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TCalendarDialog is a dialog that aids in selecting a date from a calendar. It can be found on the Dialogs tab of the Component Palette.
The Execute method displays the calendar dialog. It returns true when user has selected date, false when user has aborted.
- From the menu choose Project/New Project…
- Place a TCalendarDialog widget
on your form.
It can be placed anywhere as it is not visible during program run time but only during design time.
It is located on the Dialogs tab of the component palette - Add a button
in the form.
- The Object Inspector will display the properties of the object Button1. Click on the Events tab on the Object Inspector. Select the box to the right of OnClick: a smaller box with three dots (... ellipsis) appears. Click on this, you are taken automatically into the Source Editor and your cursor will be placed in a piece of code starting.
- Completion code:
ExtDlgs, // for the CalendarDialog
Calendar; // for the DisplaySettings and FirstDayOfWeek enumerations
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
dt: TDate;
CalendarDialog1.Date := Now;
CalendarDialog1.Title := 'Select a date';
CalendarDialog1.DisplaySettings := [dsShowWeekNumbers];
CalendarDialog1.FirstDayOfWeek := dowMonday; // in Laz 3.99+
if CalendarDialog1.Execute then
dt := CalendarDialog1.Date;
ShowMessage('The selected date is ' + FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd', dt));
ShowMessage('Today is ' + FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd', dt));
See also