition, it includes non-parametric statistical mapping (npm) and conversion of images from DICOM format to NIfTI format (dcm2nii). It is currently available for Windows (using WinAPI), Linux (GTK1, GTK2 or QT) and Mac OS X (Carbon or GTK1).


Music Player by Freebyte.com

Music Player by Freebyte.com is a freeware no-frills music player designed for Linux. It supports MP3, Wav, OGG and AIFF files. Created by Freebyte.com using Lazarus, Free Pascal and the Bass audio library on Ubuntu 10.x

musicplayer linux.png


MyNotex is a free software for Gnu/Linux useful to take and to manage textual notes.

Screenshot of MyNotex 1.2.0 - en.png


MZTG Home Page mztg is a wordlist generator hybrid, flexible and smart. In recent years, hearing leakage of multiple passwords. I decided to study the most common formats and develop a program that was more intelligent than a simple wordlist, faster than a brute force and more flexible than the current hybrid tools.


Name My TV Series

Name My TV Series is free and available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. It retrieves data for the proper episode names from TheTVDB and/or EPGuide to assist you in renaming your downloaded TV Show episodes individually or in bulk. It supports drag and drop, all common video formats, is flexible in the renaming patterns, and renames related files (.nfo, .srt, etc).

name my tv series opened.jpg name my tv series renaming.jpg name my tv series renaming ubuntu.jpg name my tv series renaming mac.jpg

name my tv series preferences1.jpg name my tv series preferences2.jpg


OutKafe is a complete multiplatform suite of cybercafe management software created with Lazarus. It includes server side administration tools (Linux) and clients for Linux and Windows (more to follow).

Outkafe admin.png Outkafe client.png


https://sourceforge.net/projects/pastequick/ is an open source minimal pastebin app. Use it to pastes bits of text or snippets of code to Pastebin.com without having to log in to the website.


  • Simple one-window pasting and sending
  • Set options like Title, Syntax, Expiration time, and Exposure
  • Login and paste under your Pastebin.com username, or paste as Guest



[3] is an open source (MIT licensed) tool that helps in applying patches to e.g. Lazarus and FPC repositories.


  • Utility that lets you read unified diffs,
  • review the patch, with syntax highlighting
  • automatically change line endings to your current system
  • checks patch paths and guesses patche.exe -p<n> (path strip depth)
  • searches for subdirectories if the patch was created there
  • dry-run or apply the patch using patch.exe (e.g. as supplied with FPC)
  • command-line batch mode so you can use it in scripts (like patch.exe, will abort when it cannot apply the patch)

Useful for antediluvial versions of patch that do not handle these conversions themselves. Open source freeware under the MIT license.



[4] Path-Manager is a small utility application to provide users a clean interface for environment variables management.



PlanB is a Vehicle management program written using to Lazarus (Free Pascal) and MySQL Community Edition .

Features :

  • Management of Mileage Log , Service , Registration , Mandatory Insurance documents .
  • Statistics : global , driver , company , mileage log , average fuel consumption, visited places.
  • Graphs : driver, vehicle .
  • Reminders for : oil , tachograph , fire extinguisher , leasing , driver health check , driver skills check , registration.
  • Unlimited number of Vehicle Groups ( example : Private, Company, Warehouse, VIP , etc. ) and Vehicles.
  • One window user interface , intelligently grouped together for easy everyday usage.
  • Can handle various Regional Settings without problems.
  • 100% UTF-8 (aka Unicode)
  • Handles multiple users at the same time. Items are locked when modifying to prevent database corruption.
  • Simple user rights :
    • administrator : unlimited access to program features
    • user : the one doing all the work , cannot add new users, view program statistics or unlock locked items.
    • guest : can only view statistics
  • Can export almost every table to EXCEL (2003 level) even without Excel being installed.
  • Can automatically resize tables to correct size to fit data being displayed,almost every table supports quick search.
  • Can print out every report to printer , or export to PDF . With Mileage Log Stats it can even mass export all vehicles in selected group to Excel file.
  • Uses MySQL Community Edition which is absolutely FREE.
  • Was written with Lazarus 1.2.2 using only FREE components.
  • Logs usage stats
  • Multilingual , right now : English, Hungarian, Serbian(Latin), German is supported .
  • All program related settings are stored in config files NOT in registry.
  • Tested on Windows XP,7,8,8.1 . (Windows 9x series not supported)

Images :

planB1.png planB2.png planB3.png planB4.png planB5.png planB6.png planB7.png planB8.png planB9.png planB10.png planB11.png planB12.png planB13.png planB14.png planB15.png planB16.png planB17.png planB18.png planB19.png planB20.png planB21.png planB22.png planB23.png planB24.png planB25.png planB26.png planB27.png planB28.png planB29.png planB30.png planB31.png planB32.png planB33.png


Planingz is a software for production planning, forecasting and optimization. It can be used both as a stand-alone MRP program or a supplement to existing ERP and MRP programs. The program is suitable for dynamic manufacturing companies that produce many different products, handle variety of raw materials and often change production schedules and priorities. Some examples are: cosmetical, pharmaceutical, food and beverage industry.

Planingz Screenshot.png

Pocket WiFi Monitor

Pocket WiFi Monitor is an application for Windows and Mac OS X to monitor the status of 3G Cellular/WiFi routers. It currently supports the Pocket WiFi line of portable hotspots marketed by eMobile, the D25HW and GP01. Note that these routers are actually produced by Huawei, and thus other Huawei models marketed by other carriers may work as well. (The Pocket WiFi S is not supported).

Features include monitoring of signal strength, battery status, and many other attributes (depending upon the model). Graphs are available for bandwidth and some signal indicators.

Pocket WiFi Bandwidth 2.PNG Pocket WiFi 4 Pane Signal Monitor.PNG


Promet-ERP is a Small Business ERP System / Projectmanagement Solution / Mail Program / Document Management System. It can be used with most major Database Systems and on all major platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X).
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ProofTools automatically and graphically generates semantic tableaux, also known as proof trees, semantic trees and analytic tableaux, generally used to test whether a formula is a logical truth, or whether a proof/argument is deductively valid. ProofTools can generate proof trees for propositional, predicate and (normal) modal logic. It is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

ProofTools screenshot


QFront is an frontend for the CPU Emulator QEmu


Route Inventory Management

Route Inventory Management (aka: RIM) is a new class of IP address management solutions: IP Address Route Management. Instead of tracking all of the routes AND all of the individual IP addresses found on the network, Route Inventory Management tracks the various IP routes that are found in your network routing tables or the IP address ranges which have been allocated. For those companies that do not need to keep track of all individual IP addresses, this is a well balanced solution between the spreadsheet and the traditional IPAM solutions.

RIM uses - in addition to Lazarus - virtualtreeview, OnGuard and Synapse.



ScanTo Scan from a TWAIN device to file (jpeg, png, bmp and other).

Adds the command "Scan to ..." in the context menu Windows directory.

Добавляет команду "Сканировать в ..." в контекстное меню директорий Windows.

ScanTo Mainform



Scan from a TWAIN device and print. Combines a scanner and printer into a photocopier.

Сканировариние TWAIN-устройством и распечатка. Объединяет сканер и принтер в копировальный аппарат.

ScanToPrinter Mainform


Scriper is a program used to remove your skype information from your pc automatically.


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Simple Chess

Simple Chess is a chess display and communication program (no chess engine yet). Open source (BSD 2 clauses like) license.

Simple Chess starting a game


SimpleGit is a cross platform user interface for the popular configuration management system git for Linux, Mac and Windows. SimpleGit doesn't use any of the language of git, it just explains changes, conflicts and resolutions in simple ways with no learning curve between platforms interacting with a hub like GitHub, GitLab or Stash to make using Git easy.

Clone a repo on Windows Make a change on Linux Resolve a conflict on Mac


SimThyr is a simulation program for the pituitary thyroid feedback control that is based on a parametrically isomorphic model of the overall system. Its aim is to provide a better insight into the dynamics of thyroid homeostasis. Applications of this program cover research, including development of hypotheses, and education of students in biology and medicine, nurses and patients. SimThyr has been globally used for numerous scientific projects. It helped to develop a theoretical foundation for integrative physiology of thyrotropic feedback and to design clinical trials.

SimThyr for Mac OS X SimThyr for Linux SimThyr for Windows


SPINA (Structure Parameter Inference Approach) is a cybernetic method to calculate constant structure parameters of endocrine feedback control systems from hormone levels obtained in vivo. SPINA Thyr is an application of SPINA for thyroid evaluation. It allows for calculating the thyroid's maximum secretory capacity (GT) and the sum activity of peripheral 5'-deiodinases (GD) from levels of TSH and thyroid hormones determined only once. This is a free application that is distributed with a BSD license. Sourcecode is provided for Lazarus / Free Pascal and winsoft PocketStudio.

SPINA Thyr for Windows XP SPINA Thyr for Mac OS X


Spready is a grid demo supplied with FPSpreadsheet aimed at demonstrating its capabilities. It can read/write .xls, .xlsx, and .ods spreadsheet files and can write to Wikitable format - handy if you want to paste tables into this wiki ;)


Tasjeel Accounting

Tasjeel is an Arabic Accounting system with stock control module, cheques module, barcode sales point module, and simple document management module. It is available for Linux and Windows. It uses Firebird database engine.


Transmission Remote GUI

Transmission Remote GUI is a feature rich cross platform front-end to remotely control a Transmission Bit-Torrent client daemon via its RPC protocol. Transmission Remote GUI is faster and has more functionality than the built-in Transmission web interface.

Transmission Remote GUI.png

TreePad Lite for Linux

TreePad Lite for Linux is a freeware personal information manager, which supports Unicode, is fully portable, and does not need to be installed. TreePad Lite can help you manage, store, search, edit, organize and browse any type of textual data, such as: notes, emails, articles, links, phone numbers, addresses, scraps pasted from the Web, etc. You can enter western as well as non-western characters into the article, tree-node titles and search toolbars. You can e.g. mix western, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Arabic, Greek, Hebrew and even Phonetic characters - assuming the appropriate fonts are installed on your system. Suitable for Linux. Created by Freebyte.com using Lazarus and Free Pascal on Ubuntu 10.x.

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Turbo Bird

Turbo Bird is a FireBird administration tool that enables developers and administrators to create tables, procedures, Triggers, build relations, and all other Firebird properties.


Virtual Magnifying Glass

Virtual Magnifying Glass is a free, open source, screen magnification tool for Windows and Linux. It is simple, customizable, and easy-to-use. It's currently available for Windows, Linux and FreeBSD. With over 170.000 downloads and a 5 years history, the magnifier aims to bring an easy to use accessibility tool to those who need it.

Magnifier 3 2.png

Whic: whois клиент для массовой проверки доменных имен

Whic (Extended WHoIs Client for bulk checking). Бесплатная версия проприетарного продукта whic free позволяет проверять большие списки доменных имен по протоколу whois на занятость и другие параметры. С помощью программы удообно подбирать свободное доменное имя. Платная версия включает дополнительные параметры (не whois), а также возможность в автоматическим режиме регистрировать домен непосредственно из самой программы whic.

Скачать whic free ( http://whic.ru/free/download )

whic free.png

WindSirf GTS-31 GPS file viewer

WindSirf is a free, open source, Win 32 viewer for GTS-31 GPS files. It displays tracks and speeds.


Wireless Orders for Mini Bar Cafe

Wireless Orders is a wireless ordering system for Mini Bar - Cafe with Win32 TCP/IP Application Server, Win32 TCP/IP Client and WinCE TCP/IP Client. It is developed using Lazarus and lNet and prints receipts directly to the cash machine.

Demo ( http://www.cforce.gr/downloads/setupwodemo.exe )

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Woodland Potential Calculator

The Forestry Commission and Natural England commissioned a bespoke data collection and presentation tool for calculating the potential for increasing the extent of tree cover across England. It is written entirely in FreePascal using the Lazarus IDE, the LCL and the Graphics32 library. WoodlandCalc is released under the LGPL v2 open source licence and freely available for download from SourceForge.

More Info ( http://www.michellcomputing.co.uk/woodlandcalc.html ) Application ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/woodlandcalc/files/latest/download )


XERO CODER Cross Platform IDE for Grid Computing

XERO CODER - кросс-платформенная визуальная среда разработки, RAD (Rapid Application Development). Позволяет разрабатывать приложения под Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android и веб.

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